We learn about specific descriptions of the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. We learn that there are specific events that have to happen first prior to the arrival of King Jesus Christ. We know that King Jesus Christ is going to arrive on the clouds and will allow for everyone to see King Jesus Christ returning. We know that when King Jesus Christ returns, what we knew in the past will no longer exist and the new world will begin. We can have hope knowing that even through everything that is happening, we must continue believing in the promises of GOD Almighty. We must be able to continue moving forward in preaching the Gospel while we await the return of King Jesus Christ from the clouds.
We learn from King Jesus Christ that when King Jesus Christ returns, we will have the start of a new beginning. We will start the new Thousand Years that tell us of a time of peace, love, joy, understanding, empathy, faith, authority, dominion, sovereignty, and wisdom. We will live in a time of great abundance. We learn from the Scriptures that GOD Almighty will provide for a time that has never occurred in the past. The similarity is in the time of David when GOD Almighty allowed Israel to grow through GOD Almighty. We know that King Jesus Christ will provide a time that is even greater than the time of Israel during the time of David.
We learn through the Scriptures that GOD Almighty wants us to remain in the faith in order to obtain the promises of King Jesus Christ. We will have everything we have ever wanted and will live in a time unlike any other time. When we understand that GOD Almighty wants us to understand that creation was created to serve the purpose of GOD Almighty. We are to continue having faith and knowing that GOD Almighty allows us to understand through the Spirit of Truth to continue praising GOD Almighty.We can continue moving forward knowing that GOD Almighty is providing for us and allowing us to know the truth.
We learn that when King Jesus Christ returns, there will be the reapportioning of land in Israel and the world. Everyone will have land. Everyone will live in a manner that will allow them to produce from the land and live abundantly. So great will be the production of food that individuals will be able to provide to King Jesus Christ gifts and the best of their produce. They will be able to praise GOD Almighty and glorify GOD Almighty above everything. For this reason, the righteous individuals glorifying King Jesus Christ will there be abundance that has never seen in the world.
We can learn that even through everything, we can continue to praise GOD Almighty and learn that it is through GOD Almighty that all good things happen. We learn that there will be a field that will provide for Jerusalem to always have food. This is in addition to the food and gifts that will be provided to King Jesus Christ. We learn that through the worshiping of GOD Almighty, the world will allow for a time of peace that will allow for individuals to construct the New Sanctuary. We learn that the New Sanctuary will be new and will provide for the creation of a source of water. We learn that through the New Sanctuary, we will be able to praise GOD Almighty.
We learn through the Scriptures in Ezekiel that GOD Almighty provides for us the manner that we will be able to worship GOD Almighty through the New Sanctuary. We will be able to live in a manner that will allow for the production of resources while having an eternal purpose of worshiping GOD Almighty above everything. When we worship GOD Almighty above everything, we learn that we receive the best results in the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ. We learn that King Jesus Christ reconciles the Levitical priesthood with the new priests that will provide for the maintenance and carrying out of the functions of the New Sanctuary with King Jesus Christ being the High Priest and thenew priests helping King Jesus Christ.
We learn that GOD Almighty provides us with a manner to see that he gives us grace amidst the difficulties. While King Jesus Christ decides to have new priests that will carry out the functions of the New Sanctuary along with King Jesus Christ. We learn that the Levitical priesthood is also allowed to participate in the upkeeping of the sanctuary. We also know that the Levitical priesthood and the new priests will have land. This is GOD Almighty telling faithful believers that through faith, we have everything we have ever needed. We can continue to worship and glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this life because we know that GOD Almighty will provide for us during those Thousand Year similar to how GOD Almighty has provided throughout our lives.
We learn that there will be nations that will exist. There will be individuals that will live in countries and will have their own land. We learn that the distribution will be equal and will allow for the provision of needed resources for those individuals. We learn that they will be able to produce so much resources that they will glorify GOD Almighty by giving King Jesus Christ the best of their resources. We learn that there will be great abundance that we will be able to see the abundance that GOD Almighty can produce.
We know that there are other distinctions given during the time of the Millennial Reign. We learn that we are given understanding that GOD Almighty will provide for there to be priest kings that will provide peace for the peoples. We learn that there will be individuals that will make sure that the nations and Israel have peace when they rule with King Jesus Christ. King Jesus Christ gives individuals the authority to rule as kings and priests for a Thousand Years because they decided to worship GOD Almighty above everything in this life. They will glorify GOD Almighty by helping King Jesus Christ in the New Sanctuary while still teaching the statutes and laws and Sabbaths of GOD Almighty to the people. They will reconcile the people so that there is peace throughout the land.
We learn that GOD Almighty will allow individuals to know about King Jesus Christ and the knowledge, wisdom, and faith that GOD Almighty is increasing during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ. We are able to live peacefully and understand that there will be a time of future peace. Not only will there be abundance, but there will be peace. This allows us to know that GOD Almighty wants us to know that GOD Almighty created us in order to have abundance and peace for all eternity. We will have this along with other spiritual necessities and growth.
When we attempt to understand that Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ's Reign, we do not understand everything. We understand in part but we still have so much to understand. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth will be able to provide us with everything we will need. King Jesus Christ will be present from Jerusalem and Israel. We will have everything we have ever needed. We will continue to grow in the wisdom, understanding, knowledge, love, peace, authority, sovereignty, dominion, and power of GOD Almighty among other qualities that we do not understand. We will live in a time when everyone will seek the best for everyone else because they acknowledge GOD Almighty above everything even in that great life.
We learn as Christian believers that we acknowledge GOD Almighty above everything in this life. We are able to obtain everything that we need. We will continue to grow for a Thousand Years in the love and grace of GOD Almighty. We learn that the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ will provide us with an increased understanding of GOD Almighty so that we can live in New Jerusalem for all eternity worshiping GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We will be able to be with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth for all eternity.
In order to understand the significance of this, we have to understand the progression that has existed over the centuries that have allowed us to understand the worship GOD Almighty wants us to be a part of. We are created with the purpose to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this life. We learn that if we fulfill the purpose of GOD Almighty to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this life, we have eternal life and this life is added. In this life, we are able to see the blessings and the grace that GOD Almighty provides us. We can continue glorifying GOD Almighty above everything in this life.
We learn that through the atoning sacrifice of King Jesus Christ on the cross, we are allowed to be a part of the atoning of our sins and to have eternal life. We are able to have King Jesus Christ guide us through the Spirit of Truth through the death and resurrection. We can continue knowing that through everything, we are to worship King Jesus Christ and seek the Kingdom of Heaven and everything else will be added. While in this life there are difficulties, envy, and affliction, we learn that we can continue moving forward through King Jesus Christ who allows us to continue through our faith in King Jesus Christ.
We learn that through King Jesus Christ, we have everything. We have the understanding that King Jesus Christ was sent to reconcile us to GOD Almighty and to provide us with the Spirit of Truth. We are able to be a part of the faith that allows us to continue. Through this faith, we are given eternal life. The eternal life given is seen in the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ. We learn that while eternal life is difficult to understand, we know that we can start with what we know in this life. We know that GOD Almighty provides for salvation. We learn that GOD Almighty allows individuals to have salvation in this life and in the next life. We learn that eternal salvation is for ever. We learn that we have everything we need through eternal salvation.
We learn that in the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ, there will be professions, there will be land, there will be nations and countries, there will be a New Sanctuary, there will be production of resources from the land and the sources of water, there will be peace, there will be understanding, there will be joy. There will be those things that we understand in this life. We learn that the difference is that it will only be the good things of life and will not include the negative things of life. We will have everything that GOD Almighty has promised but there will no longer be those negative things of the past.
We learn that through GOD Almighty, we will continue to move forward until King Jesus Christ returns. We will continue to worship, believe, and trust in the name above every other name, the name of King Jesus Christ. We can learn through the Thousand Year Reign about how GOD Almighty intends to provide us with a future that will be different from any other time. We will have everything while still growing in the presence of King Jesus Christ and the worship of GOD Almighty. We can learn that through our faith in King Jesus Christ, we can have wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of GOD Almighty. We can live in a manner that allows us to worship GOD Almighty over everything in this life.
When we realize the love of GOD Almighty, we can understand that while there were difficulties in this life, those difficulties were to provide us with an understand of how King Jesus Christ went through difficulties and how David went to difficulties for being righteous. We learn that GOD Almighty exalts King Jesus Christ and King David so that they can allow us to see the examples of righteousness that GOD Almighty provides.