King Jesus Christ Preaches the Need of Repentance of Sin and Righteousness Spoken in Matthew 7

 King Jesus Christ Preaches the Need of Repentance of Sin and Righteousness Spoken in Matthew 7





Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”- Matthew 7: 24-25

We learn that we are supposed to obey the commandments and fight against sin. This is because there is favor in the word of GOD Almighty and in the obedience of the commandments. We learn that the righteous are established in righteousness. This speaks to choosing GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world. When we decide to build up on the eternal in King Jesus Christ, we read that we do not partake in the lies of the world that want to lead to sin and greater sin. We are supposed to repent of sin and obey the commandments while maintaining faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

We learn that this speaks to choosing GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the cares of the world, the temptations, and keeping faith and belief in GOD Almighty even with the hate of the world. This speaks to making sure that we honor GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world. This tells us that we are able to grow in our faith and GOD Almighty providing righteousness, discernment, gladness, strength, might, wisdom, understanding, peace, authority, dominion, and sovereignty when we decide to repent of sin, obey the commandments, and accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. 


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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