Persisting in Christianity Series:
"Positive Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin"
Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke about the need to defend ourselves from sin, iniquity, philosophies of sin, and the lies that try to cause doubts. GOD Almighty tells us that we are able to have serenity and positive emotions that are able to help us so that we do not have doubts. We know that there are philosophies of sin that want to cause doubts in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, obedience to the commandments, Scriptures, and having positive emotions described as calmness, serenity, and peace. We are able to learn what is helping us from what is trying to cause doubts.
There are positive emotions that help us so that we persist. We also have the obedience to the commandments to guard our heart and mind from false philosophies that want to appear to help gain knowledge when in reality they attempt to cause disobedience to the commandments. We know that there is the manner to know that if we worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with sincerity of heart, we are going to be able to obey the rest of the commandments. This is so that the commandments are not seen as a burden and instead are seen as light that guides our steps so that we know what is trying to help us from what is trying to cause us to practice iniquity.
The Importance of Reading Scripture Everyday
The same thing about Scripture. We are able to see Scripture as help because there is the understanding that this is to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about knowing the truth so that we are able to persist in the obedience to the commandments and not partake in sin. We are able to understand in Scripture how to defend ourselves from the lies, deceit, and deception that sin attempts to use to get individuals to have doubts,discouragement, and negative emotions.
We learn that Scripture is going to guard our heart and mind from sin. This speaks about wanting to know about Scripture so that we know the manner to persist amidst the times, circumstances, and difficulties that exist. We read about specific stories in Scripture that speak about how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to care about righteous individuals. We read about Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Israel and his household and how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth care about righteous Christians. We are able to read about this in Scripture and have encouragement knowing that we are able to persist in Christianity so that we gain eternal salvation and not practice sin.
Persisting in Christianity
This speaks about guarding ourselves from sin so that we do not doubt Scripture. We read about how righteous Christians maintain their confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth make all things good for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and the good of believers. There is the manner to defend ourselves from temptations, persecution, or difficulties. We are able to be helped in the truth that speaks about how we can keep increasing and improving and renewing our faith in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
We learn that there are specific qualities that defend us from the attempt of sin to cause discouragement or doubt. We are able to know that the Spirit of Truth helps us persist. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth help righteous individuals amidst the difficulties that exist. We are able to preach, speak truth, and be able to know how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are helping righteous Christians. This is to be able to persist amidst the specific circumstances, obstacles, or difficulties that exist. There is the need to read Scripture, obey the commandments, resist sin, repent of sin, have positive emotions, and trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in order to not practice sin and persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in order to obtain eternal salvation.
Obedience to the Commandments Guards From False Philosophies of Sin
This speaks about maintaining in the path of righteousness so that we are not in the path of iniquity. Sin wants individuals to practice greater sin so that they do not go to Scripture and obey the commandments and stray towards the path of iniquity that attempts to lead to the road of perdition. This speaks about knowing that we have to be able to persist in obedience to the commandments because this is going to prevent us from practicing sin. Obedience to the commandments is able to allow us to have positive emotions that are going to help us prevent any sense of doubting or discouragement that sin wants to cause.
There are specific philosophies of hate that are of sin that want to cause hate. There are philosophies of sin that want individuals to hate the opposite gender (MGTOW and feminism), hate Christians, hate a specific ethnicity, hate the poor, or hate the rich. We are not supposed to have hate. In the beginning, there may have been the manner that specific false philosophies attempted to cause the practice of negative emotions starting with resentment, but I was able to persist in reading Scripture and obeying the commandments so that I was able to know how to forsake the negative emotions and the philosophies of hate that I was reading about. This speaks about being able to persist amidst the times that we live in.
End Times Deception
I know that Paul and Peter speak about how in the latter days there were going to be philosophies of idols that were going to attempt to lead people to not practice Christianity. Amidst the descriptions include how there were going to be false information that was going to attempt to deceive individuals into practicing idolatry and grave sin. This speaks about being able to know the manner to understand the signs of the times. There are specific books in Scripture that speak about end times descriptions. We are able to know that we have seen the manner that false information is attempting to cause individuals to have negative emotions so that they practice idolatry and sin.
This is something that is understandable concerning the end times because sin wants to deceive individuals into practicing idol worship or the worship of something that is not GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to know that we are not supposed to pay attention to false information that wants to cause individuals to practice idolatry because it is trying to lead individuals far from GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. There is the understanding that the end times is a time when we need to be closer to Scripture, have obedience to the commandments, and trust GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
Positive Emotions Prevent Negative Emotions From Developing
This speaks about how there is the attempt of sin to cause division, strife, and negative emotions in order so that individuals are at odds with one another. We are told of the need to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is why we have to obey the commandments with sincerity of heart so that the Spirit of Truth can help us understand the times that we are living in. While Scripture and obedience to the commandments creates peace, serenity, harmony, unity, understanding, empathy, justice, equity, and equality, we know that the false information is trying to cause doubts and strife. This is why we have to have positive emotions that are able to guard our heart and mind from sin, negative emotions, and strife. This speaks about being able to know how to let go of past resentment.
We are able to understand that sin wants to use past difficulties in order to attempt to increase resentment and negative emotions and then lead to false information described in philosophies of sin that want to increase the negative emotions. I was able to understand that the false information is attempting to cause individuals to practice sin, negative emotions, and not obey the commandments. We are able to know the difference. I was able to realize this and stopped reading about false philosophies of sin and kept reading Scripture and obeying the commandments. The Spirit of Truth allows us to have serenity that calms our mind so that we are not led by the negative emotions.
Gratitude Prevents Resentment
This speaks about being able to let go of resentment so that there is no progression of negative emotions. This speaks about being able to have calmness that is able to help us have an objective point of view that is going to allow us to know the intention of false information. We are also able to know the intention of specific philosophies. The most important point is to give priority to Scripture and obedience to the commandments so that we are able to discern between the truth and the lies. There is also gratitude that defends our heart and mind from the resentment that sin wants to use to then cause negative emotions. We are able to be at peace knowing that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth guarded us from sin.
This speaks about the manner that we are able to persist because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are helping us. There is the manner that we are able to look at times, circumstances, or difficulties in the past that sin attempted to cause negative emotions to lead to the practice of sin, and how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth were able to allow us to persist. Even if there were difficulties, there is the manner to see things in a positive light so that we know how to keep going in the path of righteousness. This speaks about knowing that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are defending righteous individuals from the path of iniquity.
Righteousness Guards Us From Sin
This speaks about the manner that we may not know all the details, but we know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth know all the details so that we only have to trust GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. There is serenity and gratefulness to know that we are able to persist in righteousness. This speaks about how righteousness is able to guide us so that we are not in the wrong path. This is so that we are not in the path of wickedness. I was able to know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is defending me from sin. This is so that we are able to know that there is false information that is being written not with the intention to help individuals outgrow their resentments, but with the intention of reminding them of the need to have negative emotions and the need to have bitterness. We are not supposed to have these emotions because they are not good emotions.
That is not what we have to do. That is not what we have to remind ourselves. That is not what Scripture is calling us to do. Scripture tells us of the need to persist in the path of eternal salvation because there is the manner that we can have encouragement to make it in the times that we live in because we obey the commandments with sincerity of heart. There is the understanding that there were righteous individuals that have made it from Moses and the people of Israel who persisted in the wilderness because of their obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth helping us strengthen ourselves and gain wisdom so that we know the truth and increase in our trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that Moses and the people were able to make it to the land of Israel where there were no longer going to be difficulties in obedience to the commandments.
The Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Motivates
This speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth want righteous Christians to be motivated so that we do not allow sin to cause negative emotions or frustration. The positive emotions of serenity and peace are going to block out the negative emotions of frustration and resentment. If we have gratitude everyday about being able to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with sincerity of heart, there is meaning and purpose that allows us to persist and this increases positive emotions and qualities described as wisdom, power, and autonomy. This is what happens to David when he decides to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth writing Psalms, singing songs of praise, obeying the commandments, and not practicing idolatry.
That is why we are able to know about the importance of eternal salvation that is described in detail in Shabbath Millennium so that we are motivated to persist in Christianity when sin wants to say there is no purpose, meaning, or reason to have belief. This is because sin wants individuals to worship something that is not GOD Almighty because sin wants individuals to worship something that is not GOD Almighty and lead to idolatry. Then it wants individuals to question the importance of having purpose or meaning. Sin also wants to question the need to believe in GOD Almighty. This all allows us to know that if we persist in our trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth obeying the commandments with sincerity of heart, we are able to ignore the lies, deceit, and deception of sin. This is so that we do not allow sin to cause individuals to not read Scripture, not obey the commandments, and to question the belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
Wisdom Allows Us to Know the Truth From the Lies
We are able to understand this because we are able to go to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth to have wisdom and know the difference between the truth and the lies. This speaks about being able to pray to have the Spirit of Truth so that we know what is right from what is based on lies. The Spirit of Truth allows us to know the truth, have serenity, calmness, and harmony that is able to allow us to persist amidst circumstances, and boldness to keep preaching and confessing King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior. This is the importance of the Scriptures allowing us to know the truth that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth exist and that sin also exists. This is so that we know that disobedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth wants to cause difficulties described in the story of Cain.
When there are doubts that sin wants to introduce, we are able to go to Scripture and find understanding. There were times when I was an initial Christian where I questioned why there was persecution? Scripture allowed me to understand this in the Psalms of David. I was also able to understand the manner to persist with the help of the Spirit of Truth. I was able to understand that while it appears to be that sin allows the wicked to prosper, that is not the case. I read that it is the righteous that are able to persist in the long term. That is why the story of David helps us understand the importance of being able to persist in Christianity.
Guarding the Heart and Mind From False Information
Then there were questions about how the false information attempts to cause negative emotions. I was able to see that David and King Jesus Christ tell us of the manner that we have to guard the mind and heart from negative false information and negative emotions. This speaks about being able to know the intention of information, people, and philosophies so that we are able to avoid false information, people, or philosophies of sin. This is with the intention of preventing sin from attempting to cause the practice of sin, idolatry, and iniquity that wants to lead to the persecution of the righteous. I was able to understand that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth create individuals with meaning and purpose and if we decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth there is eternal meaning and eternal purpose so that we persist to Shabbath Millennium.
The purpose of all of this is so that we are able to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not practice sin. That is the most important part of life. That is the most important choice that exists. The world is going to lie and say that there are so many important choices that are outside of that. No! The most important choice that an individual has is if they decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth or not. That is the most important choice that an individual. The worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with sincerity of heart. This speaks about obeying the commandments, not practicing idolatry, and trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about loving GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with all our heart, mind, soul, being, strength, might, authority, dominion, sovereignty, and power, with everything that we are. That is going to allow us to obey the commandments.
Scripture Allows Us to Know Truth
This speaks about knowing the importance of the intention of being created. What is the intention? The worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything. This is so that we are able to know the truth. The truth is able to guard us from lies, deceit, and sin. The truth is able to help us because we know that there are other things that are going to be said that may not be based on truth. The important point is to prioritize Scripture and obedience to the commandments with sincerity of heart. Scripture is the priority. There are also false philosophies that have the intention to cause hate and doubt. This is speaking about the need to know false information that is going to try to add or remove from Scripture. We are able to understand the truth because we are able to go to Scripture every day.
This is so that we know the deceit that sin is going to say. We learn that sin is going to say that there are other things that are greater than GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to doubt the lies of sin. This is because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to allow us to know the manner to persist amidst the times that we live in. This speaks about the importance of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is important so that there is no idolatry that is attempting to cause the practice of sin. We are able to know this in the Spirit of Truth. This is speaking about the need to prioritize Scripture over other information. This is so that we believe the truth of Scripture and not believe the lies of false information.
The Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Are Able to Help Us Avoid Idolatry
This speaks about the importance of the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. There may be positive information described in positive psychology that attempts to help have positive emotions. There may be positive information that is attempting to help us keep serenity that does not have the intention to lead to negative emotions. This speaks about knowing the intention of information so that we are able to not pay attention to negative or false information that has the intention to cause negative emotions or to attempt to cause idolatry. This speaks about persisting in the manner that we worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is so that we know the difference.
We know that there is going to be false information that is going to attempt to tell individuals to practice negative emotions, sin, or idolatry. This is so that we are able to know the truth and guard our heart and mind from the lies of sin with Scripture. I have understood how there is so much positivity in Scripture that speaks to the truth and prevents us from having negative emotions and from believing the lies, discouragement, and deceit of sin. The purpose of Scripture is to defend us and help us make it to eternal salvation in obedience to the commandments with sincerity of heart, repenting of sin, resisting sin, and trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. That is what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth want for righteous individuals. We are created with eternal meaning and purpose when we decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
Avoiding the Lies of Nihilism and Atheism
We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth create with meaning and purpose, and individuals are able to obtain eternal meaning and purpose when individuals decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not practice idolatry. This speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth want righteous individuals for all eternity. All of that is able to help us, guard us, and allow us to understand the manner to keep persisting in Christianity. This speaks about having confidence, trust, and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
We learn that Scripture tells us that in the end times there is going to be false information that is going to say that there is the need to practice idolatry. We learn that sin is going to attempt to call Christianity hateful while we know that this is blatant projection from sin. This speaks about the manner that there is going to be false philosophies that are going to say that Christianity preaches hate. We learn that is not true and instead that Christianity calls us to have serenity, calmness, harmony, and peace. We learn that sin is what is attempting to cause strife and negative emotions. This is so that we know the truth from the lies. This is because idolatry does not want individuals to speak truth concerning the difficulties that sin attempts to cause.
Hating Sin and Not the Individual
We learn that Christianity tells us to hate sin, but not to hate the individual. This speaks about being able to distinguish that sin wants individuals to hate each other, while GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to know that there is no need to hate individuals. We are supposed to hate sin. This is because sin wants to cause difficulties. This speaks about hating idolatry, coveting, and sexual immorality while preaching repentance of sin to individuals. There is also the need to know that we do not partake in sin because sin wants to lead to grave sin. This speaks about the need to know also when to avoid negative emotions, information, or people, but not to hate individuals. This speaks about hating sin. This prevents us from developing negative emotions that sin wants individuals to have. This speaks about the difference in knowing the truth from the lies. The Spirit of Truth is able to help us understand this.
This is able to help us persist in Christianity so that we do not allow the negative emotions to cause the practice of sin. This speaks about the manner that when we are initial Christians, there may be residual negative emotions from the past. The Spirit of Truth is able to help righteous Christians who obey the commandments with sincerity of heart know how to use calmness, serenity, harmony, and peace to avoid negative emotions. Sin wants there to be resentment and frustration that it can attempt to use to cause the practice of sin and anger. We are able to let go of resentment and not allow anger to develop because instead there is gratitude, calmness, and serenity that prevent sin from using negative emotions. Instead there is self dominion over the emotions, and there is the manner to persist in righteousness.
Paying Attention to Scripture and Obedience to the Commandments Instead of Negative False Information
This speaks about knowing the difference so that we know that Christianity tells us the truth. This is so that we are able to speak truth to the deceit of sin. When there is false information that wants to cause discouragement so that there is resentment, we go to Scripture and remind sin what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth say. At first, I did have resentment when I found out there was false information that does not want to help and is written with the intention to cause negative emotions, the practice of idolatry, and the practice of sin. Yet I was able to persist because I decided to keep reading Scripture and obeying the commandments with sincerity of heart. I was able to know that there is no need to have resentment because of deceit that is existing in the end times. We are supposed to know that this is a time of testing to know the righteous from individuals that practice iniquity.
This speaks about being able to know that there is no need to have negative emotions about anything. This is what King Jesus Christ tells us not to worry about anything, not to be anxious about anything, and not to be in dread. This speaks about being able to have positive emotions described as serenity that are able to remove any negative emotions. Instead of seeing negative information, false beliefs, or having negative emotions, we are able to have gratitude and persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about the manner that the positive emotions are able to guard our heart from negative emotions that want to lead to the practice of sin.
Developing Self Dominion Over the Emotions
This allows us to know the manner to keep going and to defend ourselves from the negative emotions that sin wants to use. We are supposed to control the emotions and prevent sin from leading to the practice of sin. This is able to allow us the manner to know how to persist amidst the times that we are living in when there is false and negative information that is attempted to be used to cause negative emotions. Also knowing that when we are initial Christians, there may be negative emotions that were from the past, yet we are able to have self dominion when we begin to obey the commandments with sincerity of heart. Even when we are mature Christians, sin is still attempting to cause negative emotions, and we are able to be aware of this. We are able to know the intentions of sin, so that we know the importance of serenity. This speaks about being able to have self dominion of the emotions and this is also described as power.
This is going to prevent anger from developing because instead we know the intention of sin, know that we do not need negative emotions or the practice of sin, and know that the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth defends us from iniquity. If there is no resentment, there is no anger, if there is no anger, there is no hate. If there is no anger and no hate, there is no sin. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to know this. If false information is saying that Christianity says there is the need to hate, that is false and is not what Scripture says. We know that the false philosophies are not based on truth, and instead we are able to doubt the false information. Instead we know that it is false beliefs that are trying to cause negative emotions and strife. We have to understand this so that we know the difference and the truth. That is what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to know because we are able to be strengthened in the truth.
The Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Allow Righteous Christians to Persist
This speaks about how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth want righteous Christians to persist in righteousness and not practicing sin. This speaks about how we keep increasing in wisdom, power, authority, dominion, sovereignty, autonomy, and serenity because we decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over creation. There is no idolatry. This speaks about the importance of going to Scripture is going to keep us in the right frame of mind and objective point of view. This speaks about the manner that positive emotions are able to help us persist in Christianity. There is understanding, wisdom, and knowledge that is going to keep us from idolatry, lies, and deceit. This speaks about being able to read Scripture every day in order to guard our heart and mind from sin. This is so that we are able to persist amidst the times of deception.
This speaks about being able to know the intention of information so that we know if there is the intention of false information to cause resentment or negative emotions, we choose another source of information. This is speaking about having another source of information that speaks truth or that does not cause negative emotions. We are able to know that we are able to persist in the obedience to the commandments with sincerity of heart and going to Scripture. There are going to be lies that sin is going to try to say to cause discouragement. We do not have discouragement because there is no shame, guilt, or condemnation because there is no sin. This is able to allow us to know that we are free from sin and do not need negative emotions. This speaks about having positive emotions so that we know why there are no negative emotions in Shabbath Millennium.
Self Dominion Over the Emotions and Starting Each Day with Scripture
There is the manner to have positive emotions described as calmness, serenity, peace, and harmony that are able to prevent us from developing negative emotions that sin wants individuals to have. This speaks about how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth care about righteous individuals. This speaks about having specific Scripture verses that are going to help us persist in Christianity and not practice idolatry. Sin is going to question the importance of Scripture time or of obeying the commandments because it does not want individuals to be encouraged. We are able to speak back the truth to sin from Scripture so that we are able to persist and not believe the lies of sin. If we begin everyday with Scripture, we are going to have positive thoughts, positive emotions, and encouragement to start the day. This is going to guard our heart and mind from the deceit of sin.
There are times when we can increase time in Scripture because of difficulties or circumstances. This is so that we are reminded of the truth of Scripture when there is persecution, envy, or the hate of sin. This allows us to know that we are not alone and that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are helping us persist amidst the times that we live in. This allows us to know that we can have calmness and make it amidst the times that we are living in so that we are able to persist. There is the need to have a positive Christian frame of mind, having optimism, and increasing in calmness so that we are able to know the truth from the lies. When we go to information that is outside of Scripture, not all information is trying to help us.
Distinguishing Between Positive Sources of Information and False Information
This speaks about having sources of information that remind us of the importance of Scripture or that are going to allow us to have positive emotions and that speak truth. This is so that we do not read information that is false, negative, and attempting to cause negative emotions. In the times that we live in, not all information is the same and not all information is trying to help us. This is something that we have to know because the Spirit of Truth is able to help us and guard our heart and mind from deception, lies, and from sin. This is so that we know the truth and are able to know when false information is trying to cause discouragement or doubts in order to attempt to lead individuals far from Scripture and the obedience to the commandments.
There is false information that is not going to say that they are false philosophies of sin. We learn that there is false information or false philosophies of sin that are going to say that they are trying to help obtain wisdom that is greater than Scripture. This is based on lies and only attempts to cause individuals to not obey the commandments and lead to the path of iniquity. We are supposed to know the difference. The intention is to cause individuals to not obey Scripture and not obey the commandments. We are supposed to know what information is trying to help us have positive emotions and persist in Christianity from the information that wants to cause negative emotions and the practice of false philosophies of sin.
Distinguishing Between Information That is Going to Help Us Persist in Christianity From False Negative Information
We are also able to create information that is going to help individuals persist in the path of Christianity and not practice sin. This speaks about preaching and describing the manner that we are able to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is so that we do not practice sin. This is so that we are able to go to Scripture and obey the commandments. This allows us to keep a positive perspective that is going to help us and defend us from sin. If something is not helping us then being able to turn off the channel on the television, turning off the phone, and having specific sites that help persist in Christianity, and having specific Scripture that reminds us of the truth.
This is because we know that we are living in times where there is other information that is not trying to help. There may be other things that are being said that are not based on truth. This is so that we do not doubt Scripture. We know that the intention of Scripture is to sustain, strengthen, and help us persist while we await the return of King Jesus Christ from the clouds. We are able to know that while we may understand the truth from the false information, the Spirit of Truth is able to guard our heart and mind from the deception of sin. This speaks about knowing how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth speak the truth allowing us to know that we are able to be encouraged, strengthened, and fortified in Scripture.
Questioning False Negative Information
There is the need to have positive emotions so that we are able to persist amidst the times that we live in. There are some false sources that are going to question the importance of positive emotions, the need to go to Scripture, or the need to obey the commandments. Instead we are able to question the veracity, truth, and intention of those sources of false information. So we have to question the false information. There may be false information that may say that the commandments do not help. This is a a lie. The commandments are able to allow us to persist in Christianity so that we do not have difficulties that grave sin wants to cause.
Initially, when we are Christians, we may not know how important it is to know the intention of information. This is because we may think that all information is trying to help. When we mature in Christianity because of persecution, circumstances, or times, we are able to know that there is information that is written with the intention to help and there is false negative information that is written with the intention to lead to the practice of negative emotions, sin, and vices. This is so that we do not believe lies that want to cause idolatry.
Guarding the Mind From False Information
We learn that instead of believing the lies of false information, we are able to know that Scripture speaks truth in the manner that the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to help us persist amidst the times that we live in. This speaks about the manner that we are supposed to care about GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are supposed to care about the obedience to the commandments with sincerity of heart. We are supposed to care about resisting sin and repenting of sin. We are supposed to care about maintaining positive emotions. We are supposed to care about the manner that we can increase in positive qualities such as autonomy that help us persist in Christianity.
This allows us to be strengthened amidst the obstacles, difficulties, or times. This speaks about being able to make it. The Spirit of Truth is going to allow us the manner to know that any information that is stating that it need to be priority over Scripture is attempting to lead to the practice of idolatry and sin. We are able to question the need to distinguish this. There are philosophies of sin described in communism and socialism that do not want the practice of obedience to the commandments. We are able to know the difference so that we do not believe, practice, or accept the deceit of false philosophies of sin. Being Christians, we have to know the specific difference of this. Not all information is written with the intention to help us.
Gratitude Guards the Heart and Mind From Resentment, Frustration, and Negative Emotions That Are A Burden
There is the understanding that even amidst the times that we live in there is still gratitude because we can guard ourselves from sin, iniquity, and vices. There is the manner to know that we are able to persist in righteousness and not practice deceit, deception, and grave sin. This speaks about being able to know that we are able to distinguish between the truth of Scripture and the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and the lies that sin wants to speak. There are positive things in the reminder of Scripture. We are able to know what is encouraging us from the deceit of sin that wants to cause discouragement.
This describes the manner to persist amidst the times that we live in. This is because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth guard the righteous.
Guarding the Heart and the Mind Youtube Podcast
New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast:
The Book of Enosh Series
The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know
The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation
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The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin
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Confidence, Trust, and Positivity
Persisting in Christianity
Persistence in the Path of the Righteous
Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series
Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception
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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.
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