The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know


Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke in the previous episode about the Psalms of protection that included Psalm 37, 68, 91, 97, and 98. We also know about the sovereignty of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything that we read in Revelation. When we go through things in life, we have to know that we are defended in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in the shadow of the wings of GOD Almighty. This is to keep going. This is what we have to do as believers. We have to keep preaching, having confidence, and encouragement.

This speaks to having zealous confidence because GOD Almighty always resolves everything. GOD Almighty allows us to know that if we have confidence in GOD Almighty, GOD Almighty is going to resolve everything for good. We know that GOD Almighty works all things for the good of the kingdom of Heaven and for the good of believers. We know that GOD Almighty defends us. We went over the Psalms to know how they help. They remind us of GOD Almighty's defense like we read about David. We also know about the Book of Enosh Chapter 50 that tells us about the things that Scripture tells us.

The Book of Enosh Can Be Used Supplementary to Scripture

The Book of Enosh tells us about things that are told in Scripture. We know that the Book of Enosh may help for some believers after reading the Scriptures and getting an understanding of the Scriptures. There are descriptions about the righteous angels and the angels that sin. We read about the importance of Scripture and that to some the descriptions may be a distraction from the understanding that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to defend the righteous. We learn that GOD Almighty is able to increase positive qualities like strength, might, wisdom, authority, dominion, sovereignty, and understanding to the righteous individuals who choose to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

We know that when we are Christians, there are parts of the Book of Enosh that may help us gain an understanding about things that are said in Scripture like the story of creation, Noah, and the stories about Jesus Christ's return from the clouds and start of the Shabbath Millennium. There are parts of the book that help us remind us about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to help us when there are difficulties. This speaks to what Scriptures tells us. We do have to give priority to Scripture and we know that in the Spirit of Truth we are able to understand if the Book of Enosh may help us gain understanding.

Righteousness Allows Christians to Persist

We learn that there is the description of specific prophecy that speaks about the manner that the people of Israel would be able to persist throughout time into eternity because of righteousness and there is a description of how specific individuals are described that we read about in Scripture. We learn about how there were nations that were going to go against Israel and how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to guard Israel from the hostile nations. We learn about the manner that there would be idolatry and sin from people who practice iniquity and there would be difficulties, and then how they have a righteous remnant that is able to persist throughout history and into eternity. This speaks about the difference between the path of the righteous and the path of iniquity.

There are specific chapters that tell about the events that we read about in Scripture about the confidence, belief, and faith of righteous individuals that is able to allow Israel to persist. This is another perspective of how GOD Almighty allows the prophet the manner to know what was going to happen in the future. We read that Enosh says about specific events that speak about the remnant of Israel being guarded from iniquity ,and the manner that GOD Almighty is able to defend righteous individuals. We read about Peter, Paul, and John who are also able to give prophecy. We read about the importance of being able to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the creation.

Reasons Why the Book of Enosh Was Not Included in Scripture Although Enosh 1.9 is Mentioned in Jude

We read that the reason that the Book of Enosh may not have been included in the Scriptures may have been because there are different topics spoken about that are difficult to categorize within Scripture. We know that there is so much information in the Book of Enosh that talks about creation that is spoken in Genesis describing the story of Noah to events in Revelation about the return of King Jesus Christ from the clouds and the start of Shabbath Millennium. We learn that all of this speaks to the need to have the Spirit of Truth to know what is truth from what is not. We know that there are specific passages of the Book of Enosh that are included in the letters of Jude (Enoch 1.9) and Peter.

Enosh Chapter 2-5 tells us about the creation and the order that exists in the universe. Chapter 5 goes into the distinction between the path of the righteous that are able to inherit the spiritual promised land and the path of iniquity that causes difficulties and leads to perdition. Chapter 91 speaks about the manner that Enosh is telling us that even when there are difficulties in the path of the righteous, we have to keep believing in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about the need to defend ourselves from sin so that we are able to grow and keep improving. We learn about how individuals that are Christians are able to keep persisting even when there is difficulties, persecution, or times of sin. We read that King Jesus Christ is able to teach and preach while being persecuted by Pharisees. Also Paul who has false apostles that are trying to subvert the Church of Corinth. Paul is able to keep building up the churches and keep preaching in the different churches from Ephesus. This speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth gives us wisdom so that we are able to keep persisting in Christianity so that we do not practice idolatry, sin, and iniquity.

The Book of Enosh Speaks About the Importance of Righteousness

This tells us that GOD Almighty is able to allow us to keep growing in our confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth amidst the struggles. This is so that we are a righteous instrument in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

“And now my son, Methuselah, call all my brothers and assemble to me all the children of thy mother for the word calls me and the Spirit is poured out over me so that I may show you all that will happen to you to eternity.”

Enosh tells his children the importance of understanding being in the path of righteousness.

“Then Methuselah went and assembled all his relatives. And he conversed with all his children concerning justice and listen to your father. Listen to the voice of my mouth for I admonish you my beloved, love righteousness and walk in it. And do not approach righteousness with a double heart. And do not associate with those of a double heart but walk in justice my children. And she will lead you on a good path, and justice will be your companion.”

Obedience to the Commandments Guards Against Idolatry

Here in these first verses we learn that Enosh tells his family members about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth defends the righteous. This is to know that GOD Almighty is respected, loved, and cherished because GOD Almighty is able to help the righteous. We learn that the righteous have to love righteousness and walk in the path of righteousness. We learn that there is the need to not have a double heart like the Pharisees that we read about in the times of Jesus Christ's ministry. We learn that the Pharisees had their heart in another place, and their treasure was in another place. We learn that the Pharisees did not care about the things of GOD Almighty and instead cared about the things of the world.

We learn that the words of Enosh speak about the need to have righteousness in our heart and in our minds like Moses states. That were are supposed to be righteous and not practice wickedness. We learn that King Jesus Christ tells us this and Enosh tells us this. We learn that we are supposed to avoid individuals who have a double heart. This is what Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3: 3 about the need to avoid such people. Paul tells us in the Spirit of Truth to not be a part of those that practice wickedness. We are told of the need to be in the path of righteousness. This speaks about the need to be righteous. We read that righteousness will lead to a good path, and righteousness is our companion.

Solomon Speaks About the Manner that Sin is Deceiving

In the Books of Solomon, we read that wisdom is a good companion and is able to defend or help us and make us stronger. All these positive qualities described as wisdom, autonomy, power, and dominion are associated to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. These qualities speak to what GOD Almighty is able to give and speak about the goodness that exists in the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that there are positive qualities that are associated to the name of GOD Almighty that we are not able to comprehend. We know that there are good things associated with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that there is the path of goodness, righteousness, justice, deliverance, filial love, serenity, peace, greatness, dominion, sovereignty, power, and wisdom is a part of GOD Almighty. We are able to have wisdom in the Scriptures from GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

We know that when we worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are able to have specific qualities that are improved upon and are meant to be used to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that these are good things that are from GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not from the world.

The Book of Enosh Describes the Iniquity in the Times of Noah

“For I know that a condition of oppression is going to grow on the earth and great punishment will be completed over the earth. And all the injustice will be completed and cut off at the roots and its whole habitation destroyed.”

So we are reminded that GOD Almighty tells Enosh the truth about future times concerning the path of the righteous and the path of the wicked. There is the knowledge of knowing that there would be oppression that would be growing on the earth. We learn that King Jesus Christ tells us that as times keeps going there would be specific times of difficulty where people would not have empathy, serenity, ethics, knowledge, understanding, and righteousness. We learn that this speaks to times when there would be oppression. We know that this speaks to times when there would be evil. We know that GOD Almighty does not cause this although is able to use those times to test individuals to see if they are righteous. When there is oppression there are difficulties and strife.

We know that there are times of difficulties when there is oppression because we learn that there is wickedness. At the same time, we know that GOD Almighty is able to know the choices that individuals make during the times of difficulty so that the righteous are defended from iniquity. We learn that King Jesus Christ says that the filial love of individuals in the end times would grow cold. We know that when there is lack of filial love this means there would be increase of oppression. We know that this speaks about times when there is narcissism. When we are Christians we are able to defend ourselves from this by being able to know that we believe in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth that are greater than ourselves. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are the center of everything and not ourselves.

2 Timothy 1-4 Tells us About How Society Would Look in the Times Prior to the Great Tribulation

This is so that we are able to look out for our brothers and sisters in King Jesus Christ. This speaks to the importance of Christians being able to care about other Christians and not only about themselves. We learn that there is oppression because there is a lack of filial love. This correlates with a lack of filial love in the end times of what we know that King Jesus Christ told us about. This is what Paul says about the end times generation that would be described in 2 Timothy 3: 1-3 that describes how individuals would be narcissists. This speaks about individuals being lovers of the world instead of loving GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to see how society is living and then compare to what Scripture says.

We are able to see that those specific verses speak about the manner that there is a correlation with the prophecies of end times generations description in Paul's writings and King Jesus Christ's writings and Enosh. Also not only paying attention to this to know the times that we are living in, and also so that we are able to know that specific times of Scripture and Revelation may be correlated. We know that this speaks to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allowing us to know the manner that society would behave at the specific times so that we are able to have encouragement knowing that GOD Almighty defends the righteous and is able to allow us to know that there is the manner that righteous Christians are able to persist amidst the times. We read that the time of injustice is spoken as being specific to the end times quite possibly while at the same time knowing that righteousness defends us in those times.

The Book of Enosh Speaks About the End of Iniquity and the Start of Shabbath Millennium

We are able to have serenity since GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to decide the times and the times do not decide concerning GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty is not affected by time. GOD Almighty is infinite. We learn that Enosh and Paul say similar things. We learn that there would be another time of difficulties. We know that the initial time of difficulty was speaking about the times of Noah when there was the flood. The times after that would be describing the difficulties at the end of the times of what we know. We know that the first description speaks to the times of Noah when there was the flood. We know that there would again be times of difficulties because of wickedness and that GOD Almighty was allowing for there to be times of grace prior to judging wickedness. 


GOD Almighty allows us to know that after the flood of Noah there would be the potential of individuals to sin. We learn about a time that correlates to Revelation about King Jesus Christ returning to judge. We learn that the times of Noah describe about the world being destroyed with a flood while Noah and his family were spared because of GOD Almighty considering Noah righteous. We learn that the times after Noah would be times of difficulty because of sin. We learn that there would be scoffing in the end times of what we know. We learn that there is using the name of GOD Almighty in vain when there is so much good in the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that there are infinite qualities that we do not even know about that the mind cannot understand in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

Psalm 2 of David Speaks About GOD Almighty Choosing King Jesus Christ as Messiah

We learn that Psalm 2 tells us of the manner that there is a similar understanding that sin wants to cause individuals to practice wickedness. GOD Almighty tells us of the need to stay in the path of righteousness so that we do not go in the path of iniquity. GOD Almighty wants the righteous to be defended from difficulties. We know that Peter states about how Psalm 2 speaks to individuals that conspired against Jesus Christ in the time of Jesus Christ's ministry. We know that GOD Almighty allows us to know the manner that we are able to make it in the path of righteousness and at the same time gives the freedom to decide if we want to be in the path of righteousness or stray to the path of wickedness. We learn that there would be wickedness in the end times.

We know that there would be a falling off of some individuals choosing to practice sin instead of remaining in the path of righteousness. We know that GOD Almighty tells us this in the Spirit of Truth so that we are able to defend ourselves in those times from sin and wickedness. This may either mean that there are zealous Christians that sin would attempt to cause to have lukewarm faith although that would be rare. I think this is describing the lukewarm Christians falling off and then practicing other philosophies since they were never zealous. We know that reviling and uncleanness would increase. Reviling is scoffing, ridiculing, and not being a part of righteousness. We learn that sin would increase.

The Return of King Jesus Christ From The Clouds Speaks About The Start of Shabbath Millennium

We learn that King Jesus Christ is returning to defend the righteous. We know that King Jesus Christ is returning that we read in Enoch 1.9, Revelation, and the prophecies of Joel and Isaiah. We learn that the end times are described by sin, lies, and deception. There is a lack of truth. There are people who want to be hypocritical and cause oppression. We learn that this describes specific difficulties being able to happen because there is sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ tells us of the need to have serenity to know wisdom so that we are defended from sin. This is so that we defend ourselves from the lies of sin. We know that the world tries to deceive so that individuals practice sin. We learn that in Revelation we read about how there are times when there is scorching of the sun of wicked individuals. We learn that there is the reminder of making sure that we do not practice sin. We read about the gloom of darkness and fire as descriptions that speak of judgment that was not meant to be for humans although individuals are given the choice to decide if they want to practice sin or be in the path of righteousness to instead make it to eternal life in the heavens.

We learn that Jesus Christ is able to judge since there is zeal like the times when Jesus Christ overturns the moneychangers tables and told the people to leave the temple because it was being used as a market rather than the worship of GOD Almighty. We read that this was because Jesus Christ did not want to see the temple seen as a market where it was of greater importance to prioritize the market over the worship of GOD Almighty. This speaks to idolatry occurring in the times of Jesus Christ and there being zeal described in the prophecy of Ezekiel of Jesus Christ having zeal about the worship of GOD Almighty and rebuking idolatry. We read that this speaks to Jesus Christ not being angry in the sense of being angry just because, it was due to the zeal to preach so that individuals would repent of sin. We read that the markets were given greater importance than the temple. We read in the disciples and apostle's descriptions that if individuals swore by the temple, it meant nothing. If individuals swore by the money of the temple, that is when things mattered.

King Jesus Christ Rebuked the Idolatry of the Pharisees Described in Ezekiel

This speaks to how idolatry had become the idol of individuals in the time of Jesus Christ. We read that there was the reality that individuals had decided to practice sin instead of the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to be zealous. We know that King Jesus Christ is able to defend the righteous. King Jesus Christ gives grace so that we are able to repent of sin. We learn that is why there is the time of Revelation. We learn that the righteous are going to have wisdom. This means that there is going to be the obedience to the commandments. We learn that specific books of Scripture tell us of the manner that wisdom starts when we begin to obey the commandments. We know that there is wisdom that is from GOD Almighty that is infinite. We know that GOD Almighty also allows the manner that there is the knowledge of prophecy that speaks to being defended from false philosophies, sin, and wickedness. We know that this is described as Revelation that GOD Almighty allows the righteous Christians to have because they have the Spirit of Truth.

We know that GOD Almighty cares about prophets, disciples, apostles, believers, and saints so that we know what we need to understand to move forward. We know that if we are with GOD Almighty, there is wisdom. We learn that the revilers are those that scoff. This speaks about how there is judgment against sin. We learn that the word of GOD Almighty is described as a spiritual sword. We know that GOD Almighty is able to create and destroy.

Resisting Sin in the End Times Described as the Beginning of the Great Tribulation

We know that there are details in the Book of Enosh about the righteous Christians being able to resist evil because they do not partake in sin. We learn that there is the manner that we are able to defend ourselves and have encouragement to persist even in the times of difficulty. We learn that there would be a time when there would no longer be sin and only have righteous individuals. We learn that there is a time that is spoken when there is no longer sin and instead there is righteous individuals. We learn that everyone is going to look to be righteous. This is describing the times after the great tribulation when there is Shabbath Millennium and no sin, death, evil, or the workers of evil. This speaks about there being righteousness.

We read about another specific time period when there would be righteous individuals in a new earth and new heaven. We know that there would no longer be sin or the knowledge of sin.

We learn that the spiritual component of the wicked individuals that caused there to be idolatry caused there to be wickedness. We learn that the wickedness that individuals decide to partake in are with the intention to gain quick gains in specific things although we learn that Scripture tells us in the writings of David how in the long term it is better to obey the commandments and repent of sin than to partake in wickedness. We learn that wicked individuals practice idolatry and are able to receive quick gains like wealth although we learn in the Book of Enosh of the need to defend ourselves from sin because the commandments are able to defend us from iniquity and allow us to have salvation and eternal salvation in righteousness.

Shabbath Millennium Speaks About a Future Time When There is No Longer Sin

We learn that the first heaven passes away. We know Isaiah tells us about the manner that similar language is spoken in the Book of Isaiah and Revelation. We know that King Jesus Christ “makes all things new”. We learn that there would be a new heaven that is described as shining in splendor even greater than the first heaven. The righteous are able to inherit the new heaven.

An angel of King Jesus Christ tells us that there is going to be future times where there is eternity that are described similar to what Revelation says about eternal salvation that starts with Shabbath Millennium. The time of the righteous in the new heaven and new earth is described as there being goodness, justice, and righteous. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to allow us to know that there is righteousness in the worship of GOD Almighty. We know that it is difficult to be righteous by ourselves. We know that we need obedience to the commandments, the Scripture, and the Spirit of Truth to maintain in the path of righteousness.

Christianity Speaks About the Power of Repentance of Sin

We know that there are studies that speak of the manner that individuals are born righteous and that there is the “nature vs. nurture” description that affects how individuals are able to remain righteous or not. We read about how whether it is genetics or the manner that an individual grows up that allows us to see if an individual is able to keep persisting in the path of righteousness. We know that is scientifically spoken as something that affects individuals. We also know that confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to defend us from difficulties so that we are able to be righteous regardless of difficulties. We learn that children are born to be good and are not evil. We know that what they learn and absorb from their environment is what may affect them so that they decide to practice wickedness. There is still the manner that there is repentance of sin that can help any individual turn from wickedness to righteousness.

We are told that if we worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are able to remain in the path of eternal salvation. This is why we read about the important part of the Book of Enosh that tells his family members about the importance of keeping obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that they are able to remain in the path of eternal salvation. We know that there are positive qualities in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth that are described as strength, might, wisdom, authority, dominion, sovereignty, understanding, and knowledge, joy, serenity, and sovereignty that is described as positive. We know that GOD Almighty is able to provide positive qualities that are able to help us so that we remain in the path of eternal salvation.

Righteousness is Developed in Obedience to the Commandments and Resisting Sin

We know that when there is the absence of the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, it is difficult to be good. There is the option to repent of sin. We know that the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allows us to be righteous. We know that there are other philosophies that say that individuals can be good while having disbelief. There are philosophies that are going to say that atheist individuals can be good. We know that it is difficult to be good without the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that those philosophies are going to say that there is the need for works. The need to accomplish specific things in order to be righteous, when we know that GOD Almighty tells us that we are righteous because of obedience to the commandments and confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. It is good if we help in some manner. GOD Almighty is able to help us so that those that are righteous may remain righteous while those that are wicked can turn from wickedness to righteousness. Only GOD Almighty can change wickedness to righteousness in the worship, obedience, and confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is greater not only than us as individuals, than society, than nations, than the world, than the planet, and than the creation. Because of this understanding, GOD Almighty is who is supposed to be worshiped. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to help us know that righteousness from GOD Almighty is going to allow to remain righteous because the source of righteousness and good things is GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that we have to trust in GOD Almighty because we know that there is temptation and evil that exists. How are we able to make as righteous Christians? We are able to make it because of the worship of GOD Almighty, and we are defended from evil. GOD Almighty is able to defend us and that is GOD Almighty's deliverance. That is the easiest manner to understand that.

The Story of Paul Describes the Power of Repentance of Sin

We know that individuals can become good like Paul who was evil. Paul wanted to destroy the church of King Jesus Christ. We then know that Paul is able to understand the importance of the Scriptures and the manner that GOD Almighty is able to allow us to change to something good and positive so that we are not evil. We know that GOD Almighty is able to create, build, grow, help, and strengthen us. We learn that before Paul was a Christian there was the belief in works and the need to be self righteous and yet GOD Almighty allows us to know that we need GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty tells us of the need to obey the commandments and have confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and we are able to keep in the path of eternal salvation while being Christians. GOD Almighty is able to help us.

If there are adversaries, GOD Almighty defends us. If there are difficulties, GOD Almighty defends us. If we have frustrations, GOD Almighty defends us. GOD Almighty allows us to have serenity. We are able to see that we are able to have the confidence in GOD Almighty to see how GOD Almighty is able to take care of the difficulties. When we are mature Christians we have the trust in GOD Almighty to not doubt GOD Almighty and instead of saying well, “I wonder if GOD Almighty is going to take care of the difficulties?” We are able to say, “I know GOD Almighty is going to take care of the difficulties.” That is the filial love of GOD Almighty and the beauty of that. We know that while studies speak about the importance of “nature vs. nurture” we know that if we have GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are able to make it. This is so that we obey GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

Distinguishing Righteousness From Self Righteousness

We know that there is no philosophy that is going to keep people righteous when there is the teaching of self righteousness. We know that GOD Almighty tells us to not be a part of those teachings of philosophies of sin because they are not trying to keep us righteous like GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth can keep us righteous. We learn about specific philosophies that speak about having the manner to sin after obeying a specific amount to specific rules or because of a specific amount of good that is done. We learn that GOD Almighty tells us that it is the grace of GOD Almighty that is able to keep us righteous and trusting GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are going to help us maintain righteousness, obey the commandments, and repent of sin if there is sin.

We learn about the manner that GOD Almighty wants to give us so much when we read about the story of Genesis when Adam and Eve are given paradise. We know that GOD Almighty does not test or require humanity to have to work to have the good things initially only that they obey GOD Almighty. We learn that when they disobey and listen to lies instead of GOD Almighty, we learn about the difficulties that then exist. We learn that this is why we are supposed to trust GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that GOD Almighty is able to help righteous Christians, and that is what Scripture tells us. GOD Almighty wants to guide, help, and care for us and at the same time instruct us so that we are not a part of sin that attempts to cause difficulties. We read about the manner that there is righteousness in righteous individuals after Adam that are able to obey GOD Almighty and are able to maintain righteousness. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth care about humanity, yet we have to make sure that we are also righteous because GOD Almighty gives the choice to decide.

GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Are the Source of All Things That Are Good

We know that the source of goodness is GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that GOD Almighty is the source of all things good. We know that GOD Almighty is able to help us so that we have wisdom, and GOD Almighty allows us to know how we are able to use wisdom to help us. The Spirit of Truth is able to guide us and help us. That is the goodness and qualities that GOD Almighty is able to help us have in order to persist in these times and into eternity.

“And sin will not be mentioned from that time on to eternity.”

We know that because we trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are able to grow in positive qualities described as wisdom, power, authority, serenity, autonomy, empathy, dominion, and might. We know that sin attempts to cause individuals to lead to iniquity. We know that GOD Almighty allows us to grow even amidst the difficulties that exist. We know that sin wants to cause individuals to practice sin and wickedness. We know that sin attempts to consume individuals. We know that if sin does not destroy the individual, there is the judgment of GOD Almighty when there is judgment seen in the Chaldean Exile or the Scattering in the times of Rome. We know that the righteous remnant persist amidst the times, circumstances, or difficulties.

Serenity, Calmness, Gladness, and Peace Speak About Being Able to Persist With Positive Emotions

We know that we can be at serenity knowing the calmness that GOD Almighty is able to help us have. We know that this is so that we can live for eternity. We are going to be able to live and worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth for thousands of years and it is going to be like it is the first day because we are replenished in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that there are positive qualities in the worship of GOD Almighty that include strength, might, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, power, authority, dominion, sovereignty, growth, empathy that is able to increase to infinity for all time.

“And now I tell you my children and show you the paths of justice and the paths of oppression. And I will show them to you again that ye may know what will come and now hear my children and walk in the path of justice and do not walk in the paths of oppression for they will be destroyed in eternity who walk in the paths of injustice.”

Enosh is telling us what David tells us in the Psalms of David in the first psalm.

“Blessed is he who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the LORD and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season. In all that he does, he prospers.”

Righteousness Guards Our Heart and Mind From Iniquity and the Lies of Sin

We need to be meditating and learning about King Jesus Christ so that we are able to have good thoughts, be able to be defended from negative emotions, and have good actions. We learn that the scoffers, revilers, and evil doers allow us to know why we are not supposed to be in path of iniquity. We learn that sin attempts to cause individuals to not walk in the path of righteousness. We know that Enosh tells us the same thing that David tells us. We learn that the Spirit of Truth is able to tell us this. We know that there are two paths to walk in this life. There is the path of the righteous and the path of the wicked. What we know through this is that Enosh tells the children to walk in the path of righteousness because that is going to allow us to have eternal salvation. As Christian believers, we know that eternal salvation is the only thing that we can take out of this life. We cannot take connections, wealth, material possessions, sexual immorality. None of that. When we are Christians, we are able to have this understanding so that we know that we are supposed to give priority to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not to the things of the world.

This is not only so that I am good in eternal salvation, but then worship GOD Almighty the creator who created me with a purpose. GOD Almighty made me unique. The world wants to say that everyone is the same. We know that the snake wanted to equate the woman to GOD Almighty in lies so that there was disobedience to GOD Almighty. Could not provide a throne or increase qualities and yet we know that this shows us that the world is going to say that individuals can be the same. We know that GOD Almighty creates us to be different. GOD Almighty says that each individual is unique. GOD Almighty says we are one of a kind. That is why GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tells Israel to be different and set apart. When we choose to obey the path of righteousness and obey GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are different.

The Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Allows Us To Be Righteous and Sets Us Apart

We are set apart in righteousness. We know that angels are beings of light. We know that they are not all the same. We know that they are different. We know that the Scriptures speak of angels, yet we are not given names. This is not with the purpose that their names should not be known, but with the intention to acknowledge that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is who is to receive worship and not the creation. This is so that people do not worship angels. We know that angels of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are powerful, yet this is because GOD Almighty is allowing them to have power. There are a few angels that we know their names, but we do not know all of the angels names because we are not supposed to worship angels or petition angels to help. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are who decide how Christian believers are helped, and GOD Almighty is able to help.

We know that even the angels that are innumerable are different. We know that even the created beings that are close to GOD Almighty are different. We also know about the twenty four elders that are all different. We know that they all worship GOD Almighty and yet they are distinct. We know that King Jesus Christ is different and we are able to understand this in the Spirit of Truth. We know that GOD Almighty allows us to understand this. GOD Almighty creates us with the distinction to be different from everyone else. We are meant to be different because GOD Almighty creates each individual to be unique. GOD Almighty calls us to be children of GOD Almighty and be unique. We know that the nations walked in darkness because of idolatry, and Christian believers are called to walk in the light and be the light of the world. We learn that this is the reason that Israel was set apart. We know that true Jewish history is the basis of Christianity and Christianity Fulfills Jewish history.

King Jesus Christ is the Protagonist of Israel and the World

We know that King Jesus Christ is the protagonist of Israel and the world. We know that the Scriptures tell us this. We know that GOD Almighty knows everything, and we are able to understand this so that we are different. This is so that we are set apart, so that we do not practice sin or idolatry. We know that we have to defend ourselves from the lies. We know that GOD Almighty had decided to make Eve different and unique. Eve was not like GOD Almighty and not like Adam. The snake wanted to lie to Eve and tell her that she could be like GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty tells us that we are unique and different. We know that the snake attempts to lie to Eve to stir up conflict and cause envy and hate. We know that Eve is different, yet she is not GOD. Adam is important, yet not GOD. Eve is not Adam, and Adam is not Eve. This is speaking to our uniqueness. We are unique in our own manners and different. This does not mean self righteousness, this means that we are unique. This is because GOD Almighty creates us to be different. We know GOD Almighty tells Adam that he is the first man and Eve that she is the first woman. What does evil want to do? Cause division and speak lies. The snake does not like seeing peace. We know that the snake tells Eve that she can be like GOD Almighty. We know that Eve is different from GOD Almighty and different from Adam. Eve is a distinct different being.

Eve believes the lies, and this does not make sense. Similar to the times of Adam and Eve, the world is trying to say to individuals that we can be like someone else. That we can be similar to other people, and Christians can say that we do not care. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth makes us unique. GOD Almighty has given me my own distinctions. This is because GOD Almighty gives us uniqueness because GOD Almighty is unique. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are distinct and call each Christian to be distinct. This speaks to being righteous and being different than the things of the world. GOD Almighty tells Enosh to tell his children to not walk in the path of iniquity because that leads to destruction. We know that in the path of the righteous we are able to have eternal salvation.

The Path of Righteousness Guards Us From Iniquity

We learn that even through everything that happens, we have to keep going in the path of righteousness. We have to keep believing in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We have to keep having confidence, belief, and faith in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is what the Book of Enosh tells us. GOD Almighty is able to help us with these understandings. We know that this is consistent with what David says and what Revelation says. We know that this is what other parts of Scripture say. This is wisdom because this is what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to reveal to us. This is what we need to know. We know that sin wants us to believe lies. This is because evil wants individuals to practice sin. That is the agenda and the goal. This is so that individuals walk in the path of wickedness and do not obtain favor from GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that evil attempts to use lies to dissuade us from the path of righteousness, and GOD Almighty wants to defend us from sin so that we obtain favor.

We know that GOD Almighty provides favor that sin cannot provide. We know that Eve is different. Evil attempted to speak lies by saying that it could provide a throne for Eve and positive qualities that could not be provided. The second method was that it attempted to cause Eve to believe that she could be equal to GOD Almighty. We know that Christians are able to defend ourselves from the lies of sin by knowing that GOD Almighty provides positive qualities that are able to grow over time in righteousness and defense from sin, and the second is to know that GOD Almighty is who deserves the worship over the creation. We are supposed to know that we as Christians are not GOD Almighty, and yet know that we are unique because we are Christians. We are our own different beings that are unique because GOD Almighty has told us that we are unique and set apart. We are not meant to be the same.

The Book of Enosh Speaks About the Importance of Righteousness, Understanding, Wisdom, Peace, Zeal, and Trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

“Written by Enosh, the scribe. All this doctrine of wisdom praiseworthy to all men and a judge to all the earth to all my children who will dwell on the earth and to all the future generations who will practice righteousness and peace.”

We learn that this speaks to Enosh being able to teach his family members the importance of righteousness and obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that this allows us to know that we are supposed to teach the Scriptures and commandments so that there is righteousness. We learn about the importance of righteousness and serenity. GOD Almighty is able to allow righteous Christians to have favor in this life described in positive qualities of righteousness, understanding, wisdom, peace, zeal, and power and that is what we need.

“Let not your spirits be sorrowful on account of the times for the Great Holy One has given days for everything.”

We learn in the writings of Solomon that there are specific times for everything. There are times for joy and times of difficulty. Times for rejoicing, and times for sadness. Times for replenishing and specific days. This speaks about knowing that in the times prior to the great tribulation, there are times of difficulty. We are supposed to know this so that we do not believe the lies of deception that want individuals to practice iniquity. This speaks about the importance of having positive emotions even in the times prior to the great tribulation. This speaks about the manner that King Jesus Christ tells us to not be anxious for anything. This speaks about rejoicing because our reward is great in heaven because we have not denied the name of King Jesus Christ.

Psalm 23 Reminds Us That There is Fidelity and Gladness From GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in the Days of Christians' Lives

“And the just one will arise from sleep and arise and walk in the paths of justice. And all his paths and ways will be in everlasting goodness and grace.”

Again if we walk in righteousness and justice, we are able to live a life that is able to have goodness and grace. This is what David says about goodness and mercy being with David every day of his life that we read in Psalm 23. We are able to understand that the Psalms of David speak of similar understandings that the Book Enosh tells us in the Spirit of Truth giving us encouragement knowing that the righteous are able to make it amidst the times, obstacles, and circumstances. We know that this speaks about the path of the righteous being guided by GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that individuals are not guided to practice sin and iniquity. This means that the righteous are going to obtain favor, goodness, and grace. GOD Almighty is able to direct the steps of the righteous. We know in the writings of Solomon that GOD Almighty is able to direct the steps of the righteous so that they remain in the path of righteousness. We learn about Jehoshaphat's steps being redirected so that he did not assist the workers of evil described in Ahab. We learn about David not going against Israel and being safeguarded. We learn that Paul is redirected from the path of perdition in the persecution of Christians to preach repentance of sin in Ephesus.

Even if we were to fall, we know that GOD Almighty holds our hands so that we do not fall headfirst and instead are guarded from harm. We also learn in the Psalms that the righteous falls and is able to stand back up every time. We are defended by GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty is a shield and buckler and is able to allow us to know that if there is sin, GOD Almighty is able to atone for our iniquity. We have to know that we have to have a conscience that is going to defend us from practicing sin.

Christianity Allows Us to Persist Amidst the Times, Circumstances, and Obstacles

“He will be gracious to the just one and will give him everlasting righteousness and will give power and will be in goodness and justice and will walk in the everlasting light.”

We know that GOD Almighty was able to give grace to Adam and Eve without having done anything. We know that Christians who are able to hold on to the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the creation are going to be defended by GOD Almighty even in difficult times, obstacles, or circumstances. We know that GOD Almighty is able to give righteousness and allow us to grow in righteousness not only in this life, and also in the next life. We know that we are supposed to start righteous in this life and then we obtain eternal salvation by obeying the commandments, repenting of sin, and trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and are able to inherit Shabbath Millennium.

GOD Almighty gives power in this life and also in the next life. We know that the righteous individuals are able to remain righteous because they keep believing in GOD Almighty. We know that GOD Almighty is able to give righteousness, power, and goodness to the righteous Christians who decide to obey the commandments, read Scripture, and be guided in the Spirit of Truth. We know that this is what GOD Almighty gives. Righteousness is from GOD Almighty. If we obey the Ten Commandments, we have righteousness. If we read Scripture, we are reminded of the truth. If we are guided by the Spirit of Truth, we are able to have righteousness.

Righteousness Guards Against Self Righteousness

I thought that we could be self righteous and still sin. We know that we are not supposed to sin because it is trying to cause us difficulties, and we are supposed to be righteous from the grace of GOD Almighty so that we do not practice sin. We are not meant to be self righteous. We know that we are supposed to be righteous. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to allow individuals to walk in the everlasting light. We read in the Book of Revelation that GOD Almighty is the temple and that there is no longer a need for the sun and moon and GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ are able to create everlasting light. This speaks to righteous Christians being able to be in the presence of light and not darkness. This is to contrast the difference between the righteous and the wicked.

This speaks to the manner that there is light instead of darkness. There is goodness and grace instead of judgment and condemnation. We learn that there is grace and filial steadfast love. Add King Jesus Christ, add grace and filial steadfast love. If King Jesus Christ is at the center of worship, there is grace. There is steadfast filial love. Infinite steadfast filial love. Infinite grace. There is no condemnation. If there is no King Jesus Christ, there is no light, there is no filial love, and there is no grace.

“But sin will be destroyed to darkness in eternity.”- Chapter 92

Repentance of Sin and Obedience to the Commandments Allow Us to Guard the Heart and Mind

There is the manner to know the difference between light and darkness. This speaks about there is no longer sin. We know there is no longer going to be sin. We read this in Scripture, and also we are able to learn this in the Book of Enosh. We know that the prophets speak of this so we know this is prophecy. This is able to allow us to know that GOD Almighty is in the Highest Throne in the Highest Heavens, King Jesus Christ has absolute authority, and the Spirit of Truth guides us. GOD Almighty allows us to know what is going to happen and loves righteous Christians.

“And now I say to you my children, love justice and walk in it. The paths of justice are worthy that they be accepted and the paths of injustice are destroyed suddenly and cease.”- Chapter 94

This is what David tells us. Although there is affliction because of righteousness, GOD Almighty delivers the righteous from everything. Because of confidence, belief, and faith, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to help us and deliver us from sin. We know that the wicked are able to flourish quickly and are able to have specific things like material resources; however, we are told that the righteous are supposed to maintain in the path of righteousness because we are defended from sin and destruction. We know that GOD Almighty is able to give grace so that individuals are able to repent of sin; however, we do know that GOD Almighty also defends the righteous from wickedness.

Righteousness Gives Salvation and Guards From the Path of Destruction

We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth promises protection from iniquity, sin, and vices. We know that the commandments are able to help us and defend us from sin. That is what David says. That although the wicked flourish fast, there is not the same defense that GOD Almighty gives to the righteous.

“Certain men of a future generation the paths of violence and of death shall be revealed to them and they will not follow them.”- Chapter 94

We know that in a future generation, not the generation of Enosh because he is only the seventh from Adam. In a future generation, somewhere far along the future that maybe is the end times, there is a generation that the path of violence and death and sin and evil is going to be revealed. Individuals are going to see what the path of sin causes and they are going to say no thank you. They are going to know about the path of sin, death, and violence, and retreat from that path. That is what Paul tells us. We know Paul tells us to avoid such people in 2 Timothy 3: 1-3. This is to avoid sin. We learn what David say concerning the difference between the path of the righteous and the path of the iniquity.

Fighting Propaganda, Disinformation, and Lies of Post-Modernism

David says the same thing to not be in the path of iniquity. Solomon says the same thing saying that the path of the wicked causes destruction and leads to violence. The specific description of individuals not wanting to enter the path of sin is described in a future time where individuals know what it means to be evil. We know that society in the post-modern age has attempted to equate being evil as being cool. There is that understanding from media, propaganda, and disinformation that tries to say that being wicked is cool while neglecting the truth that speaks about the path of iniquity leading to destruction of the unrepentant sinners.

We know that the righteous are going to learn that the path of the wicked wants to cause self destruction, and GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is letting us know that we are not supposed to be a part of that. GOD Almighty lets us know that there is righteousness, serenity, understanding, and good qualities that are going to defend us from difficulties. This is so that there is filial steadfast love, a jubilant heart, gladness, joy, authority, dominion, power, and infinite favor. We know that the movies and series and media attempted to allow the image of the interesting characters to have specific clothing like leather jackets and being evil. We know that we are not supposed to practice wickedness because it causes difficulties. We know that evil attempts to cause individuals to believe that sin, death, and destruction is cool while the righteous know that is not the case. There is always the factor initially of wanting to emulate when we are growing up, and yet when we are mature Christians we are able to see the distinction between the path of the righteous and the path of iniquity. We choose to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the appearances that sin attempts to create.

Eternal Salvation Speaks About Perseverance that Characterizes the Righteous

Since sin attempts to make being evil seem cool, and we know that post-modern society has attempted to appear that being righteous is boring, not interesting, or not going with the crowd. This speaks about the deception at the end times that wants individuals to think about eternal salvation as boring. When we read the truth in Scripture we see that the snake only wants to cheat individuals out of the favor that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth have given to individuals that choose to repent of sin, obey the commandments, and confess GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth as LORD and Savior. We read about how Moses is able to allow the people of Israel to persist and have freedom from an oppressive system. We read about how David is able to persist through persecution and increase Israel to a manner that had never been seen in the past. We read about how Mary is able to safeguard her child from the attacks of evil, and be a figure of righteousness for women. We read about how Jesus Christ is able to conquer sin, death, and evil in the crucifixion and resurrect on the third day. We read about how righteous Christians are able to persist amidst the persecution, envy, and hate of sin denying idolatry, the practice of sin, and choosing to obey the commandments and worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we are able to obtain the promises of eternal salvation and rule with King Jesus Christ in the New Earth Millennium into eternity.

We know that Enosh speaks of a future time when even the righteous are not going to be deceived by what appears to be and are going to see the truth and decide to maintain in the path of righteousness. There are specific individuals who have lived interesting lives who have persisted amidst difficulties described in Aleksandr Solsenitzyn, Victor E. Frankl, Pope Paul II, among others that have described the dystopias of socialism, communism, atheism, and false ideologies. These individuals have stated about how being in the path of righteousness is commendable, distinct, and worth it. We know that the Spirit of Truth allows us to know this so that we are able to know the difference and are able to have eternal salvation. We know that there is a spiritual component to wickedness that attempts to guide individuals to sin and give the appearance of evil being not boring, interesting, and what the majority does. We are able to know the difference in the Spirit of Truth to be able to see through the appearance of these things and be able to make it in the path of the righteous. This is speaking about knowing that the same lies are being repeated over and over concerning post-modern philosophies (nihilism, atheism, communism), music, movies and media.

To be righteous in the face of affliction amidst everything, like Moses, David, Mary and King Jesus Christ, that speaks to being unique. Sin is attempting to cause difficulties to the righteous and yet GOD Almighty is able to allow us to know that we can make it amidst everything. GOD Almighty is able to give us the manner to keep moving forward. GOD Almighty allows us to have wisdom to know that false philosophies want to deceive and cause individuals to sin and cause difficulties that lead to destruction. GOD Almighty allows us to have the wisdom of GOD Almighty to know how everything works out for good and not for evil. This is so that we do not believe that the repetition of false information equals truth. GOD Almighty gives true understanding so that when we know the truth, you are able to see that the lies do not do anything. We know that GOD Almighty defends us so that we do not believe the lies. We also know that destruction and hate is not cool in reality. We are able to see through the perceived perceptions, and the Spirit of Truth is able to allow us to make it amidst everything. Being able to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth has allowed me to understand the manner to persist amidst the persecution, hate, and envy of evil. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are in authority over everything. I do not care what society thinks, I care about being good with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

Persisting in Christianity in the End Times of What We Knew

There is the description that at the completion of history, King Jesus Christ returns and is able to help the righteous who decided to live in the path of righteousness by obeying the commandments, reading Scripture, having the Spirit of Truth, and defending themselves from sin. We know that the path of righteousness allows us to make to Shabbat Millennium. There is the need to try to understand that GOD Almighty helps the righteous make it when they have confidence, trust, and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that King Jesus Christ, Peter, Paul, Enosh, and the prophets tell us of the wickedness that is happening at the end of the times of what we knew. This speaks to the need to know that there is going to be deception at the end times so that individuals think that the lies are an option when we know that they are trying to cause difficulties. That is why we have to defend our heart and mind in Scripture and obedience to the commandments. This is so that we do not stray from the path of eternal salvation into the path of iniquity.

The Scriptures are going to defend us from the deception at the end times. We learn that there are Christians that are going to be raptured and not go through the great tribulation. There are Christians that are going to be persecuted and are going to gain eternal salvation. There are Christians who are going to be in the great tribulation defended from sin and will make it and are going to be rescued by King Jesus Christ. We know that King Jesus Christ gathers the righteous. We have to keep worshiping GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks to the difficulties that are going to exist during the times of the great tribulation. There is understanding that there are going to be difficulties because of sin and wickedness. We have to know that we are not supposed to partake in sin and wickedness because false sources are going to say that is what is needed. We know that there are going to be lies that say that sin is going to be the solution to the difficulties, when the sins are the cause of the difficulties



Righteousness Guards the Heart and Mind From Deception

Being able to be worthy of the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, being able to be called a son of GOD Almighty, and being able to be strengthened in the commandments and Scripture, that is what I care about. That is truth and that is eternal. We learn that Enosh speaks about how in future times that may be speaking about the end times, individuals are going to know righteousness from iniquity and choose the path of righteousness. I do not know if this is the younger generation that are awakened to the truth that know about the truth of GOD Almighty and the reality of life. There are individuals that are going to learn that the path of violence only appears to be cool, but that it is not a good path to be in. We know that leads to destruction. We know that sin does not want individuals to be in the path of righteousness. We know that there are individuals that understand all this, and they are not led to destruction and instead are able to maintain in the path of righteousness, and GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth defends them from sin, iniquity, and the road to perdition. This speaks to a future generation from the perspective of Enosh, yet for our perspective this may mean individuals are going to know about the path of wickedness and are going to decide to not be a part of that. We know that individuals are going to know that the post-modern media, movies, books, false philosophies, all was false and are going to believe the Scriptures and commandments and defend themselves from the lies of the deception of end times society. We know that individuals are going to know that there have been some lies that have been told in society. The most important lie to distinguish from is that GOD Almighty is not arbitrary and is good and loves us and cares about us. This speaks to the good things of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

We know that some individuals have allowed society to tell them that they need these specific perceived things to have the fulfillment in their hearts of what they have been told that they need. We know that GOD Almighty is able to give us the filial love that is needed, the truth that allows us to gain wisdom, the defense from sin in the commandments, the understanding from Scripture, the strength from the worship of GOD Almighty, the authority that is given because of righteousness, the eternal meaning and purpose because we are created to live for all eternity growing in serenity, wisdom, and knowledge with empathy, fraternity, goodness, and equality in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that sin attempts to provide products that try to deceive or obfuscate from the truth. We know sin is trying to say half truths or half lies or lies and cause individuals to be confused. Once we know the truth in the Scriptures and the Book of Enosh, we are able to understand so much about salvation even if it is not something that is popular or that is announced on infomercials or commercials or on the television or phone. Individuals have to make their own research. We know being Christians that the Book of Enosh is not in the Scriptures and that there is the need to look up the Book of Enosh. There is the need to do research and learn that the Spirit of Truth is able to allow us to understand the wisdom that GOD Almighty wants us to know to defend ourselves from the lies.

Shabbath Millennium Speaks About the Manner that Righteousness Gives Peace, Serenity, Calmness, and Restoration

There is a distinction to be made between the truth of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth seen in Scripture and the lies of sin. We know that there are individuals that are going to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything. This is because I care what GOD Almighty tells me in Scripture. This is so that we know that we are not meant to live in sin, lies, and violence. This is so that we care about the things of GOD Almighty and there is deliverance, defense, and help from the things that are of the world, idolatry, or the lies of sin. If GOD Almighty is able to allow me to know that I am in the path of righteousness and that is good, that is what I care about. There are going to be righteous individuals living in the end times that are going to see the two paths that exist and are going to choose the path of righteousness. Not only because of the need to be righteous, but also because I want to worship my Creator and who redeemed me in King Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross, resurrected on the third day, and gives eternal life when we decide to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. King Jesus Christ is returning with all strength, might, wisdom, authority, dominion, sovereignty, and power so that we are saved from evil, and this is so that the New Earth and the New Heavens can be created.

The description of Shabbath Millennium, New Earth, and New Heaven is interesting, motivational, and comforting. The path of the righteous not only defends us, heals us, and gives eternal life, but also giving us the manner to remain righteous. That is something that tells us that King Jesus Christ has accomplished the purpose of GOD Almighty, and all we have to do is accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, repent of sin, obey the commandments, and resist sin. This speaks to the uniqueness that we have.

“But love and choose for yourselves justice and a pleasing life. And walk in the paths of peace that ye may live and have joy. But love and choose for yourselves justice.”- Chapter 94

The Book of Enosh Speaks About the Need to Practice Justice in Obedience to the Commandments and Trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth While Persisting Amidst Persecution

We know that Enosh speaks about the importance of filial love and grace. We learn that this speaks about the importance of obeying the commandments and reading Scripture. We know that the commandments are based on justice, equity, and equality. We know that Enosh speaks about filial love and grace. We know that King Jesus Christ speaks about filial love and grace. We know that all things work together for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of believers. This speaks about filial love and not lust. There is that important distinction to know. False information is going to say there is no need to be kind in order to increase negative emotions to then lead to lust as a substitute. We are supposed to guard our mind and heart from sin, lust, sexual immorality, and hate, while at the same time obeying the commandments with sincerity of heart and having kindness. We are able to be kind while also have the need to avoid negativity. Paul speaks in 2 Timothy 3: 1-3 about the need to avoid negative influences. This means that we are still allowed to guard ourselves and avoid negative information, negative philosophies, and negative people. Being kind does not mean being a pushover, it means being able to guard ourselves from negativity while still respecting humanity consistent with obedience to the commandments.

We learn that in the Book of Enosh, justice may mean obedience to the commandments. We know that Enosh was able to write prior to Moses. We know that this speaks of the need to not practice iniquity and sin. This is because this is going to allow us to have a pleasing life and resist sin, and also make sure that we obey the commandments and trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we get eternal salvation. We know that Christians may have the question of how is it possible to have a pleasing life when there is tribulation, opposition, and adversaries? How is that a pleasing life? GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to allow us to be guided so that we are able to persist and defend ourselves from sin, tribulation, opposition, and adversaries. While the tribulation may not be positive, we are able to persist with the help of the Spirit of Truth knowing that in the long term sin wants to lead to perdition. While opposition may cause difficulties, GOD Almighty allows us to know that King Jesus Christ is already victorious. We have to remind ourselves of this. While there may be adversaries, we know that “If GOD Almighty is for us, who can be against us.” This speaks about sin starting off small, and then attempting to lead to the point of persecuting the righteous. This is what we read about Ahab and Jezebel. We read that GOD Almighty sees the intention of the heart and mind and is able to judge iniquity while safeguarding the righteous. There is the distinction of the story of the boats and lighthouses or a lamp lighting our steps. We know that GOD Almighty is letting us know that we are able to know what is able to help us from what is trying to cause us difficulties. GOD Almighty is going to tell us if there are false philosophies of sin in the road that we are not supposed to participate in. GOD Almighty is going to tell us if there are peers that are trying to cause us to practice sin. GOD Almighty is going to tell us if we need to spend additional time in Scripture to remind us of the need to have positive emotions and encouragement when other information is saying negative things.

Resisting Temptation, Idolatry, Sexual Immorality, Hate, Negative Emotions, and Sin

We know that GOD Almighty allows us to know if something may be idolatry, adultery, a philosophy of sin, temptation, or attempt to cause negative emotions so that we do not partake in that. This is what allows us to have a pleasing life because we worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and obey GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and there is favor. This is so that we are able to keep going in the path of Shabbath Millennium. We learn that if we have filial steadfast love and obedience to the commandments and repentance of sin and fighting sin, we are going to have a pleasing life.

“Walk in the path of peace.”

We know that we are told of the need to practice serenity and not violence. We know that violence attempts to stir up and cause difficulties. We know that GOD Almighty tells us of the manner that there is stability in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks of knowing the difference between the path of righteousness and the path of sin. We know that righteousness is going to allow for there to be serenity while in the path of sin there may be violence, anger, and hate. This is because serenity is from GOD Almighty. We know that if there is sin, there is the lack of serenity. We know that sin attempts to cause individuals to have quarrels, conflicts, division, anger, hate, and violence. This speaks to the lack of serenity. We know that if we obey the commandments, repent of sin, fight sin, go to Scripture, and are guided in the Spirit of Truth, there is serenity, steadfast filial love, and wisdom. This is so that there is joy. This speaks to there being positive emotions and also life. There is salvation and defense from sin. We learn that this speaks of joy amidst everything. This is to live not only in this life, and also in the next life. This speaks about having salvation and not partaking in the practice of sin that wants there to be destruction.

Guarding the Mind From Deception

“And hold in the thoughts of your hearts, and let not my words be eradicated from your hearts for I know the sinners will attempt to deceive men to make wisdom wicked.”

Enosh tells us that our mind is important because what we think about may lead to actions. If we are at serenity in the Scriptures, we are able to increase in serenity and persist even amidst difficulties. We know that our thoughts are pure knowing that the intention is to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and we are able to keep in the path of righteousness. This is what we are able to think when we are Christians. If the intention is not to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, that may cause there to be sin. We do not have that manner of thinking about sin. We are not supposed to think in that manner. If we think about how we can worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are going to be able to grow in our belief so that we are able to preach, worship, and help in the positive. This is in accordance with the Scriptures. This is so that we have confidence, belief, and faith in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. The Scriptures tells us about the importance of having emotions that are positive and not negative. This speaks about the need to keep positive emotions and positive thinking so that they are able to defend us. This means keeping Scripture in our mind. We know that idolatry and philosophies of sin want to cause individuals to be led astray from the path of righteousness. We know that there is no negativity if there is no sin.

We have to make sure to know that we look at the Scriptures so that we do not look at gossip. This is what we need to know so that we are productive and able to keep moving forward in positivity and filial love. Our actions are going to be peaceful actions. We learn that there are sinners who are trying to deceive individuals so that they practice wickedness. We know that sin attempts to deceive the wicked, and then the wicked attempt to deceive others. We learn that GOD Almighty allows us to know this in the Spirit of Truth so that we do not listen to the lies, do not partake in sin, and obey the commandments so that there are positive thoughts, positive emotions, and positive actions. We know that instead of trying to help others, the wicked are trying to cause difficulties to other people. This speaks about the importance of the Spirit of Truth in allowing us to know the intention of people. Not all people are trying to help others.

Guarding Our Heart and Mind From End Times Deception

We know that the Scriptures tell us of how the wicked are going to attempt to deceive by calling what is good evil and what is evil good. We read about Isaiah 5: 20 telling us of the need to not be deceived by sin. We know that GOD Almighty tells us that is not right and that we need to distinguish so that we are able to defend ourselves from the lies. We know that sin is trying to create false equivalences so that individuals think that everything is relative instead of acknowledging the importance of the Scriptures, commandments, repentance of sin, fighting sin, and maintaining guidance in the Spirit of Truth. We know that false equivalences are lies. We are told that the lies are going to attempt to say that the wisdom of GOD Almighty is wicked although we know that is not true. We know that the wisdom of GOD Almighty is pure wisdom and the reproof of discipline is the path of life. This is speaking about the importance of obedience to the commandments. We know that sin is going to attempt to deceive unbelievers with the intention to justify sinful intentions, words, or actions. We are supposed to know the difference so that we do not believe the deception. We learn that obedience to the commandments is life.

Sinners are going to say that wisdom is evil in order to cause individuals to practice sin. This is not true, and Christian believers should be able to defend themselves from the lies. We know that this speaks to the manner that obedience to the commandments is the beginning of wisdom. We know that this is speaking about how obedience to the commandments may be called evil and is a lie. This is to attempt to cause individuals to believe lies and then practice sin that leads to destruction. We know that sin attempts to deceive sinners and sinners attempt to deceive. This is so that we know that we are not supposed to partake with sin or with sinners so that we are defended from sin spoken by David in Psalm 26. That is the intention. When King Jesus Christ says that there is no production of good fruit from the workers of iniquity seen in the Pharisees, this means that individuals do not want to have the intention to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and then decide to sin, practice iniquity, work for evil, and then attempt to cause difficulties to the righteous described in Luke 6:43. This does not mean that they cannot repent of sin, although it means that sin wants to lead sinners to go against the things of GOD Almighty that is described as iniquity.

Iniquity Leads to Perdition

We learn that the wicked individuals in the Scripture like Ahab and Saul wanted to deceive and cause difficulties. We know that there is deception that attempts to cause wicked individuals to practice iniquity and then this causes difficulties. We know that wickedness not only goes against the righteous and also attempts to cause difficulties. We know that there is a lack of serenity for wicked individuals because there are lies instead of truth, negative emotions, and repetition of lies Isaiah 48: 22. We know that it does not make sense that the wicked call wisdom that is from Scripture and the commandments evil because we know that is based on lies. Obedience to the commandments allows us to know the difference so that we do not participate in this. This is to know that we do not practice sin because it wants individuals to be negative, hateful, and bitter. We read about the importance of avoiding sin, being guided in the Spirit of Truth, so that we are able to know the lies that are being told. We do not follow the lies and avoid the lies. This is the antidote so that we are protected in the Scriptures, commandments, and the Spirit of Truth is guiding us in the path of righteousness. We know wisdom from GOD Almighty is not evil and is something that keeps us safe from sin.

We are going to avoid sin, iniquity, and wickedness Job 5:17. This is so that we are able to make it to eternal salvation without sin. We are going to persist in Christianity so that iniquity is avoided. This speaks about why there is folly instead of wisdom in the case of the wicked. The Book of Enosh tells us that the wicked are going to call wisdom evil and that this is deception. We have seen in our times how specific workers of iniquity have called good things evil and attempted to speak lies against Scripture and the commandments. This speaks about being able to know the difference so that we do not listen to deception. We know that Paul speaks about end time deception and how some wicked individuals would attempt to deceive to cause idol worship because their heart and mind have wickedness and hate instead of having positive emotions described as serenity and wisdom 1 Timothy 4: 1 and Enosh 99.7. We learn how Ahab has negative emotions and does not listen to the wisdom of Elijah. We know that Saul initially is seen as good, yet decides to disobey GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and afflict the righteous. The Pharisees also decide to persecute Jesus Christ and have negative emotions instead of gladness of heart knowing that individuals were being healed and GOD Almighty was receiving worship Luke 19: 36-40. This speaks about knowing that we are not supposed to emulate iniquity, and instead understand the importance of wisdom in Scripture and obedience to the commandments.

“Wisdom will not find a place.”

Autonomy, Understanding, Power, and Wisdom Describe the Favor of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth to Righteous Christians

We know that if there is wickedness, the wisdom and positive qualities that are from GOD Almighty, King Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth leave John 15: 5. Joy leaves, understanding leaves, wisdom leaves, sovereignty leaves, authority leaves, dominion leaves, strength leaves, knowledge leaves, freedom leaves, serenity leaves, and power leaves. This is what we read about Ahab who has difficulties with Syria, attempts to deceive Jehoshaphat to gain favor, and does not listen to Elijah 1 Kings 18: 17-18. We read that this happens to Saul who does not obey Samuel, persecutes David, and consults a medium 1 Samuel 19: 5. We read that this is what happens with Caiphas who persecuted Jesus Christ, made an alliance with Judas, and was angered at the manner that people were being given confidence in GOD Almighty. If there is wisdom, there is light. Wisdom tells us what we can and what we cannot do. We cannot walk in darkness. We know that individuals that sin are being led to sin. With wisdom we are able to be defended from temptation.

We learn that individuals that sin and are wicked are then practicing sin. We know that being righteous helps us because the Spirit of Truth defends us from sin, wickedness, and evil. GOD Almighty tells us that the Spirit of Truth is able to defend us from sin. We know that this means that when there is the practice of sin, wicked individuals that Enosh preaches about are going to say that wisdom is wicked. We know that in the Spirit of Truth this does not make sense, and righteous Christian believers are going to understand and defend themselves from the lies, sin, and wickedness. We know that wisdom is obedience to the commandments, reading Scripture, and being guided in the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about the need to have wisdom in order to discern truth from lies. This speaks about having light so that we are able to know the truth from what are lies. We know that sin and the lies are going to attempt to cause individuals to practice idolatry and sexual immorality Proverbs 6:24, Ecclesiastes 7: 26. We are supposed to defend ourselves from this. We know that we are supposed to defend ourselves from temptation. 

The Book of Enosh Describes Being Separate and Far From the Path of Perdition

“And now I say to you, the just: Do not walk in the wicked path and in violence, and not in the paths of death, and do not approach them, that ye be not destroyed.”- Enosh 94.3

We read that there is going to be wickedness in the latter days and that we need to make sure that we are able to defend ourselves as Christians. We are supposed to make sure that we do not partake in sin and defend ourselves from temptation. We know that temptation can be anything from idolatry to sexual immorality to the disobedience of attempting to go against the commandments. We know that this speaks about lies, practicing evil, and wickedness. We know that righteous Christians are able to be defended from temptation and are told in the letters of Paul about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to provide the method of escape from every temptation. We know that King Jesus Christ spoke truth to the lies of the temptations of evil and was able to make it.

We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is guiding us in His light. This speaks about the need to avoid such people, shut off the phone when necessary, not read false information in the news, or negative information, and avoid negative stimulus. This is so that we do not partake in sin. This speaks about being able to know the difference between the path of the righteous and the path of iniquity. We are able to guard our heart and mind from the deception that only wants to cause individuals to stray to the path of perdition. We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth want to give so much good to the righteous in Shabbath Millennium. We are supposed to be far from lies, deception, and negative emotions.

The Book of Enosh Describes Difficulties Because of the Practice of Wickedness

“Woe to those who build injustice and violence, and found deception, for they will be rooted out suddenly, and will have no peace.”- Enosh 94.6

We learn that there are difficulties in wickedness. GOD Almighty tells us the need to defend ourselves from deception, hate, and lies. We learn that Jesus Christ was able to make it even through persecution. We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tells us the need to know what is truth from the lies. We know that violence results in there being a lack of serenity. We learn that the practice of wickedness prevents wicked individuals from having serenity, calmness, gladness, and peace. We know that Jesus Christ tells us to build up in righteousness. We learn that violence, deception, and violence prevent wicked individuals from having serenity. We learn that David states that there may be things that the wicked appear to have, yet we know that there are difficulties.

We learn that this speaks that there is no serenity, peace, harmony, or calmness in individuals that practice grave sin. We learn that is why we are not supposed to have injustice, hate, envy, or wickedness because there is no peace. We learn that individuals that choose to reject GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are rejected by GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that Saul rejects GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth also rejects Saul. We know that Ahab does not want to repent when Elijah tells Ahab to repent from sin. We learn that there are difficulties for Ahab.

Ahab and Jezebel Describe Disobedience to the Commandments and the Difficulties This Causes

We learn from Ahab that instead of placing their trust in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, wicked individuals place their trust in disobedience. We are supposed to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over idols, relationships, people, wealth, and false religion. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tells us that when we choose to worship GOD Almighty like Israel did in the beginning with Moses, there are great things. We read that Israel receives the promised land of Canaan that was told to Abraham. We learn that the land has abundant resources, precious metals, and defense from surrounding nations. We learn that all this favor to Israel was meant to be used to further worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that when Israel decides to use the favor for the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, then GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to provide even greater favor.

We know that when the favor that is given is used to not worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and instead practice idolatry, idol worship, and sin, we know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth sees that. GOD Almighty knows that. We learn that Ahab has intelligence, yet uses it to practice evil. We learn that the Pharisees know about Scripture, yet misapply and misuse Scripture to practice disobedience. We read about the woes that Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees because of the intention of the Pharisees and the practice of grave sin. We also read about the blessings that King Jesus Christ gives to the righteous in the Beautitudes. Enosh said this in Genesis and Jesus Christ says that to the Pharisees in the Spirit of Truth. We know that Jesus Christ says things that have been said by the prophets to speak the truth and is consistent with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are supposed to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with our talents or what we have.

Using Talents to Worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

We have to use the talents that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth give to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. When we decide to do this, there are great blessings. When we obtain great favor, we are able to use that to further worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

“The day of the great judgment.”

We know that sinners are tempted to the cares of the world, allures of the luxurious lifestyle, or to be important in society. We learn that this happened to the Pharisees. Initially, sin may be used to receive wealth or material possessions that appear to help, and leads to temptations and can cause difficulties. This is because we know that society has said the things that are supposedly necessary to have a good life, yet we know that the Scriptures tell us that is not what is needed because sin causes difficulties. We know that the good life is in being in the path of righteousness. This is so that there is no sin, iniquity, violence, and deception.

Scripture Speaks About the Importance of Repentance of Sin and Obedience to the Commandments

“And do not think in your souls, and do not say in your hearts, that ye do not know and do not see that every sin is daily being written down in heaven before the Most High.”- Enosh 98.7

We know that this speaks about the need to not be a part of sin. We learn that there are difficulties with sin. Although it seems from the worldly perspective that this appears to be what is needed, we know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allows us to know what is necessary to attain salvation and eternal salvation in the path of righteousness being able to resist sin and temptation. We know that sin wants to cause individuals difficulties and lead to destruction. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth helps us so that we are able to persist in the path of righteousness. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to provide help, guidance, and defense from sin.

We know that society says that we have to be like post-modern movies, music, and propaganda tells us to be. We know we do not have to be like that. Being Christians, we are able to be different and to choose to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that sin wants individuals to be like everyone else like we read about the story of Genesis. We learn that only Noah and his family are distinct and are saved from the destruction. We learn about Lot being able to be saved from destruction because he decides to honor GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about the necessity to be unique and different being Christians. This does not mean having self-righteousness, but this does mean that we are righteous and different.

Iniquity Attempts to Lead to the Road of Perdition in the End Times

“Woe to those who act impiously, and glory in the words of untruth, and honor them; ye will be destroyed, and will have no good life.”- Enosh 99.1

We know that this speaks to difficulties that occur because there is the disobedience to the commandments. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tell us of the need to defend ourselves from scoffing and from deception so that we are able to keep having confidence, belief, and faith in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth grows us, helps us, and strengthens us. This speaks of the need to be defended from sin.

We know that there is a time in the future that speaks about the righteous being hated. We know that this speaks about the manner that we read in Scripture about how King Jesus Christ tells us of a future time when righteous Christians are going to be hated by the wicked. We know that it may seem like its a large amount of people yet we know that there are righteous remnants and righteous individuals who are still going to persist in being Christians. That is what Jesus Christ tells us in 30 AD. We know that wicked individuals are going to hate Christians. We know that this speaks to the manner that wicked individuals are going to hate the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth even though the best things are in the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

Persisting in Christianity Amidst Persecution

We know that this does not matter for Christians because the important thing is to be good with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is important and priority over society, idols, people, influence, resources, or inanimate objects. We know that this speaks to the end times when sinners are going to hate the righteous without reason. This speaks about unbelievers, unrepentant sinners, and gangstalkers hating Christians because they hate GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This allows us to know that this is because of the difficulties that the disobedience to the commandments causes in the wicked. We are able to persist in righteousness while knowing that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to have wisdom to know what is helping us be in the path of salvation from what is attempting to lead to sin.

“You will be hated for my name's sake. Not a hair of your head will perish and by your endurance you will gain your life.”

This is speaking about times when evildoers are going to call the righteous evil. This is speaking about the difficulties that exist because of the manner that wisdom is called evil. That is what Jesus Christ tells us about the end times in 30 A.D. We know that Enosh also tells us this being only the seventh from Adam. We know that King Jesus Christ is given infinite and eternal authority, dominion, sovereignty, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, power, autonomy, might, grace, fortitude, goodness, righteousness, and strength. We know that all of this is talking about the end times. We know that we are not supposed to let the appearances affect us. While evildoers project their deficits, hate, and evil, we are able to know that we live in a righteous manner obeying the commandments apart from the path of perdition. We know that in the end times of what we knew, there is going to be deception to make things appear to be what they are not. This is to cause frustration and cause negative emotions so that the negative emotions lead to sin. We are not supposed to pay attention to the deceit, envy, or deception of evildoers. This is similar to what David says about not paying attention to lies, negativity, or hate. We know that it is better to know the truth and be defended in the truth. We know that obedience to the commandments and Scripture are going to defend us from deception of sin.

Preaching Repentance of Sin in the Times Prior to the Great Tribulation or Great Tribulation

GOD Almighty, King Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth is giving time of grace prior to judging in the Day of Judgment. We know that in previous times of society and even in these times, the just are important pillars of society. We know that the wicked are being used by evil to attempt to project, gaslight, and gangstalk in order to cause frustration and negative emotions. We know that even in today's times, the righteous are important pillars of society preaching repentance of sin, obedience to the commandments, and the need to confess Jesus Christ LORD and Savior. In previous iterations of society, there was the manner that there was serenity, respect, and empathy. We know that in today's times where there is deception, lies, and hate, we are able to make sure to defend ourselves from deception, sin, and destruction. We know that wisdom is good and not evil and is defending us from sin and destruction. We know that the just are being mistreated by those that are sinners because sinners do not know how to have self dominion over their emotions and sin. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to judge. This speaks about having patient perseverance amidst the times that we are living. While it may not be the best of times, we need to get through these times to get to the best of times when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds and removes evil, evildoers, sin, and death.

We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are going to give just rewards to the righteous and judgment to the wicked. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth gives justice. We know that because the wicked shed innocent blood, there is bloodshed, darkness, a lack of peace, and woes. We have to make sure that we have resiliency to make it during these times. We know that Paul tells us that while the wicked do not hold the righteous in high respect, we know that at the same time we are supposed to make sure that we are able to keep being resilient in the end times of what we knew. We know that being Christians, we are supposed to care about the things of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the deception that exists. We know that we are not supposed to care about what sinners want society to look like or be like. This speaks about knowing that we have to guard our heart and mind from gangstalkers, the wicked, and evildoers because they want to influence people to practice sin, idolatry, and vices that lead to perdition. We are supposed to remind ourselves of the truth in the Scriptures.

Choosing GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

We are supposed to care about what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth wants for us. Being Christians, we do not have to care what the sinners think or believe about us, we are supposed to care about what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tell us. We are supposed to care about what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth think of us and believe about us. That is what we care about. Enosh being the seventh from Adam being able to know about the future end times allow us to have confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that there are things that Jesus Christ is telling us so that we are aware of what the end times are going to look like so that we have positive emotions such as a jubilant heart knowing that every day we are closer to Shabbath and every Shabbath we are closer to Shabbath Millennium. This is so that we maintain confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth instead of the deception of the end times. This is because we are to care not only about the positive things in this life, and also about eternal salvation in the next life in Shabbath Millennium. We know that the righteous get the best in this life and in Shabbath Millennium into eternity.

We know that being righteous Christians, we are not supposed to be sad about the times that we live in. We are supposed to rejoice amidst the difficulties. We know that we are supposed to know that society would look different in the end times and that we have to guard our heart and mind from the deception of evildoers. This is stated by Jesus Christ Mark 13: 12-13 and Paul in 2 Timothy 3: 1-3. This is so that we do not pay attention to the circumstances or difficulties, and instead pay attention to Scripture and worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about going to prayer to make sure that we know how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is going to help us and defend us amidst the times. We know that we are going to go through the times of the end increasing in the trusting of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and into the times of Shabbath Millennium. We know that this speaks about worshiping GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth despite the circumstances, difficulties, opposition, or times. We know that Christians are able to keep trusting GOD Almighty so that we care about what GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth think over what post-modern society thinks.

Increasing Motivation in Our Scripture Study Time, Obedience to the Commandments, Sabbath Keeping, and Repenting of Sin

This speaks about how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth cares about righteous Christians, so we are able to care about GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. How can I keep the worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth above everything? That is what I am going to do. This is so that we know the reality that we are living in. This is to not pay attention to the deception that is happening at the end time. We can be aware of the times that we live in, yet choose to pay attention to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we are regenerated and motivated in Scripture, obedience to the commandments, keeping Sabbath, and repenting of sin. Sin is trying to discourage with negative false information, negative emotions, and attempt to lead to the practice of sin. We know there are going to be end time false preachers who are going to question that there are conflicts. They are going to lie and say that there is no hate. They are going to say that there are no lies being told. They are going to say all information is helpful. Revelation 12 tells us this is not true at all. There is a conflict that we are aware of in Scripture that tells us that we have to choose to be righteous or not. The Book of Enosh tells us that there are two paths to take the path of the righteous or not. We are not supposed to believe the falsehoods or the lies.

There are going to be false preachers that are going to question righteous Christians. Being righteous Christians, we are going to question the false preachers and their lies. Righteous Christians know the truth and question the false philosophies of sin, sin, and sinners. We know that even though there is opposition, we are not affected because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is greater than the opposition, circumstances, and times. We know that even when there appear to be difficulties, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth has already resolved like in the stories of Moses, David, and Jesus Christ. This is so that we do not pay attention to the opposition. We know evil wants us to pay attention to the persecution, hate, and sin even though there are limits. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth allows us to know this that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth have absolute power. This speaks about the power that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth gives to righteous Christians to tread on lions and serpents Psalm 91.

Ezekiel is Able to Preach With Steadfastness

This is similar to the prophet Ezekiel who was going against the sinners who were stubborn in sin. We know that Ezekiel was also going to be stubborn for GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that this tells us the need to be stubborn for the things of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are eternal and infinite. We know that King Jesus Christ is eternal victory, authority, strength, righteousness, goodness, might, dominion, autonomy, sovereignty, serenity, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, and power. We know that there are people that want to take the name of Jesus Christ in vain. We know that they do not know what they are doing. We know that when we are Christians we forgive and also guard our heart and mind from negative influences. This is because we are Christian and know that we are able to have patience and resiliency to know that sin does not lead to good things.

We know that Revelation tells us to have resiliency because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to resolve everything. We are able to get to the point where we say, “I want to see how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth resolves this.” That is the confidence that we have in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. That is because we are not supposed to doubt GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We do not doubt how or when GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth resolves, and instead we look forward to seeing how GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth resolve. This is because GOD Almighty is Almighty. GOD Almighty is also GOD of Justice and Vengeance. This is what Enosh is able to allow us to know in the Book of Enosh Chapters 92, 93, and 94. This tells us about the things that we know in Scripture. We read that the descriptions of the Book of Enosh that describe the importance of righteousness are something that Moses, David, Jesus Christ, Paul, and other prophets have said in a different manner. We know that there are different descriptions and the same main idea. GOD Almighty is in the Highest Throne in the Highest Heavens, King Jesus Christ has absolute authority, and the Spirit of Truth guides us. This is to know truth from the lies. This is so that we have a constant reminder to know this in the Book of Enosh.

Reading Scripture First Before Trying to Understand the Book of Enosh

We know that the Book of Enosh also tells us other things that we do not have to pay too much attention to. We know that we do not have to know the names of angels because that may distract. This is with the intention of worshiping GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth instead of worshiping angels. We read that there are righteous angels that exist that help the righteous. We are not supposed to pray to the righteous angels and instead are supposed to pray to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth who are then able to choose how to help righteous Christians. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth helps the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth decides. This speaks about the importance of knowing that some chapters may be skipped in order to make sure that we pay attention to the main idea that speaks about needing to have resiliency in the end times of what we know so that we are able to make it to Shabbat Millennium defending ourselves from sin.

That is why I decided to cover these specific chapters. There are other chapters that also speak about the fallen angels. This can also be a distraction because we know from Scripture about the rebellion that caused evil to be thrown out of Heaven. We are not supposed to fear knowing that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth help righteous Christians. This is the reason why I did not cover those specific chapters since the important points are to know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is letting us know how the end times are going to look like in the manner that society would behave and to know not to partake with sinners. We know that righteous Christians are supposed to keep their confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth because we know that sin wants to lead to grave sin and destroy. We are supposed to know that there is going to be deception to the point that wisdom and the positive qualities may be looked at in a negative manner by sinners. This speaks to the need to know that we are not supposed to be a part of sin. This is to know the deception that is taking place so that we do not believe sermons, writings, or information that is based on lies, disobedience to the commandments, practice of idolatry, adultery, and hate.

Persevering in the Times Prior to the Great Tribulation and/or the Great Tribulation

We know that Revelation tells us that there are plans from evil and the hate of evil, and yet we know that we are not supposed to prioritize fear of that. We are supposed to have resiliency and confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is so that we do not engage in sin, idolatry, adultery, and do not take the technological implant so that we make it to eternal salvation with our confidence in the Scriptures, obedience to the commandments, trust in the name of Jesus Christ, and positive emotions. Every time we read about the wickedness of sin and evil, we are told about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is on the Highest Throne in the Highest Heavens. We know that this speaks to the manner that GOD Almighty allows us to know the evil that is happening and yet there is the defense from that evil and the manner that we are able to see that Jesus Christ is defending righteous Christians and has angels of judgment.

We know that this allows us to know that we are able to pay attention to the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth helps us and is defending us from the sin, sinners, and evil. Being initial Christians, there is that time when evil attempts to persecute, oppose, and cause difficulties so that Christians do not preach, teach, or speak the truth. We know that initially we may pay attention to those things, yet GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth tells us that we are able to be industrious and productive amidst all of that. We learn that we are able to instead prioritize and pay attention to the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth even in times of difficulty, and GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is going to allow us to preach and accomplish the purpose of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks to the need to have confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is the same understanding in the Book of Enosh about the need to prioritize the chapters that speak to Christians about the need to have resiliency in the end times so that we know what society would look like. We know that there are going to be individuals that are going to sin and want others to practice sin with the intention of leading to destruction.

Persisting in Christianity

This speaks about the need to prioritize those chapters of the Book of Enosh 92, 93, 94 over other chapters that may not be as helpful. We learn that this speaks to some of the chapters that Scripture tells us about how the end times would look like. We know that even when there is the hate of the world, we are able to know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth loves us in an infinite and eternal manner that defends us from sin, sinners, and evil. This is so that we know that there is resiliency, strength, and wisdom in the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to look at the Book of Enosh from the Chapters that tell us that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth resolves for the righteous Christians. This is to pay attention to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not evil. We can be aware of the sin that is happening that is causing difficulties, yet we are supposed to pay attention to Scripture, obedience to the commandments with sincerity of heart, repentance of sin, and the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, praying, fasting, and being apart from the practice of sin. This is to pay attention to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and not on the circumstances. Pay attention to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth being able to provide justice and vengeance while we persevere in Scripture, obedience to the commandments, and confessing King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior, and not on the difficulties of the past because we are closer each day to Shabbath and each Shabbath we are closer to Shabbath Millennium.




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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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