Resurrection Radio Podcast Writings: "The Prophet Daniel Speaks About King Jesus Christ"

The Prophet Daniel Speaks of King Jesus Christ


“I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.”- Daniel 7: 13-14

We learn in the Scriptures, the manner that GOD Almighty wanted to give humanity paradise without having to do anything to inherit the wonders and amazement of paradise through the creation. We learn that GOD Almighty gave Adam and Eve paradise and allowed them to enjoy the life without strife, worry, and anxiety. This shows GOD Almighty’s grace for humanity. While Adam and Eve were not able to obey GOD Almighty, we learn that GOD Almighty still wants humanity to inherit the spiritual Promised Land by believing and confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior and obeying the commandments.

We learn that GOD Almighty tells us that at the end of the ages, specific events were going to happen in history to show that GOD Almighty knows what is going to happen, has decided what is going to happen, and tell us faithful Christians so that we can know that GOD Almighty is the True GOD Almighty. We are able to know that GOD Almighty is able to give good things to those He loves and those that accept the purpose of GOD Almighty. We see examples of faith in individuals that are given abundance and blessings for their faith in GOD Almighty. We also see how individuals are destroyed through their lack of faith in GOD Almighty, their sins, and their wicked lifestyle.

We are able to see that the prophets speak about a future where King Jesus Christ is reigning in a New Earth and the New Heavens. Before this happens, the enemies of GOD Almighty need to be judged. Death, sin, and evil are already destroyed through King Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross and resurrection on the third day leading to eternal life through the Spirit of Truth and the immeasurable love of GOD Almighty. We learn that this is reality, we know that when King Jesus Christ returns, He is going to judge and remove for all eternity those enemies of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. Since we are Christians, we will be given authority similar to King Jesus Christ because we have believed, persevere with Christian zeal, and will forever have confidence in King Jesus Christ.

We learned in Daniel that a similar revelation is given to that given to John the Disciple. Daniel is able to speak five hundred years prior to the arrival of King Jesus Christ to earth as the Messiah to save humanity. We learn that Daniel learns that King Jesus Christ is able to defeat His enemies and is given dominion, glory, and a kingdom for all eternity. We learn that King Jesus Christ is exalted by GOD Almighty for having humbled himself to GOD Almighty. We learn that the kingdom of King Jesus Christ will be eternal and never end.

We learn in the Revelation of John and the revelations given to Peter and Paul, that GOD Almighty wants believers to know that GOD Almighty is giving authority, dominion, power, strength, might, wisdom, and understanding to King Jesus Christ for obeying GOD Almighty. For this, prophets like Isaiah, disciples like Paul, Peter, and John, are able to see similar revelations that speak about the authority of King Jesus Christ. This attests to the reality and the importance of righteous Christians to have faith and endurance in the only provider of eternal life, the King of kings, the LORD of lords, King Jesus Christ.


Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast:

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ



New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast: 

The Book of Enosh Series

 The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation Episode #1

The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know Episode #2

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin Episode #3

The Book of Enosh Chapter 50, Persisting in Christianity, and Denying Idolatry Episode #4

Persisting in the Path of the Righteous: "Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99" Episode #5


Positive Christianity Series 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity



King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Israel Series

Jerusalem, Eternal Salvation, and Jesus Christ's Priest Kings Episode #1

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Faith Episode #2

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Worshiping Episode #3

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and the Commandments of Moses Episode #4

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Deliverance Episode #5

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Eternal Remnant Episode #6




 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of the Righteous Episode #1

 "Obeying the Commandments, The Story of David, and the Spirit of Truth Guard From False Information" Episode #2

"Positive Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin" Episode #3

Moses' Persistence, No Idolatry, and Thriving Amidst the Times Episode #4

Christian Zeal,Repentance of Sin, and Eternal Salvation Episode #5




 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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        You can read the Resurrection Radio Episodes Season One in the following link.

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