Resurrection Radio Podcast: "King Jesus Christ Fulfills Prophecies of Isaiah"

  Resurrection Radio Podcast



Episode: “King Jesus Christ Fulfills Prophecies in Isaiah”


Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke in the previous episodes of the understanding of knowing that King Jesus Christ was going to be the individual who was going to provide eternal salvation for the world and Israel through repentance of sin and confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We read about this in the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel that speak about GOD Almighty caring for humanity. There is steadfast love and grace that GOD Almighty shows to those that are righteous. Throughout history we know that there have been times of abundance and times of difficulty, and GOD Almighty allows for there to be restoration, renovation, and renewal through King Jesus Christ. We learn that King Jesus Christ preaches repentance of sin so that individuals can repent of sin, choose to obey the commandments of Moses, have faith and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and fight against sin in order to have eternal life. We learn that King Jesus Christ gives the option to decide and does not force anyone to worship

We learn that King Jesus Christ preaches repentance of sin so that individuals can repent of sin and choose to obey the commandments of Moses, have faith and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and fight against sin in order to have eternal life.”

Repentance of Sin and Obedience to the Commandments of Moses

Individuals have the option to decide if they want to repent of their sin or if they do not want to repent of their sin. There is the option to decide if they want to glorify GOD Almighty with all their might, strength, wisdom, understanding, authority, dominion, sovereignty, and everything that they are or not. This speaks about being able to worship GOD Almighty above everything. This is for the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that Moses is able to instruct us on the obedience of the commandments, but then GOD Almighty gives the option to decide if we want  to obey the commandments or not obey the commandments. This speaks about having the option of glorifying GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth or not. We learn that before the creation, GOD, the Father, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is the True GOD Almighty, and is forever the True GOD Almighty.

We learn that Moses is able to instruct us on the importance of obeying the commandments, and GOD Almighty gives the option to individuals to decide if they want to obey the commandments or not. Even with the choice, GOD Almighty gives us the best option of obeying the commandments of Moses.”

We learn that King Jesus Christ was able to preach the Scriptures and the worship of GOD Almighty. This is what Moses was doing. We learn that Moses was instructing the people when the people did not know something about the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to preach about the Scriptures of GOD Almighty. King Jesus Christ preaches repentance of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ speaks to the need of our intentions being for the glorification of GOD Almighty. If our intentions are to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything in this world, then our actions, decisions, and words are going to glorify GOD Almighty. We are going to honor GOD Almighty above everything. We are going to love GOD Almighty above everything in this life with all our mind, being, and soul. This is GOD Almighty giving us the manner to know that if our intentions are to glorify GOD Almighty, then our actions, decisions, and words are going to glorify GOD Almighty.

If our intentions are to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything in this world, then our actions, decisions, and words are going to glorify GOD Almighty.”

Sin is Disobedience to the Word of GOD Almighty, Repentance of Sin Provides Renovation

If our intention is to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, then we are going to obey the first commandment and the other commandments also. They are not going to be broken. That is counted as obedience. We learn that sin is disobedience. Sin is disobeying the commandments of Moses and not wanting to know about the worship of GOD Almighty. Not reading Scripture, not caring about the worship of GOD Almighty, and not having faith and zealous confidence in GOD Almighty. We read about those times when there is difficulty because of the practice of false belief systems. We learn that there are false belief systems that are philosophies of hatred. We learn that evil tries to say that the false belief systems are similar to the worship of GOD Almighty, but they are not similar. We know that the worship of GOD Almighty is able to provide restoration, renovation, and renovation. We learn that the worship of GOD Almighty changes us from who we were to who GOD Almighty wants us to be.

If our intention is to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, then we are going to obey the first commandment and the other commandments also.

We learn that the zealous faith in GOD Almighty allows us to be greater. That is what King Jesus Christ does. King Jesus Christ takes the disciples and apostles who were individuals in order to change them to disciples and apostles. We learn in the letters of Acts of the Disciples and the letters of Peter and Paul about how the disciples and apostles are able to have wisdom, perform signs and wonders, preach repentance of sin, praise GOD Almighty, and understand the things from the Highest Heavens. This is to understand through practicing righteousness and the help of the Spirit of Truth. This is through the Spirit of Discernment.

We learn in the letters of Acts of the Disciples and in the letters of Peter and Paul about how the disciples and apostles are able to have wisdom, perform signs and wonders, preach repentance of sin, praise GOD Almighty, and understand things from the Highest Heavens.”

King Jesus Christ Preaching Through the Spirit of Truth

We learn that King Jesus Christ was born of the Spirit of Truth. We learn that King Jesus Christ is the branch that was going to arise from the lineage of David.

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.”- Isaiah 11: 1-2

We have read about this in the past in the context of the prophecies of Isaiah speaking to King Jesus Christ. We did not read it in the context of the Gospel of how King Jesus Christ was able to speak with wisdom and understanding to be able to praise, glorify, and worship GOD Almighty above everything. In the context of the Gospel, we learn that King Jesus Christ has the Spirit of Truth and that is how He is able to preach and be fortified in the worship of GOD Almighty. We learn that if we love GOD Almighty with all our mind, soul, and being, and we pray for the help of the Spirit of Truth, and accept King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, we learn that the Spirit of Truth is able to provide discernment.

In the context of the Gospel, we learn that King Jesus Christ has the Spirit of Truth and that is how He is able to preach and be fortified in the worship of GOD Almighty.”

The Spirit of Truth provides wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, and the fear of the LORD. We learn that the fear of the LORD is obedience to the commandments of Moses Exodus 20: 1-17. We learn that the commandments allow for us to be protected from the temporary lies of the world. We learn that GOD Almighty is the Creator who created everything. GOD Almighty is able to decide for good things through righteousness. We learn that even if there is the hatred of the world, envy, and persecution from the world for righteous Christians who have gone through that because of the name of King Jesus Christ, GOD Almighty gives righteous judgment against the wicked. We learn that for initial Christians there may be the question of why is that happening? We learn that GOD Almighty sees that portion of the hatred, envy, and persecution, and GOD Almighty provides righteous judgment against the wicked. We learn about this in the story of Moses in Korah's rebellion how Moses perseveres and the idolatrous rebels do not. David with Saul's envy how David perseveres and Saul does not. King Jesus Christ's obtains eternal salvation in the Resurrection after the betrayal of Judas and Caiphas. We learn that King Jesus Christ perseveres with eternal salvation while Judas destroys himself and Caiphas also goes through difficulties because of grave sin. We learn that Paul is able to persevere preaching even when there were false apostles and false prophets attempting to persecute and prevent Paul from preaching.

The Spirit of Truth provides wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, and the fear of the LORD among what is described in Isaiah. We learn that the fear of the LORD is the obedience to the commandments of Moses and the beginning of wisdom.”

The Story of Job Teaches Us That GOD Almighty is Righteous

We learn that Job goes through difficulties because of righteousness' sake. We learn that the acquaintances of Job call him wicked while those words were falsehoods and temporary lies. The individuals who were near Job did not know about Job's circumstances and there is the distinction and understanding that there may be persecution, but GOD Almighty judges in a righteous manner. We learn that we are protected through the obedience to the commandments of Moses to not partake in sin and the things of the world that want to lead farther from GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty created the heavens and the earth, and GOD Almighty is the Creator of everything. GOD Almighty is able to decide over everything. We learn that Job, has righteous judgment and is restored. GOD Almighty also gives us King Jesus Christ so that there is grace in knowing that there is the preaching of repentance of sin and eternal salvation if we choose to accept King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior.

We learn that Job has righteous judgment and is restored.”

We learn that King Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago, died on the cross, and Resurrected on the third day. GOD Almighty gives eternal life to King Jesus Christ. If we believe in King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, then an individual may receive eternal life through their faith and zeal in King Jesus Christ. We learn that eternal life is something that only GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is able to provide. We know that the Spirit of Truth was in King Jesus Christ in order to heal individuals and preach the good news of the Resurrection. King Jesus Christ was able to provide for the repentance of sin and atones for our sins. We learn that GOD Almighty provides for us and leads us to eternal life. We learn that there is salvation in this life, but it goes into the next life if we have confidence and zeal in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. There is the distinction that exists between the worship of GOD Almighty and the things of the world. The things of the world are going to say they can provide the things of King Jesus Christ, but that is not possible.

We learn that King Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago, died on the cross, and resurrected on the third day.”

King Jesus Christ Preaches Repentance of Sin and Obedience to the Commandments of Moses

Only King Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago, died on the cross, and is Resurrected on the third day, and is able to provide eternal life to those that choose to believe and have faith in King Jesus Christ. We also learn that King Jesus Christ provides the Spirit of Truth to those that have a sincere heart to worship, praise, and glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, obey the commandments of Moses, have faith and zealous worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and fight against sin. The Spirit of Truth guides us. We learn that there is that prophecy in Isaiah 11. This speaks about obeying the commandments of Moses and teaching the commandments so that there is faith and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. That is what King Jesus Christ does. That is what Moses does. The fear of the LORD means instructing and teaching the commandments of Moses, obeying the commandments, and that is what King Jesus Christ does.

And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins.”- Isaiah 11: 3-5

This is speaking of the ministry of King Jesus Christ that He was able to provide. We learn that King Jesus Christ judges based on having eternal and infinite faith, zeal, righteousness, humility, faithfulness, autonomy, authority, dominion, wisdom, power, fidelity, grace, filial love, kindness, mercy, might, strength, counsel, responsibility, understanding, knowledge, justice, equity, equality, and sovereignty. That is what we read based on the Book of Isaiah. We learn that King Jesus Christ has the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Counsel, might, and the fear of the LORD. This is based on the Spirit of Truth that gives discernment. The Spirit of Truth allows us to discern the eternal truth in Scripture from the temporary lies of sin and idolatry. King Jesus Christ was going to be able to discern, and He was able to know the intentions of the heart and the mind. King Jesus Christ knew what the Pharisees were thinking, knew what the disciples were thinking, knew what the apostles were thinking, and knew what the people of Israel were thinking.

We learn that King Jesus Christ judges based on having eternal and infinite faith, zeal, righteousness, faithfulness, authority, dominion, autonomy, wisdom, power, fidelity, grace, filial love, kindness, mercy, might, strength, counsel, responsibility, understanding, knowledge, justice, equity, equality, and sovereignty.

GOD Almighty Provides Restoration, Renewal, and Regeneration Through Repentance of Sin

Even through all of this, GOD Almighty is allowing us to know that there is repentance of sin that provides renewal, restoration, and renovation in the worship of GOD Almighty. This is to return to the worship of GOD Almighty and study of Scripture. This is to know that we are returning to the times of David. We learn that David was a shepherd to His people. The individuals were able to persist and thrive in the times of David. There are no infirmities, no dispute with the nations, no envy, and no lack. All these things concerning the difficulties happen because of the practice of sin and idolatry. This speaks to the deleterious effects of sin. This allows us to know that we are not supposed to partake in sin.

We learn that Israel was able to persist and thrive in the times of David. There were no infirmities, no disputes with the nations, no envy, and no lack. All of this is because there was the faith and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.”

We know that even when there is sin and there are sinners, the effects of sin lead farther from GOD Almighty. That is the part that we have to pay attention. We know that GOD Almighty gives grace so that individuals repent from sin. We know that when there is sin, it tries to lead farther and farther from GOD Almighty. Even if there have been sinners that have been sinners for a long time, that does not matter. The important part is to repent of sin and to fight against sin. Once we repent of sin and accept King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, there is the need to fight against sin by obeying the commandments of Moses. There is the need to make sure that we do not allow sin to be a lifestyle. That is when sin is trying to lead individuals farther and farther from GOD Almighty. The Chaldean exile is the example of what sin is attempting to do against the wicked and idolatrous. We learn that the practice of sin and idolatry seen in the Pharisees and Saducees leads to the difficulties with the nations in the times of Rome because there was no repentance of sin. We learn that prior to the ministry of Jesus Christ there are difficulties describing the infirmities, conflict, and division because of the practice of sin and idolatry. They had decided to forsake the worship of GOD Almighty, the obedience to the commandments of Moses, and belief, faith, and zealous confidence in GOD Almighty.

Once we repent of sin and accept King Jesus Christ, there is the need to fight against sin obeying the commandments of Moses.”

King Jesus Christ Preaches to The Pharisees and Saducees

We know that there is that understanding. We learn that the disciples and the apostles who are shepherds similar to King Jesus Christ are able to preach repentance of sin. They are able to preach for the people, and yet again the Pharisees and Saducees persecute trying to cause difficulties for the righteous. We learn that even through that understanding, GOD Almighty is a righteous GOD Almighty. There is the Roman scattering and then there is no second temple, no influence from the Pharisee and Saducee priests because of the persecution against the righteous, and there are insurrections and riots against the Pharisees and Saducees. We learn that those difficulties against the Pharisees and Saducees speak to the persecution that was happening against the righteous. We learn that GOD Almighty is allowing us to know that He gives judgment against the wicked and is righteous. GOD Almighty is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent among other qualities the human mind cannot understand.

GOD Almighty is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent among other qualities that the human mind cannot understand.”

We learn that for this reason, GOD Almighty was testing the Pharisees and the Saducees through King Jesus Christ when they thought that the Pharisees were testing King Jesus Christ. We learn that there was that understanding of knowing if the sons of Levi that were Pharisees and Saducees were righteous or if they were participating in the things of the world and idolatry. We know from the accounts of the disciples from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that speak to the manner that there was idolatry through the priests and they were caring about the markets in the temple and the idolatry of the world rather than the temple and the worship, praise, and glorification of GOD Almighty. We learn that in contrast to this, King Jesus Christ was preaching in the synagogues repentance of sin and obedience to the commandments of Moses and going to the towns to preach to the people of Israel and to heal people from infirmities.

We learn that in contrast to this, King Jesus Christ was preaching in the synagogues repentance of sin and obedience to the commandments of Moses and going to the towns to preach to the people of Israel and to heal infirmities.”

King Jesus Christ Allows Us to See the Steadfast Love and Grace of the Message of Repentance of Sin

This speaks about how much GOD Almighty loves Israel and righteous individuals. This speaks of King Jesus Christ giving confidence in preaching repentance of sin and the worship of GOD Almighty because of the injustices of the world. This speaks about having encouragement in the worship of GOD Almighty even when there is unfair treatment, hatred, and envy from evil. Even amidst times, obstacles, or persecution, GOD Almighty is able to protect His righteous individuals.

He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth.”- Isaiah 11: 3-4

We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to provide our basic necessities, help us grow in virtues, and protect the righteous and meek. We learn that this is in comparison to the false shepherds describing the Pharisees and Saducees who were only using the people. King Jesus Christ looked to provide for the people and encourage them instead of using them. King Jesus Christ is righteous and provides for the poor, meek, and the needy and allows them through the repentance of sin to have zealous faith in the worship of GOD Almighty so that GOD Almighty provides and protects them. We learn that GOD Almighty is not only in the Highest Throne in the Highest Heavens but with those of a contrite and meek heart. So we know that GOD Almighty provides for the righteous. We also know how King Jesus Christ is judging and will also judge.

King Jesus Christ is righteous and provides for the poor, meek, and needy and allows them through the repentance of sin to have zealous faith in the worship of GOD Almighty so that GOD Almighty is providing and protecting them.”

King Jesus Christ Will Judge the Earth When He Returns From the Highest Heavens

And he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth.”- Isaiah 11: 4

We learn that GOD Almighty is the Creator and has control over the creation. GOD Almighty gives us understanding that He has dominion over the creation. GOD Almighty has dominion over the sun, the moon, the waters, the springs of water, the oceans, and the creation. GOD Almighty is able to decide the times. We learn that the times do not affect GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, but GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to affect the times. We know that King Jesus Christ is able to provide judgment against the wicked that we read in Revelation and the Gospel. This is why we have to have faith and zeal in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

And with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked.”- Isaiah 11: 4

That is what we learn in Revelation. When we learn about the Book of Revelation, King Jesus Christ has the ultimate victory against sin, death, and evil in the Resurrection. We learn that King Jesus Christ is returning from the clouds to judge and remove evil, sin, and death for all eternity.  We learn that King Jesus Christ is then able to provide for the righteous through the Thousand Year Reign on New Earth.

Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins.”- Isaiah 11: 5

King Jesus Christ Fulfills the Prophecies of Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 31, and Isaiah 53 and of Revelation

This speaks about how King Jesus Christ is going to be righteous and faithful. King Jesus Christ is going to protect and provide and strengthen. This is what we read in Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 31, and Isaiah 53 that King Jesus Christ takes away our infirmities. All of those things that King Jesus Christ accomplishes in the Gospel. We learn that the part of destroying the wicked with the breath of his lips is when He returns from the Highest Heavens and is able to start that new timeline of the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ being the Conquering King of kings on the New Earth. We learn that speaks to being similar to David in the manner that King Jesus Christ already went through the suffering servant part of the prophecies in the Gospel and is the Conquering King of kings. This speaks to King Jesus Christ being able to defeat His adversaries and being able to be like David in that there is peace, increase of the land, empathy, gladness, joy, rejoicing, dancing, and abundance. There is no longer war, deceit, deception, and those things.

We learn that speaks to being similar to David in the manner that King Jesus Christ already went through the suffering servant part of the prophecies in the Gospel and is going to be the Conquering King of kings when He returns from the Highest Heavens on a cloud.”

Instead there are only good things in the worship of GOD Almighty. There is authority, dominion, sovereignty, understanding, wisdom, steadfast love, grace, empathy, peace, serenity, freedom, strength, might, and power. This speaks to what King Jesus Christ is able to accomplish in His ministry. That is what we read in the next part.

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.”- Isaiah 11: 6

King Jesus Christ's Return From the Highest Heavens On a Cloud Speak to the Renovated New Earth and the New Heavens

This is speaking about there no longer being anger, sin, envy, hate, and coveting. We learn about the deleterious effects of sin. Sin tries to lead to greater and greater sin causing difficulties. We learn that sin does not exist anymore during the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. If sin does not exist anymore, then the consequences of sin do no exist anymore. There is no longer violence, envy, anger, coveting, and hatred. We learn that the creation will not be affected by sin any longer so that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion shall be led by a little child. That is speaking how there is no longer those difficulties that we read in the past.

The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”- Isaiah 11: 7

This is speaking again to the times when King Jesus Christ is going to return, judge, and remove His adversaries, and provide a new beginning. The Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ on New Earth and then to eternity in New Jerusalem. We learn that King Jesus Christ was allowing us to know that He is able to provide healing like we read in the prophecies of Isaiah and realized in the Gospel. King Jesus Christ was going to provide for the meek, weary, and those that were going through difficulties in those times. GOD Almighty was restoring health and removing their infirmities from them. This is what GOD Almighty can provide. This is because GOD Almighty cares for the righteous and those that are His. We know that from the nations, there are individuals that believe in King Jesus Christ. Paul preaches to the nations and allows individuals to know the truth. We learn that through their sincerity of wanting to know about the things of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth they can preach repentance of sin and obey the commandments of Moses. This is to not be a part of the lies of the world. That is another thing that GOD Almighty wants us to speak truth and the word of GOD Almighty. Also in Isaiah 42, we read.

We learn that King Jesus Christ was allowing us to know that He is able to provide healing like we read in the prophecies of Isaiah and realized in the Gospel.”

King Jesus Christ Fulfills the Prophecies of Isaiah and the Need to Not Partake in Idolatry

And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. They are turned back and utterly put to shame, who trust in carved gods, who say to metal images, 'You are our gods.'”- Isaiah 42: 16-17

This is one of the prophecies of Isaiah that speaks to King Jesus Christ being able to provide sight to the blind. King Jesus Christ is able to open the eyes of the blind and guide them. This is not only speaking about taking away the infirmity, but also knowing that through the worship of GOD Almighty they were obtaining eternal salvation through the repentance of sin, confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, and obeying the commandments of Moses. This speaks to similar prophecies of Isaiah that speak to King Jesus Christ being able to heal the blind and also provide confidence in the worship of GOD Almighty. This speaks about there being faith and zeal in the worship of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty was allowing King Jesus Christ to open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, and to allow the mute to speak.

King Jesus Christ is able to open the eyes of the blind and guide them. This is not only speaking about taking away the infirmity, but also knowing that through the worship of GOD Almighty they were obtaining eternal salvation through the repentance of sin and obeying the commandments of Moses.”

We learn that GOD Almighty does this through King Jesus Christ by leading the blind and giving them their sight back. This is what we read in the next story of the Gospel. We also know that GOD Almighty was allowing for there to be light where there was previously darkness. This allows us to understand our purpose and meaning. The world is going to try to say that there is no point in anything. That individuals can decide and there is no purpose. Those are temporary lies. GOD Almighty creates with a purpose and a meaning. This is for the glorification of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty gives us the option. GOD Almighty does not force anyone to glorify GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty allows the option to decide to do that or not.

The world is going to try to say that there is no point in anything. That individuals can decide and there is no purpose and meaning. Those are temporary lies. GOD Almighty creates creation for the glorification of GOD Almighty.”

False Philosophies Want to Lead to Idolatry

There are false philosophies that try to say that there is no meaning in anything through nihilism. Those are false philosophies of hatred, evil, and sin. This is so that we do not pay attention to nor prioritize those false philosophies. We learn that those who place their trust in those false philosophies are turned back and put to shame. This is because of idolatry. Those are false philosophies of idolatry, sin, and hatred. They try to cause individuals to not acknowledge GOD Almighty being the Creator of the universe, King Jesus Christ who redeems us from our sins, and the Spirit of Truth who guide us being able to turn the darkness into light to know the truth. There is that distinction to know the eternal truth from the temporary lies. We learn that the true worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to guide us to eternal life while idolatry attempts to lead farther and farther away from GOD Almighty to destruction.

Those philosophies of idolatry, sin, and hatred try to cause individuals to not acknowledge GOD Almighty being the Creator of the universe and King Jesus Christ who redeems us from our sins, and the Spirit of Truth who guide us being able to turn that darkness into light to know the truth through the worship of GOD Almighty.”

This is speaking to false philosophies of sin that are not righteous. Those false philosophies of nihilism are trying to lead people far from the worship of GOD Almighty.

King Jesus Christ Removes Infirmities

And as Jesus passed from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, 'Have mercy on us, Son of David.' When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' They said to him, 'Yes, LORD.' Then he touched their eyes, saying, 'According to your faith be it done to you.' And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, 'See that no one knows about it.' But they went away and spread his fame through all that district.”- Matthew 9: 27-31

We learn about the individuals who were blind and were able to recongnize King Jesus Christ being the Son of David. They acknowledged King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Messiah. We learn that the individuals start by acknowledging King Jesus Christ being the Son of David and then also acknowledge King Jesus Christ being LORD. This speaks about King Jesus Christ being Messiah in the Book of Isaiah and Ezekiel. We read in Isaiah that King Jesus Christ fulfills the prophecies of the Messiah. We read in the Books of the Prophets of King Jesus Christ having the Spirit of Truth, and we learn that King Jesus Christ is able to preach and is able to heal Isaiah 11. All of that is from GOD Almighty. We learn how individuals have faith and return back to GOD Almighty and acknowledge the True Living GOD Almighty. The people acknowledge King Jesus Christ being the Son of David and Eternal LORD and Savior.

We learn the individuals who were blind were able to recognize King Jesus Christ being the Son of David. They acknowledged King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Messiah.”

King Jesus Christ is the individual that is going to provide for them and heal their infirmities Isaiah 35: 5-6. We learn that they have their sight. King Jesus Christ is able to provide light where there was previously darkness. This is to provide the manner that there is healing, restoration, renewal, and renovation. There are good things in the faith and zeal in GOD Almighty. We read about how King Jesus Christ asks first if they had faith. It is the faith that makes them well. It is the faith of the individuals that allows them to be made well by GOD Almighty. There is the question of  why did the infirmities happen? One of the perspectives is that GOD Almighty uses that to allow us to know that He can heal and restore.

King Jesus Christ is the individual that is going to provide for them and heal their infirmities.”

Repentance of Sin Leads to Renewal

The other understanding is that sickness and infirmities may be due to the practice of sin and idolatry. We do know that when there are difficulties it is because of sin and the need to repent of sin. We learn that when there is repentance of sin and obedience to the commandments of Moses, there is restoration that we read about in the Book of Deuteronomy. We learn that faith is able to allow us to have favor from GOD Almighty who changes things for good. GOD Almighty uses all things for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of righteous Christians. We do have to fight against sin because we know from the understanding of the Book of Deuteronomy, that the righteous of Israel were not going to have infirmities that idolatrous nations had due to the practice of idolatry. There is that context that sometimes it is sin that leads to infirmities. We learn that through faith and zeal in GOD Almighty, obedience to the commandments of Moses, and repenting of sin, there are no difficulties because of sin. We read about the times of Abraham, Moses, David, and Hezekiah when there are no infirmities and the people have great faith and zeal in obedience to the worship of GOD Almighty, and repent of sin.

We learn that when there is repentance of sin and obedience to the commandments of Moses, there is restoration that we read about in the Book of Deuteronomy.”

We learn in the times prior to the ministry of Jesus Christ that there are the four hundred years without word from prophets and there are infirmities in Israel because of the practice of idolatry and sin. There are crowds of individuals with infirmities. We learn that crowds go to King Jesus Christ just so that they could speak with King Jesus Christ and touch the garment that He was wearing to be healed from their infirmities. That is speaking to the power of GOD Almighty. In Isaiah, we read about those prophecies. King Jesus Christ has the Spirit of Truth, is able to heal infirmities, and is able to judge with righteousness. We learn that King Jesus Christ heals the blind, deaf, and mute and strengthens the weak and the needy that we read in Ezekiel 34. We read that King Jesus Christ makes a new covenant of repentance of sin and the need to fight against sin while learning obedience to the commandments that is spoken in Jeremiah 31. This is how they were going to learn about the worship of GOD Almighty. Those are the righteous individuals of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. They are the faithful and the chosen and called. Righteous Christians that listen to the voice of King Jesus Christ know that they are of King Jesus Christ, and they do not listen to the voice of a stranger. At the voice of a stranger, they flee meaning they do not partake with idolatry. They pay attention to the voice of King Jesus Christ.

We learn in the times prior to the ministry of Jesus Christ that there are infirmities and sickness because of the practice of sin and idolatry. This speaks about the four hundred years without prophets, and there are crowds of individuals with infirmities. We learn that the crowds go to King Jesus Christ just so that they could speak with King Jesus Christ and touch the garment that He was wearing to be healed from their infirmities.”

King Jesus Christ Preaches Repentance of Sin and Obedience to the Commandments of Moses That Is Spoken in Isaiah

We learn about the land of Zebulun and Naphtali was in darkness because there were no prophets for four hundred years. We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to provide light to the world in the manner that the regions of Israel that had darkness through false philosophies and idolatry were able to hear the message of repentance of sin and know about the true worship of GOD Almighty. When we read about nihilism and false philosophies that state that nothing matters, that is a lie. We know we can say that is a temporary lie. The worship of GOD Almighty is given importance. We give importance to the worship of GOD Almighty. While there are temporary lies that are trying to say that there are false philosophies that are greater than the worship of GOD Almighty, we know that is a lie of evil. We learn that GOD Almighty gives authority, strength, might, dominion, understanding, wisdom, sovereignty, grace, steadfast love, power, serenity, peace, zeal, humility, fidelity, and good things describing health, salvation, long life, and eternal salvation. We know that GOD Almighty is the source of all good things. We receive understanding through the Spirit of Truth so that we do not partake in the temporary lies and the false philosophies of hatred.

We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to provide light to the world in the manner that the regions of Israel that had darkness through false philosophies and idolatry were able to hear the message of repentance of sin and know about the true worship of GOD Almighty.”

The world tried to make me believe false philosophies of hatred that seemed to be benevolent that are philosophies of hatred. We learn that false philosophies are not going to say that they are philosophies of hatred. They are going to attempt to appear to be good. They are going to say that society is changing and that you have to update yourself with these false philosophies. We learn that those false philosophies have existed for a long time already. We learn that false philosophies want to lead individuals to the hatred of something. Hatred of the opposite gender, hatred of specific groups, and we know that hatred is not a part of the lifestyle of a Christian. We have steadfast love that GOD Almighty teaches us to have. We learn that being Christian we do not wish evil on anyone just that our enemy's own hatred, envy, and evil return back to them. We keep going and glorifying GOD Almighty above everything. That is how we keep persevering. That is how we glorify GOD Almighty above everything. This is through our zeal in GOD Almighty. We learn that our Eternal LORD and Savior King Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago, died on the cross, resurrected on the third day and is seated at the Right Hand Side of the Father to return with all Splendor, Majesty, and Glory to begin the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ's Kingdom on New Earth when there is no longer violence, no jealousy, no envy, no hatred, no slander, no gossip, no falsehoods, no deceit, none of that. Everything is goodness, righteousness, faithfulness, peace, love, dominion, authority, sovereignty, strength, might, wisdom, power, freedom, grace, serenity, and understanding. That is pretty much the episode for today.

We learn that false philosophies are not going to say that they are philosophies of hatred. They are going to attempt to appear to be good. We learn that those false philosophies are trying to lead individuals to the hatred of something. Instead we are supposed to pay attention to the worship of GOD Almighty, obey the commandments of Moses, have faith and zeal in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and have steadfast love instead of paying attention to the temporary lies of the world that want to lead to sin.”


Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast:

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ



New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast: 

The Book of Enosh Series

 The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation Episode #1

The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know Episode #2

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin Episode #3

The Book of Enosh Chapter 50, Persisting in Christianity, and Denying Idolatry Episode #4

Persisting in the Path of the Righteous: "Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99" Episode #5


Positive Christianity Series 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity



King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Israel Series

Jerusalem, Eternal Salvation, and Jesus Christ's Priest Kings Episode #1

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Faith Episode #2

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Worshiping Episode #3

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and the Commandments of Moses Episode #4

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Deliverance Episode #5

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Eternal Remnant Episode #6




 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of the Righteous Episode #1

 "Obeying the Commandments, The Story of David, and the Spirit of Truth Guard From False Information" Episode #2

"Positive Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin" Episode #3

Moses' Persistence, No Idolatry, and Thriving Amidst the Times Episode #4

Christian Zeal,Repentance of Sin, and Eternal Salvation Episode #5




 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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        You can read the Resurrection Radio Episodes Season One in the following link.

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