Trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, The Parable of the Vine, and Eternal Salvation

 "Trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, The Parable of the Vine, and Eternal Salvation"

Persisting in Christianity Series Episode #7

Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. I spoke in the previous episode about the Books of the Prophets and the Book of Revelation. We are able to understand that only King Jesus Christ gives eternal salvation and is providing for righteous Christians. We learn that King Jesus Christ is the Resurrection. We are able to have resurrection power and have eternal salvation when we choose to confess King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior. We have to understand that only King Jesus Christ gives eternal salvation. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth allow us to know the manner that we can persist amidst the times that we are living in. This is so that we are able to prioritize Scripture, the words of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and obedience to the commandments. We read that King Jesus Christ states that He is going to help the righteous Christians with the Spirit of Truth.

King Jesus Christ allows us to persist even amidst the persecution, envy, or hate of evil. This speaks about being able to keep moving forward and persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about being able to increase in our confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This allows us to be able to persist even amidst the difficulties due to the envy of evil. We are able to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and know the Word of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to help us persist regardless of times, obstacles, or persecution. King Jesus Christ tells us:

I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.”- John 15: 1-6 “The Parable of the Vine”

The Importance of Prayer and Going to Scripture

This speaks about the manner that when we are righteous, we can pray to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to petition, and GOD Almighty helps us. We know that if the intention is to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth helps us. We know that if individuals petition for things that are not righteous or are not for the worship of GOD Almighty, we know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth do not grant that. We learn that King Jesus Christ allows us to have eternal salvation when we confess King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior. We learn that we are able to glorify GOD Almighty because we confess King Jesus Christ LORD. This speaks about persisting in the filial love of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to speak Scripture and preach repentance of sin, obedience to the commandments, and the need to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

King Jesus Christ was sent to earth in order to lead us to the Word of GOD Almighty and allow us to know the truth that allows us to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about the importance of preaching the Word of GOD Almighty and prophesying about King Jesus Christ. We also learn that the disciples and apostles are able to also preach and persist in Christianity in order to allow Jewish and Gentile individuals the manner to repent of sin, confess King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior, obey the commandments, and resist sin. We learn that the righteous Christians that are able to preach Scripture are able to bear fruit meaning that there are going to be individuals that are going to convert to Christianity and forsake sin. This speaks about being able to preach with boldness about King Jesus Christ so that individuals have a chance to repent of sin and obey the commandments. We learn that bearing fruit describes the manner that righteous Christians are able to increase in positive qualities such as wisdom, boldness, autonomy, dominion, strength, might, understanding, filial love, grace, empathy, equity, equality, and justice while allowing individuals to understand the Scriptures so that they can repent of sin and obey the commandments with sincerity of heart.

Preaching Scripture and Obedience to the Commandments

This describes the manner that righteous Christians do not have to convert anyone, yet are able to preach with boldness that allows the seed of Christianity to be planted in the mind of individuals. We learn that then it is up to each individual to decide if they want to accept King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior, repent of sin, obey the commandments, and resist sin. This speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is who decides if individuals are able to grow in Christianity. We are told of the importance of preaching because it allows the manner to show GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth having grace and justice. We learn that the prophets, disciples, and apostles preach the Word of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth even through all the difficulties that they were going through. This speaks about the power of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth because even when there are those difficulties the Gospel is still being preached.

We learn that King Jesus Christ tells the disciples and apostles that the Gospel would be preached throughout the whole world. That is what we know concerning the manner that the Scriptures have been preached throughout the world. We learn that in the two thousand years after King Jesus Christ resurrected, the Scriptures have been preached and are still being proclaimed to praise GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This allows us to know the priority of preaching the Word of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that the righteous Christians that are of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are able to increase, grow, and abound because they worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything. We learn that King Jesus Christ allows us to know that GOD Almighty is worshiped through King Jesus Christ. The important part is worshiping GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are to be worshiped above everything.

Obeying the Commandments of Moses

By this my Father is glorified that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. And as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love and if you abide in my commandments and in my love, just as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love. These things have I spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. No greater love has no one that they lay their life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants for the servant does not know what the master is doing. But I have called you friends for all that I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you. And appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another. If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” - John 15: 9-19

This speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty allows us to know that if we pray and ask GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth to have a request made, if it is for the purpose of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, we are able to receive help. If something is asked with the intention to do evil or practice sin, that is not going to be granted. We are able to know that there is understanding in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to know the manner that we are able to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we do not practice sin, idolatry, sexual immorality, vices, negative emotions, and so we are not in the path of perdition. We learn that the righteous are able to persist even amidst difficulties, persecution, or the envy of evil. This speaks about persisting in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth by having confidence in the eternal truth of Scripture. This is not because we loved GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and instead GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth loved us first. This speaks to the grace, eternal filial love, and kindness, that exists in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This means that because there is grace and kindness, there is no heart of stone that has resentment, bitterness, envy, frustration, anger, deceit that wants to substitute filial love and kindness with hate and lust. We know that this speaks about guarding the heart and mind with positive emotions such as gladness that prevent the negative emotions from attempting to cause the practice of sin.

We learn that King Jesus Christ loves us and that is why He is reconciling us to GOD the Father and helping us with the Spirit of Truth. We are able to know how we are able to preach. We are able to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are able to understand Scripture with the help of the Spirit of Truth so that we are able to understand that there is eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. There is eternal salvation in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and this allows us to persist. The disciples and apostles are able to preach and learn about King Jesus Christ. We learn that sometimes the disciples and apostles have questions about what they need to know. We learn that King Jesus Christ answers them and teaches them through what they are going through and they learn about the Scriptures. This speaks about the importance of being able to praise, worship, and glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We read about how they are able to grow in faith so much so that when King Jesus Christ ascends to Heaven, King Jesus Christ allows them to know that they need to preach the Gospel.

Reconciled to GOD the Father Through King Jesus Christ

We learn that the disciples and apostles are able to preach the Gospel in Israel and the surrounding nations. We learn that when they are able to speak the Gospel, they are able to speak the truth. We learn that they are able to speak to the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, and the power of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is because they decide to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that even in the difficulties that they go through described in the Book of Acts, the letters of Peter, and Paul, we are able to understand that there is a manner to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that this speaks about the steadfast filial love of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth for the disciples and apostles. We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth creates creation to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We read that even when there are the difficulties because of disobedience seen in the story of Genesis describing Adam and Eve, we are able to understand the manner that we are reconciled to GOD Almighty because of the eternal temple, eternal high priest, and eternal atoning sacrifice Jesus Christ. This speaks about the importance of being able to persist in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and everything abounds. We learn that there are good things in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that everything good is in the name of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.




Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast


King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ



New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast: 

The Book of Enosh Series

 The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation Episode #1

The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know Episode #2

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin Episode #3

The Book of Enosh Chapter 50, Persisting in Christianity, and Denying Idolatry Episode #4

Persisting in the Path of the Righteous: "Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99" Episode #5


Positive Christianity Series 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity



King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Israel Series

Jerusalem, Eternal Salvation, and Jesus Christ's Priest Kings Episode #1

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Faith Episode #2

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Worshiping Episode #3

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and the Commandments of Moses Episode #4

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Deliverance Episode #5

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Eternal Remnant Episode #6




 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of the Righteous Episode #1

 "Obeying the Commandments, The Story of David, and the Spirit of Truth Guard From False Information" Episode #2

"Positive Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin" Episode #3

Moses' Persistence, No Idolatry, and Thriving Amidst the Times Episode #4

Christian Zeal,Repentance of Sin, and Eternal Salvation Episode #5




 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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