Resurrection Radio Podcast: Episode Nine “Isaiah Prophesies the Suffering Servant and King of Kings”


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In this episode of Resurrection Radio Podcast, we will learn about the prophecies of Isaiah concerning the future King of kings. We learn that while Jesus Christ’s name is not named in the Book of the Prophets, we learn that the behavior, qualities, characteristics, and works that the Christ would take are described in great detail. For this, we know that King Jesus Christ has fulfilled everything that was told by the Prophets.

We learn that in the first description of Isaiah, we see that King Jesus Christ is described as a humble suffering servant who would be just and righteous. We learn that King Jesus Christ accomplished all of this in the time when He arrived to earth and fulfilled the work of GOD Almighty on earth. We learn that we are given further descriptions in other paragraphs of the Book of Isaiah, but the manner that the King of kings is described after the Suffering Servant description gives us understanding of the same individual.

While King Jesus Christ was able to be a Suffering Servant during His ministry, we learn that King Jesus Christ is now the King of kings. We learn this from the description given by Isaiah about King Jesus Christ being given absolute authority by GOD Almighty to defeat His enemies for ever. We also learn that after the description of the Suffering Servant and then the King of kings, we are told that the New Earth and the New Heavens will be at peace because GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ will give the New Earth peace.

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