Resurrection Radio Podcast: Episode Ten "King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew"


Jesus Heals the Blind Man - Bible Story of Bartimaeus                        Picture by

In this episode of Resurrection Radio Podcast, we learn about the importance of the Book of Matthew to allow us to see the true King Jesus Christ from the Gospel. We learn that King Jesus Christ was initially sent to earth in order that He could minister to the people of Israel. We learn that King Jesus Christ fulfills the prophecies of the suffering servant spoken in the prophet Isaiah.

We learn that in the Gospel, King Jesus Christ is able to help the people of Israel gain hope in a dreary landscape. We learn that the Pharisees are not helping the people, Rome is oppressing the people of Israel, and there is a lack of faith. We learn that the people have King Jesus Christ to remind them that GOD Almighty listens to the people of Israel and gives them the Messiah to fulfill the prophecies of the Prophets.

We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to resurrect after the death on the cross and show believers that King Jesus Christ is the Messiah. We learn that the ministry of King Jesus Christ centers on teaching faith, hope, love, peace, understanding, wisdom, repentance of sin, belief in King Jesus Christ, and placing the Kingdom of Heaven as a priority over everything in this world.

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