Resurrection Radio Podcast: "King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Eternal Life, and Preaching Repentance of Sin"

  Resurrection Radio Podcast



Episode: “King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Eternal Life, and Preaching Repentance of Sin”


Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke in previous episodes about the importance of reminding ourselves of the promises of GOD Almighty. This is in order to pay attention to the promises of GOD Almighty of a future time when the righteous Christians are able to live for a Thousand Years on the renovated earth and there is going to be a new sanctuary. There are the promises of new sources of water that are able to be seen because of the new sanctuary described as a river. We know that all of this happens because King Jesus Christ is with the righteous Christians. This allows us to understand that GOD Almighty cares about righteous Christians. That is what we know of when we learn that GOD Almighty created the Creation and allows us to know there is eternal life when we choose King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. We learn that there is eternal life when we choose King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

We learn that there is eternal life when we choose King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.”

Understanding Eternal Life in the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ

How do we understand eternal life? We understand eternal life when we understand the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ on earth. That is what we are able to understand. We are able to have positive emotions such as gladness, encouragement, and confidence because there is a future and block out the negative emotions. There is a future that we look forward to. When the world is trying to cause difficulties in this life, we are able to have confidence in a future when there is no longer going to be sin, the workers of evil, evil, the consequences of sin, and death. The only thing that there is going to be is the good things, joy, authority, dominion, sovereignty, strength, might, wisdom, power, understanding, grace, empathy, serenity, and harmony. This speaks about there being the new sanctuary, King Jesus Christ being with righteous Christians, we learn that there are no longer deserts. The deserts become gardens. So there will no longer be deserts on earth during the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ.

When the world is trying to cause difficulties in this life, we are able to have confidence in a future when there is no longer going to be sin, the consequences of sin, evil, death, and the workers of evil.”

We learn that King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds after defeating sin, death, evil, and the workers of evil. There is the understanding that the world is renovated, the gardens are renovated like in the times of paradise, and there are no longer deserts because the world is going to produce abundance. There are going to be the increase of resources that we have never seen in the past. When we read about the world in these times, we know that there are difficulties that are happening in these times. We know that there is still confidence, encouragement, and hope of a future that GOD Almighty is going to produce in a manner that has not been seen in the past. We learn that there is encouragement of a future so that we do not pay attention to the lies of the world. What do we have to pay attention to? We learn that we have to pay attention to a future where righteous Christians are going to have peace, empathy, and abundance in a manner that we have never seen because we accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

There is the understanding that the world is renovated, the gardens are renovated like in the times of paradise, and there are no longer deserts because the world is going to produce abundance.”

Keeping Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth



We learn that we have faith and belief in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. We have decided to repent of sin, fight sin, and obey the commandments. All of this speaks to that understanding that the righteous who started Christians in this life are going to be exalted and be priest kings. This speaks to King Jesus Christ returning from the clouds to defeat sin, evil, workers of evil, and death  for all eternity. That is the beginning of the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ when we are going to have good things. Because there is a new sanctuary that speaks about how the word of GOD Almighty is going to be preached, the commandments are obeyed, and there is going to be learning of the word of GOD Almighty. Because of all of this there is going to be peace, empathy, sovereignty, dominion, understanding, wisdom, grace, steadfast love, power, authority, might, strength, and righteousness.

This is all because of the word of GOD Almighty and there is no longer going to be envy, jealousy, and hatred. There is only going to be good things. This allows us to know that because righteous Christians choose the obedience of the commandments in this life and because there is faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in this life, there is going to be peace, empathy, and abundance in the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign.

This allows us to know that because righteous Christians choose the obedience of the commandments in this life and because there is faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth in this life, there is going to be peace, empathy, and abundance in the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign.”

We learn that the manner that we can understand how the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign are similar would be to understand the times of David or Hezekiah. We know that even the times of David and Hezekiah do not compare to the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign. This is speaking to the understanding, peace, and empathy that there is going to be in the times when King Jesus Christ is on earth. This is because we decided King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior in this life. Because of this, we maintained our faith and belief in King Jesus Christ even through these times until the rapture, persecution, or until King Jesus Christ returns and gathers the righteous Christians to safety. The important part is choosing GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything. Even when there are difficulties in these times, we know that there is encouragement to know that we can shift our mindset from the lies of the world to the word of GOD Almighty. This is so that we know the good things that GOD Almighty is able to provide.

Even when there are difficulties in these times, we know that there is encouragement to know that we can shift our mindset from the lies of the world to the word of GOD Almighty.”

Peace, Empathy, and Abundance Because King Jesus Christ Returns From the Clouds and Sin No Longer Existing

We know that King Jesus Christ is returning from the clouds to defeat evil, sin, death, and the workers of evil. We know that King Jesus Christ is going to provide a new source of fresh water from the new sanctuary that is described as a river, the deserts are going to be gardens, King Jesus Christ is going to instruct the commandments. We know that the Sabbaths are also going to be important and honored in a manner that GOD Almighty was instructing in the past in the times of Moses. We know that the commandments are preached and instructed in the times of Moses. We read that the Sabbaths are going to be honored in the times when King Jesus Christ is on earth after returning from the clouds and defeating evil, sin, death, and the workers of evil.

“They shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my appointed feasts, and they shall keep my Sabbaths.”- Ezekiel 44: 24

We learn that when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds after defeating the adversaries of GOD Almighty, we know that there is going to be the keeping of the Sabbaths and festivities. This is why we are supposed to have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth above everything. This speaks to the manner that even in the times when there is a new sanctuary there is still the Sabbaths and the honoring of the commandments. There is the honoring of the commandments because we have decided to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. This speaks about loving GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth above everything else. This speaks to not paying attention to the lies. This speaks about there being a future and encouragement when there is a provision of good things that we have not seen in the past.

There is the honoring of the commandments because we have decided to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.”


Sin Attempts to Cause Difficulties to the Land

There is a new sanctuary, new sources of fresh water, and abundance that we have not seen in the past in the manner that the earth is producing, and the Sabbaths are honored and the commandments obeyed. We learn that in the past the land did not produce because of sin. We learn that there has been an increase of sin that causes the land to have increased difficulties. This speaks to the times of Jeremiah and the times of Joel. There are difficulties in the land because of sin. There is the understanding that the land is not producing because there is no zealous and sincere worship. This speaks about the land has difficulties when there is sin.

There are difficulties in the land because of sin.”

This speaks about the difference between when there is the obedience to the word of GOD Almighty and when there is disobedience that is described as sin. That is what that speaks to. We have to know the difference because the things of GOD Almighty are going to provide greater than we have seen. We know that sin does not provide because it is based on lies and deceit. Sin is based on deception. We have to know about the difference. Because there is that difference, we have to pay attention to the things of GOD Almighty. This speaks to there being festivities and the Sabbaths being honored. That is what we have to understand. We read about the importance of repentance of sin. We know that there is the importance of keeping separation between the things that are of GOD Almighty from the things that are not of GOD Almighty.

We know that there is the importance of keeping separation between the things that are of GOD Almighty from the things that are not of GOD Almighty.”

Praise, Worship, and Glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Provides Favor

We know that GOD Almighty allows us to understand the truth and to know that even when there are difficulties, GOD Almighty allows us to know about the promises of a future to righteous Christians that have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the lies of the world. We read that Israel and the nations are able to see how the land is going to be able to produce because of the praise, worship, and glorification of GOD Almighty. This speaks to the times of David and Hezekiah. We learn that we choose to glorify, praise, and worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the false beliefs, false philosophies, and lies of the world. We know that there is going to be abundance in the land and knowing that before there was the need to fast. We learn that in the future times in the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ when there is no longer sin and the consequences of sin, there is going to be the understanding of there being times of festivities. This is because GOD Almighty provides the manner that we can know that there is discernment when we understand the word of GOD Almighty.

We learn that we choose to glorify, praise, and worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the false beliefs, false philosophies, and lies of the world.”

We know that when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds and defeats sin, death, evil, and workers of evil, there is the understanding that there is no longer sin. Because there is no longer sin, the land is able to produce because there is righteousness. This speaks to there no longer being the need to fast and that instead there are feasts. We learn that there is a lack of the land producing. That is because of sin. The land is not able to produce in a manner that it can produce when GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are glorified, worshiped, and praised. That is what we have to know and pay attention to. There is the difference between understanding that. We learn that there is a new sanctuary, a river that is a new source of fresh water, there are gardens where there used to be deserts, there is the land that is producing in a manner that we have not seen in the past, instead of fasts there are feasts, there is going to be the obedience to the commandments, there is going to be the reading of the word of GOD Almighty, and paying attention to the word of GOD Almighty.

Because there is no longer sin, the land is able to produce because there is righteousness.”

Not Paying Attention to the Lies of Sin

This all speaks to a time that is different from the times that we are living in. This is speaking to a time that can only be seen when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds and there is no longer sin or the consequences of sin. We know that there are so many different philosophies and religions that are trying to divide individuals. This is so that the importance of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are not understood then attempting to cause division. We know that the word of GOD Almighty is trying to unite. GOD Almighty wants to help individuals to understand the need to glorify the Creator and that we are able to obey the commandments. Because we choose GOD Almighty over everything, GOD Almighty allows us to understand this so that we can maintain faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world.

This all speaks to a time that is different from the times that we are living in. This is speaking to a time that can only be seen when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds and there is no longer sin or the consequences of sin.”

GOD Almighty is worshiped and there is no longer the need to practice sin. We learn that in the past there were pestilences, famines, and wars that happened because of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ states that there would be similar events because of the increase of sin at the times prior to the great tribulation. We learn that in the future times of King Jesus Christ, those things are not going to exist any longer. Why? This is because there is no longer sin or the consequences of sin. We learn that sometimes those things are judgment against sin and occur because there is sin. We learn that we are not supposed to partake of sin and repent of sin. This is why we are not supposed to sin. Sin is trying to lead individuals to stray from GOD Almighty. This speaks to sin attempting to lead individuals to not read the word of GOD Almighty and not obey the commandments. This speaks to sin trying to lead individuals far from GOD Almighty to sin and the consequences of sin. We learn that the consequences of sin may be because of grave sin that is happening. We learn that there are those types of sin that we read about in the times of Jeremiah. When individuals are committing adultery, lying, and shedding of innocent blood. GOD Almighty is letting us know to not partake in sin.

We learn that in the past there were pestilences, famines, and wars that happened because of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ states that there would be similar events because of the increase of sin at the times prior to the great tribulation. We learn that in the future times of King Jesus Christ, those things are not going to exist any longer.”

Obeying the Commandments to Protect From the Lies of Sin

We learn that GOD Almighty is allowing us to know what we are supposed to pay attention to and what we are not supposed to pay attention to. This is what GOD Almighty is letting us know that we are able to choose GOD Almighty and not partake in the lies of the world. We are not supposed to partake in sin. We are not supposed to partake in the things that are lies. We are supposed to choose the things that are of GOD Almighty. We learn that in the times of King Jesus Christ speak about how the Sabbaths are honored. This is because it is a day of rest. GOD Almighty tells us that when we honor the Sabbath there is restoration, regeneration, and renewal that we have not seen with other things. There is the manner that the Sabbath allows individuals to have restoration, renovation, and renewal. We know that during the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ, the Sabbaths are going to be honored. This speaks to GOD Almighty being able to protect, provide, and help the righteous. Because of this, we choose the things of GOD Almighty, and we do not choose the things of the world. GOD Almighty provides the manner that we choose GOD Almighty over everything.

We are not supposed to partake in sin.”

This speaks to a future time when there are no longer the things of the past. GOD Almighty is allowing us to understand that there is a future time when there is no longer the things of the past. There is no longer sin and the consequences of sin. That already tells us of a time when there are no longer the difficulties of the past. There is going to be peace, authority, dominion, sovereignty, strength, might, wisdom, understanding, power, grace, steadfast love, peace, serenity, and harmony. All of this is because King Jesus Christ is with righteous Christians in renovated earth. That is why we have to understand of the importance of being able to repent of sin. We learn that we are supposed to fight against sin and not partake in sin. In case there is sin, there is repentance of sin. We are not supposed to allow sin to be a lifestyle because it tries to lead to difficulties.

GOD Almighty is allowing us to understand that there is a future time when there is no longer the things of the past.”

Sin Attempts to Cause Individuals to Not Realize the Favor of GOD Almighty

This all speaks to the understanding that there is a future time when there is no longer the consequences of sin. Instead there is the obedience to the commandments and righteous Christians obtain good things when there is no longer sin. We know that this is different from what the world provides. We have to know that we are not supposed to be a part of the things of the world. We learn that sin tries to cause individuals to stumble. We read yesterday that sin is trying to cause individuals to stumble.

Because they ministered to them before their idols and became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel, therefore I have sworn concerning them, declares the LORD GOD, and they shall bear their punishment. They shall not come near to me, to serve me as priest, nor come near any of my holy things and the things that are most holy, but they shall bear their shame and the abominations that they have committed. Yet I will appoint them to keep charge of the temple, to do all its service and all that is to be done in it.”- Ezekiel 44: 12-14

We know that this is speaking to the times of the future times where the priests of the sons of Aaron decided to partake in idolatry and how sin affects the favor of GOD Almighty. We learn that GOD Almighty allows us to know that sin leads to stumbling. Sin leads to not understand the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that the sons of Aaron who were the Pharisees and Saducees who partook in idolatry caused them to sin. This speaks to how the Pharisees and Saducees caused individuals to not obey the commandments and to partake in idolatry. This is what we read in the times of King Jesus Christ when there are the crowds of individuals with infirmities. We know that in the future times there is not going to be infirmities and sickness. We learn that was the reason why King Jesus Christ was able to provide His ministry to heal, save, provide salvation, and eternal life when individuals decide to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

We learn that was the reason why King Jesus Christ was able to provide His ministry to heal, save, provide salvation, and eternal life when individuals decide to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.”


King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Speaks About Sickness No Longer Existing

We learn that when individuals had a specific disease, King Jesus Christ was able to heal individuals because of the faith that they had in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. We learn that in the future times after the return of King Jesus Christ there is no longer sin, and there are no longer going to be diseases. There is no longer going to be sickness. That is also something that is not going to exist. That is how we are able to understand the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ. What do the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ mean? Does it mean sitting on a cloud just playing an instrument? No! There is playing music, singing, and mirth. There is also other things. We know that there is no longer sickness. We know that the things that we knew because of this life, sickness sometimes could also be because of sin sometimes not. In the times of King Jesus Christ, we do learn that there were false philosophies that were causing the people to stray from the faith. We learn that is why King Jesus Christ is able to heal because individuals repent of sin and have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that in the times of Moses, the people do not have infirmities because there is the obedience to the commandments and faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

We learn that in the future times after the return of King Jesus Christ there is no longer sin, and there are no longer going to be diseases.”

If there is sickness, it may be because of sin. It could be. We learn that there are other philosophies that attempt to lead far from GOD Almighty that lead to idolatry and sin. We have to fight against that. We know in the past that idols were figurines that were worshiped and in today's time we know there are philosophies of sin that are trying to get individuals to not pay attention to the word of GOD Almighty and practice sin. We learn that idolatry is a method that attempts to lead people far from GOD Almighty. We learn that this speaks to how GOD Almighty is able to still provide grace when we read about the sons of Aaron. We learn that GOD Almighty is allowing us to know that there are still individuals from the sons of Aaron that repent of sin and are able to be a part of the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ and be able to help in the sanctuary. We learn that they do not partake in the similar roles of the past, but that GOD Almighty provides the sons of Aaron the manner that they are able to repent of sin and there still grace to repent of sin. This speaks to the times when King Jesus Christ is with the righteous Christians. GOD Almighty tells us about how sin is trying to corrupt and lead individuals far from GOD Almighty. Even through everything, GOD Almighty is able to protect the righteous.

We learn that idolatry is a method that attempts to lead people far from GOD Almighty.”

Fighting Against Sin and Obeying the Commandments Protects Righteous Christians From the Lies of Sin

We learn that even when there are the difficulties of the world, GOD Almighty is able to protect. GOD Almighty is able to provide. GOD Almighty is able to help the righteous Christians. Even in the difficulties, GOD Almighty is in the Highest Throne in the Highest Heavens, King Jesus Christ has absolute authority, and the Spirit of Truth guides us. We know that GOD Almighty is able to provide steadfast love and grace. This is different from the philosophies of sin. That is why we have to know the difference. We know that sin is trying to cause individuals to stumble and cause individuals to serve other ideologies. Instead, we know that the sons of Aaron were close to GOD Almighty in the tent of witness, being able to preach to the people, petition to GOD Almighty on behalf of the people, and knowing that because of iniquity there was the understanding of what sin attempts to do. We learn that sin is trying to prevent the favor of GOD Almighty from being realized. We learn that sin is trying to cause the land difficulties so that it does not produce. We learn that sin is trying to corrupt individuals. What does GOD Almighty want? GOD Almighty wants individuals to have sincere and zealous praise, worship, and glorification of GOD Almighty and repenting of sin. GOD Almighty is able to allow us that in future times there is going to be abundance, empathy, and peace when King Jesus Christ is on renovated earth and there is no longer sin.

GOD Almighty wants individuals to have sincere and zealous praise, worship, and glorification of GOD Almighty and repenting of sin.”

We know that in those times, there is the understanding that there is steadfast love and grace for those who accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. There is the need to maintain our faith and belief in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. This is speaking to the need to not be a part of idolatry. This is so that we are not a part of sin. This is so that we fight sin. This is so that we repent of sin. And this is so that we obey the commandments. We learn that the righteous Christians have steadfast love and grace because the righteous Christians are saved because of their faith and belief in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. Those that do not repent of sin and are wicked and do not accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior do not have eternal life. We learn that this is all speaking about future times when there is still going to be the worship of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty is telling us to preach the message of repentance of sin. This is to make sure that we are able to preach repentance of sin so that individuals can repent of their sin.

There is the need to maintain our faith and belief in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. This is speaking to the need to not be a part of idolatry.”

The Praise, Worship, and Glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth Protects and Helps Righteous Christians

We know that this is to understand the favor that GOD Almighty wants to provide, but we know that there has to be the removal of sin. This speaks to how sin does not have to be a part of our lives. We have to fight against sin. We know that in future times there is going to be empathy, abundance, and peace because King Jesus Christ is on renovated earth. This speaks to GOD Almighty being the Creator who provides to the righteous Christians. We know that there is also going to be music, dancing, singing, mirth. Why is all this? Because we choose to glorify, praise, and worship GOD Almighty above everything. This speaks that the deserts are going to be gardens. There are no longer going to be deserts. We learn that the land is going to produce wine, fruit, and vegetables to individuals living in the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign. We learn that there is going to be water and wine and resources that GOD Almighty chooses to provide to the righteous Christians who accepted King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior over the idolatry and lies of the world.

We know that there is also going to be dancing, singing, and mirth. Why is all this? Because we choose to glorify, praise, and worship GOD Almighty above everything.”

We learn that the world is trying to make it seem that eternal life with GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth is something different. We learn that the world tries to make it seem that it is boring. That is not the case and are the lies of the world. That is not what the word of GOD Almighty says. This is speaking to how there is going to be good things and abundance of resources and moderation. There is the manner that while there is abundance of resources in the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ, we know that the abundance is not everything. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth receive the worship. This speaks to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth receiving the worship, and the land provides resources. We know that in the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ there is going to be abundance of food and abundance of wealth, but GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth receive the worship, praise, and glory.

There is the manner that while there is abundance of resources in the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ, we know that the abundance is not everything. We know that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth receive the worship.”

Revelation Speaks to Wickedness Causing Difficulties on Earth, the Return of King Jesus Christ From the Clouds Speaks to No Wickedness and the Renewal of Earth

We learn that there is going to be wealth in a manner that we have never seen in the past and yet the praise, glorification, and worship of GOD Almighty is greater than the wealth. Why is that? GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are the Creator of the universe. GOD Almighty created the heavens and the earth and speaks to the manner that GOD Almighty is able to create for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of believers. There is the abundance of necessities that are needed that include food, water, light, and air. That is another thing. Light and air is what GOD Almighty is providing. We read about the judgment that happens in Revelation against the wicked, we know that the light of the sun is no longer like in the times of judgment. We learn that there is going to be light in the renewed earth. There is light sources from the sun and there is renewal because of righteousness. We also learn that the air is going to be provided. We learn that in Revelation the trees of the earth no longer exist because of judgment. We learn that King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign speaks about renovation and the earth providing again after there was the judgment on the earth because of sin. The earth is going to be able to have trees again. The earth is able to have gardens again. The earth is able to provide new sources of water in future times. The earth is able to provide abundance in future times.

We learn that there is going to be wealth in a manner that we have never seen in the past and yet the praise, glorification, and worship of GOD Almighty is greater than the wealth.”

We learn that in these times why are there difficulties? This is because these are times of testing. We learn that the times of the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ speak about being with King Jesus Christ on renewed earth, having the new sanctuary, knowing about the knowledge of GOD Almighty because we know that GOD Almighty is infinite and there is so much knowledge that we do not know. We know that in the times of King Jesus Christ, we are going to be able to know the knowledge of GOD Almighty because there is sincere and zealous worship of GOD Almighty. We know that this speaks about times of testing in these times. This is to know individuals that are going to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the lies of the world, idolatry, and sin. That is what GOD Almighty wants us to know. That is what GOD Almighty wants us to understand. Even when there are the cares of the world, the temptations of the world, or the hate of the world, we are supposed to choose King Jesus Christ.

We learn that in these times why are there difficulties? This is because these are times of testing. This is to know individuals that are going to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the lies of the world, idolatry, and sin.”

Choosing GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

Because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are chosen over the things of the world, GOD Almighty sees that. GOD Almighty is able to separate and allow us to know that there is separation between the righteous and the wicked. GOD Almighty is able to help us even in the difficulties. We know that this is because this is testing. That is what we have to understand in these times. These times are not the times of abundance, peace, and empathy. These times are times of testing. That is because Revelation says that. That is because the word of GOD Almighty says that. There are times of difficulties to test those that are on earth. We know that is the difference. That is the importance of realizing this so that we do not believe the lies of the world. This is so that we know that the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ is not sitting on a cloud being bored. Those are not the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ. That is not even close. That is not what the word of GOD Almighty speaks to.

There are times of difficulties to test those that are on earth. We know that is the difference. That is the importance of realizing this so that we do not believe the lies of the world.”

There is mirth, dancing, singing, freedom, understanding, wisdom, empathy, steadfast love, peace, empathy, serenity, power, strength, and might. GOD Almighty is able to develop these qualities, attributes, and characteristics in individuals. It starts off in this life, but we know that GOD Almighty is able to increase those qualities, attributes, and characteristics in the times of King Jesus Christ on renovated earth because there is going to be the understanding of the knowledge of GOD Almighty and the word of GOD Almighty. There are no longer going to be other philosophies, other belief systems, or sin that were trying to lead far from GOD Almighty. That is the difference that exists in the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign. We are able to know the differences so that we know that GOD Almighty is allowing us to know the truth. This is so that we know that we are not supposed to partake in sin. We are not supposed to partake in the lies or the things that are not trying to help. Instead what are we supposed to do? Choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are supposed to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. We are supposed to choose GOD Almighty over the things of the world.

We are supposed to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. We are supposed to choose GOD Almighty over the things of the world.”

The Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ tells us that there is a future time where there is a kingdom for King Jesus Christ and righteous Christians who accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and keep faith and belief in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

And in the days of those kings the GOD of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.”- Daniel 2: 44

This is speaking to how King Jesus Christ is able to establish the Millennial Reign on renewed earth. We learn that there are kingdoms described by precious metals that are no longer going to exist. We know that there is the understanding that there is a statue that represents the kingdoms of the world, but King Jesus Christ is a stone that is created by no human hand. We learn that King Jesus Christ is described as a cornerstone that righteous Christians are able to build upon and also described as a stone that can destroy. We learn that the stone that is King Jesus Christ is able to conquer the kingdoms. We learn that the Kingdom of King Jesus Christ is not going to be destroyed. What is this speaking to? What is this telling us? Why is this important? This is telling us to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world. We have to know the difference between the things that are of GOD Almighty from the things that are of the world. Why is that important? This is important because the world is trying to say different things that may not be true.

This is telling us to choose GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world.”

We learn in the description of Daniel that information is going to increase. This means that there is going to be information that may help and that may not help. There is still the need to obey the commandments because the commandments are a light to our steps. This is so that we know what we are not supposed to partake in. That is part of it. The other part is that there is steadfast love and grace. We have to make sure that we can preach if we have encouragement in the word of GOD Almighty so that individuals may be saved from the lies of the world. The world is trying to lead individuals far from GOD Almighty. We learn that this is speaking to how the world is trying to lead individual far from the word of GOD Almighty. We know that GOD Almighty is the source of all things good. GOD Almighty is who decides if individuals may listen to the word of GOD Almighty, understanding the word of GOD Almighty, and have sincere and zealous worship of GOD Almighty. This is so that individuals may be able to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. That is the difference.

There is still the need to obey the commandments because the commandments are a light to our steps.”

We learn that regardless of the difficulties that exist in the world, GOD Almighty helps, provides, and protects the righteous. GOD Almighty creates us and provides meaning and purpose. This is so that we do not partake in the lies of the world, sin, and iniquity. Why is that? Because GOD Almighty is telling us that there is a difference that exists. The Kingdom of GOD Almighty is eternal. This speaks to GOD Almighty telling us to pay attention to the things of GOD Almighty and not of the world. There is the separation that exists between the things of GOD Almighty and the things that are not of GOD Almighty. This speaks to the need to choose the things of GOD Almighty over the things of the world.

The Kingdom of GOD Almighty is eternal. This speaks to GOD Almighty telling us to pay attention to the things of GOD Almighty and not of the world.”


Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast


King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ



New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast: 

The Book of Enosh Series

 The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know

The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation

Enosh, Noah, and Eternal Salvation

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin


Positive Christianity Series 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity



 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of the Righteous



 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


You can also check out new episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast on Youtube. You can check previous episodes on Spotify. You can subscribe to receive updates on new videos and community updates on new blog posts. You can subscribe on Quora to receive new blog post updates also.

The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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