Obeying the Commandments of Moses Increases Wisdom, Guidance, Counsel, and Responsibility
Positive Christianity Series Episode #31
Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. I spoke in the previous episode about the importance of having positive emotions, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, guidance, reproof, and counsel from Scripture. We are able to maintain obedience to the commandments of Moses to protect ourselves from the doubts and discouragements. This is so that we can persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This speaks about having optimism by going to the Scriptures of GOD Almighty. This allows us to have confidence that is based on the worship of GOD Almighty. This allows us to persevere with encouragement. We are able to increase in wisdom from the understanding of the knowledge of Scripture that prevents us from practicing the folly of idolatry and sin. We are able to understand the importance of wisdom in allowing us to persevere in the path of eternal salvation. We are able to understand the importance of growing in wisdom because we are able to know that the wisdom of GOD Almighty is infinite and eternal. We learn that the wisdom of obeying the commandments of Moses and studying Scripture prevents us from having difficulties in the practice of sin, idolatry, and vices. We are able to understand that we do not listen to and much less believe the temporary lies of idolatry that want individuals to forsake obedience to the commandments of Moses and go to Scripture. We are able to know that there are descriptions of the manner to have obedience to the commandments of Moses and persevere with wisdom to know good from evil. We are able to know that David provides the positive example from Scripture about the manner that meekness and humility are able to help us persevere with righteousness and fidelity to the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
We learn that there are specific virtues describing meekness, humility, zeal, and fidelity that are important in the Christian faith so that we are able to persevere without having vices. We learn that humility prevents arrogance, zeal prevents discouragements and lukewarm worship, and fidelity to GOD Almighty prevents the practice of idolatry. This speaks about having wisdom and knowledge of Scripture that helps us persevere in the path of eternal salvation far apart from the path of destruction in the path of wickedness, idolatry, and vices. We know that David is able to understand the things that are not supposed to be done. David describes that we do not have to be a part of idolatry. We learn that false philosophies of idolatry and sin attempts to cause individuals to doubt their self-confidence and the importance of fidelity to GOD Almighty. We learn that evil uses idolatry to cause individuals to doubt their belief, confidence, and zeal in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We know that David is able to instruct us on the manner that we need to obey the commandments while maintaining confidence in GOD Almighty. We can trust the Creator, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth makes all things good for the Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of righteous Christians. In the path of righteousness, there is the protection from the temporary lies of idolatry that want individuals to doubt GOD Almighty, doubt the commandments, doubt Scripture, or doubt themselves. This speaks about being able to receive confidence and encouragement in the Scriptures of GOD Almighty.
GOD Almighty is Almighty and Righteous
There are specific descriptions that describe the importance of having a positive mindset when maintainting in the path of eternal salvation. We learn that David describes the manner that we can persevere with positive emotions even amidst the times, circumstances, or persecution that we may be going through. Even when there are difficulties, there is the manner to persevere in the truth. We know that David is able to persevere because he decides to trust in the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. David trusts in the Creator of the Highest Heavens, lower heavens, universe, the earth, humanity, creation, and everything. This speaks about the manner that truth and righteousness allows us to be protected from the temporary lies and wickedness. We learn about the importance of obeying the commandments of Moses so that we do not doubt our zeal in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that obeying the commandments of Moses allows us to endure temptations, deny the folly of practicing idolatry, persevere amidst persecution describing gangstalking and envy of evil, and be able to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty growing in virtues similar to David. This speaks about placing our confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, obedience to the commandments of Moses, studying Scripture, having gratitude, having positive emotions, praying, fasting, singing worship songs to GOD Almighty, and developing virtues.
This allows us to know that there is righteousness and understanding in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that because righteousness exists in the world, that must mean the GOD Almighty is Righteous. This speaks about the manner that there are righteous examples in Scripture that allow us to know the favor, blessings, goodness, and health that exists in the practice of righteousness. This speaks about the manner that wickedness is the absence of righteousness. We learn that this speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty is not wicked, yet uses evil to test and know individuals that are righteous from individuals that are wicked. This speaks about having wisdom to understand the difference between righteousness and wickedness and choosing the path of eternal salvation accepting and confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, obeying the commandments of Moses, and repenting of sin. This allows us to know that because righteousness exists in the world, GOD Almighty exists and has absolute sovereignty, dominion, power, and authority over everything for all times and all eternity. This allows us to have confidence in our faith so that we do not believe the temporary lies of evil. This allows us to know the difference so that we choose to have knowledge of Scripture, wisdom, understanding, and guidance instead of practicing folly and idolatry. Wisdom allows us to know the difference between the things of GOD Almighty from the things of idolatry. Wisdom prevents us from practicing sin and instead allows us to obey the commandments of Moses with sincerity of heart. We learn that Scripture allows us to understand that there is autonomy that GOD Almighty gives to each individual to decide and does not force anyone to worship. This speaks about the filial love and autonomy that GOD Almighty gives to each individual to decide if they want to worship GOD Almighty or not. This is different from the false philosophies of idolatry that do not provide autonomy and filial love.
Increasing in Wisdom Obeying the Commandments
are also able to read this understanding in the Books of Moses in the
manner that there is wisdom in obeying the commandments.
We are able to understand
that there is favor, blessings, goodness, virtues, health, salvation,
and eternal salvation that we are able to obtain in the worship of
GOD Almighty. We are also able to understand the
stagnation, vices, difficulties, and destruction that the practice of
sin wants to cause to the wicked. We know that there are
options and decisions that allow us to worship GOD Almighty above
everything. We learn
that GOD Almighty allows us to increase in belief so that it
increases to faith and then to confidence and then to zeal. This
allows us to increase in self-confidence and allows us to know that
we can persevere with the help of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ,
and the Spirit of Truth. This
speaks about persevering similar to Abraham and Sarah, Moses, and
David who decided to worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the
Spirit of Truth with zeal and fidelity and were able to persevere
with favor, blessings, health, long life, salvation, increase of
virtues, and eternal salvation. We read in
Scripture about Moses trusting in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ,
and the Spirit of Truth above everything and increasing in
self-confidence. We
learn that before Moses, Lot and Noah were righteous and were able to
obtain salvation and long life.
This speaks about the
manner that there are righteous individuals that worshiped GOD
Almighty and obeyed GOD Almighty either before the commandments were
instructed describing Noah, Lot, and Abraham and Sarah or after the
commandments were instructed describing Moses, Joshua, Hannah,
Samuel, David, Mary, and Paul. This
speaks about the manner that GOD Almighty protects, provides, and
helps so that we can persevere when we decide to obey GOD Almighty,
King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
“And the LORD said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the people of Israel: 'You have seen for yourselves that I have talked with you from heaven. You shall not make gods of silver to be with me, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold.'”- Exodus 20: 22-23
We learn that in the times of Moses, there were false philosophies of idolatry that attempted to cause the practice of sin and vices. We learn that GOD Almighty describes the need to obey the commandments so that we are safeguarded from the practice of idolatry and sin that causes vices, stagnation, difficulties, and destruction of the wicked. We learn that we are not supposed to practice sin because it does not help. This speaks about having the commandments in our heart and mind and having encouraging Scripture verses that remind us of the manner that we can persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we do not believe the temporary lies and falsehoods of evil. This is so that there is no discouragements, doubts, or luke warm belief. We learn that obeying the commandments of Moses and Scripture protect us from the temporary lies of idolatry. We also learn about the importance of our mindset and our emotions. Knowing the importance of protecting our mindset and emotions so that we do not doubt GOD Almighty. We are not supposed to allow the temporary lies of evil to cause us to doubt GOD Almighty. We are able to increase in zeal so that instead we increase our confidence in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, our confidence in Scripture, and our confidence in ourselves.
Doubting the Temporary Lies of Sin and Idolatry
“The LORD said to Moses, 'Come up to me on the mountain and wait there, that I may give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.'”- Exodus 24: 12
We are able to know that idolatry wants to cause individuals to doubt their faith so that they practice idolatry and sin instead. We know that GOD Almighty is able to help us increase in wisdom. We are able to persevere with righteousness knowing that there is understanding and counsel in obeying the commandments of Moses so that we have correction and reproof concerning the things that we can practice and the things that we are not supposed to practice. We begin to understand that the commandments are eternal truth being written in stone for a reason, instrinsic rights describing that human life has instrinsic value, justice because the righteous increase in virtues and perservere with salvation while vices cause destruction to the wicked, a light that gives guidance, a shield that protects our mind and heart from temporary lies and negative emotions, wisdom that allows us to know that we are supposed to fear GOD Almighty and hate evil, humility to recognize that the Creator deserves the worship and not the creation, and responsibility knowing that there is correction and reproof. This allows us to know that the commandments are protection. We learn that this is the reason that Moses instructs the commandments to Israel. We learn that the commandments of Moses protect us from our own ego, from the temptations of the world, and from evil.
Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast:
King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth
Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin
King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ
King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity
Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land
King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ
New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast:
The Book of Enosh Series
The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation Episode #1
The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know Episode #2
The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin Episode #3
The Book of Enosh Chapter 50, Persisting in Christianity, and Denying Idolatry Episode #4
Persisting in the Path of the Righteous: "Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99" Episode #5
Positive Christianity Series
Positive Christianity Series Episode #15
Positive Christianity Series Episode # 14
Increasing in Motivation in the Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth
Positive Christianity Series Episode #13
Repenting of Sin and Persevering With Positive Emotions and Gratitude
Positive Christianity Series Episode #12
Positive Christianity Series Episode #11
Positive Christianity Series Episode #10
Encouragement in Scripture, Developing Serenity, and Forsaking False and Negative Information
Positive Christianity Series Episode #9
Positive Christianity Series Episode #8
Positive Christianity Series Episode #7
Encouragement, Gladness of Heart, and Persevering With Positive Emotions
Christianity Series Episode #6
Positive Christianity Series Episode #5
Commandments, Encouragement, and Eternal Salvation in King Jesus Christ
Positive Christianity Series Episode #4
Gladness of Heart and Positivity Prevents Negative Emotions From Leading to the Practice of Sin
Positive Christianity Series Episode #3
Encouragement, Confidence, and Positive Emotions in Having Zealous Faith
Positive Christianity Series Episode #2
Confidence, Trust, and Positivity
King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Israel Series
Eternal Salvation, and Jesus Christ's Priest Kings Episode #1
King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Faith Episode #2
King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Worshiping Episode #3
Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and the Commandments of Moses Episode #4
King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Deliverance Episode #5
King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Eternal Remnant Episode #6
Persisting in Christianity
Persistence in the Path of the Righteous Episode #1
Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin" Episode #3
Moses' Persistence, No
Idolatry, and Thriving Amidst the Times Episode #4
Christian Zeal,Repentance of Sin, and Eternal Salvation Episode #5
“Eternal Salvation, Eternal Purpose, and Meaning” Episode #6
Fighting Against Sin, Idolatry, Negative Emotions, and Vices
King Jesus Christ and the Separation of the Righteous and Wicked
King Jesus Christ, Maintaining Positive Emotions, and Strategies to Fight Sin
King Jesus Christ, Fighting (Negative Emotions),and Preaching Repentance of Sin
King Jesus Christ, Preaching, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception)
King Jesus Christ, Repentance of Sin, and Preaching the Gospel
Reproof of Phariseeism, Saduceeism, and False Philosophies of Idolatry
Moses and King Jesus Christ Teach the Commandments of GOD Almighty and Reproof
King Jesus Christ Preaches Reproof of Sin
King Jesus Christ Preaches Against False Philosophies of Sin, Healing, and Eternal Life
King Jesus Christ Reproofs Sin and Pronounces Woes Against Wicked Pharisees
King Jesus Christ and Reproof of Sadducees and Sin
Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series
Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception
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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.
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