Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and Shabbath Millennium

 Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and Shabbath Millennium

Resurrection Radio Podcast Episode

We spoke about the Book of Isaiah about King Jesus Christ being the Messiah. We go to Revelation to see the events of the future and know that there is the great tribulationfor seven years. After the 7 years, King Jesus Christ returns, judges, and removes sin, the workers of evil, death, and evil for all eternity. We learn that only the righteous are able to inherit the New Earth. We know that the New Earth is the Earth but renovated and restored because there is no longer sin, death, and evil. We read in Isaiah about the manner that King Jesus Christ reigns for a Thousand Years from Jerusalem, and Isaiah tells about the specific things that happen at that time. We know that the Book of Isaiah like the Book of Revelation is not in chronological order. We read about verses in Isaiah that speak about the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ. These are specific prophecies that have not been completed. The prophecies can only be completed in the times of King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign on New Earth spoken in Revelation 21. We learn that Isaiah speaks in detail about specific events that have never been seen in the past describing wine flowing from the hills and the mountains. We know that there has never been a time when wine flowed from the hills and the mountains. This has not been seen in times of the past. This speaks about an abundance of wine being created from the mountains because there is no longer sin, death, and evil on New Earth. We know that this can only occur during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth.

We learn that the verses of Isaiah 35: 6 speak about a time that has never been seen in the past. We read, 

"Water breaks forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert."-Isaiah 35: 6

We learn about the events of the greatest earthquake that has ever happened in the earth. We know that Jerusalem is split into three parts and the cities of the nations fall. We know that this happens after the seventh bowl of wrath is poured on the earth. The cities of the nations fall. This seems to describe that most of the world is a desolation because the great earthquake devastates all the cities of the world. It is a great earthquake. King Jesus Christ returns and we know what happens. We learn that the world is going to be restored when there is no longer sin, death, and evil for all eternity. We learn Isaiah 61 and 65 speak about this understanding about the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We learn about being able to possess the mountains and the mountains dripping sweet wine. We are able to restore and build up what was previously desolate. For something to be rebuilt, it first needs to be destroyed. Revelation tells us that the old earth is destroyed but the New Earth is rebuilt by King Jesus Christ and the righteous Christians. We know that the New Earth is the Earth but renovated and renewed. That is the New Earth terminology. The New Earth is the Renovated Earth. The New Jerusalem is living for all eternity in the New Heavens after living in New Earth during the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ. We know that between the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ on New Earth and New Jerusalem, evil is able to tempt individuals to go against King Jesus Christ, but fire falls from the skies and destroys the wicked. We learn that Chapter 21 of Revelation tells us that fire falls from the skies and consumes the foes of King Jesus Christ. 

New Earth and Blossoming of the Deserts

We learn that during the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ on New Earth, there is the blossoming of deserts all over the world. We know that the Negeb desert is able to blossom and be a garden and be similar to a rainforest. To some there is the question of why get the desert when there is better land? When there is better climate? GOD Almighty is able to make the desert provide streams of water and sources of water so that the desert may be like a rainforest. We learn that in the times of Moses, Israel was able to leave Egypt and make it in the desert where there were no basic necessities.

We learn that in the desert there are no basic necessities, and GOD Almighty is able to make streams of water from a rock, bring quail and bread, make a column of clouds, and pillar of fire during the night. We know that Israel was not only able to survive in the desert, but be able to thrive and grow in numbers even in the desert with the wisdom and guidance of GOD Almighty. We learn that Israel was able to obtain water, food, necessities, spiritual growth, and protection from the weather and hostile nations. Israel persevered and thrived so much so that they make it to the land of Canaan that became the land of Israel. We know that GOD Almighty was able to lead in the desert with the column of clouds during the day and pillar of fire at night. We know that even the hostile nations were destroyed because of their hostilities including the Canaanites, Bashan, and Amorites.

GOD Almighty Can Create, Destroy, and Create Again

We know that GOD Almighty is able to make gardens in the desert. There is the manner that after sin, death, and evil are no longer on New Earth, we begin Shabbath Millennium and the deserts are gardens. There are new fountains of water, rivers, and sources of water including the New Sanctuary in Jerusalem where King Jesus Christ lives. We learn that this can only happen during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We learn that this is spoken in Isaiah 35. We know that in Israel there is drip irrigation that they use to make gardens, yet the times of Shabbath Millennium speak about a blossoming of the desert meaning there is no longer deserts in the world. We learn that the desert is going to blossom like a rainforest, like a garden. We have never seen this in the past. This speaks about the deserts of the world being turned into gardens and rainforests. There are going to be new sources of water and green grass. This speaks about turning the desert into a garden or rainforest. To some there is the question of how is this possible? How can this happen? GOD Almighty is able to make this happen. GOD Almighty can make all things new. GOD Almighty is the Alpha and the Omega. The unfaithful are not going to comprehend. We can only understand this with the help of the Spirit of Truth. For individuals who have the help of the Spirit of Truth, we are able to understand that a desert can be a rainforest or very similar to.

"Waters break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert."- Isaiah 35: 6

We learn that in the times of Moses, GOD Almighty could provide water from rocks. GOD Almighty can provide water from wherever he decides. When GOD Almighty decides, He can make a forest in the desert and streams of water in the desert. 

The Psalms of David Describe GOD Almighty Having Eternal and Infinite Authority and Dominion

In the Psalms we read,

"He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants."- Psalm 107: 33-34

This is telling us of the justice of GOD Almighty. Whenever we decide to worship GOD Almighty above everything, we are able to have everything we need. We have our basic necessities, spiritual growth, virtues, wisdom, power, autonomy, and this is only through GOD Almighty. 

"The burning sand shall become a pool."- Isaiah 35: 7

We know that in the desert there is so much sand, but it is going to turn into a pool and springs of water. This describes there being pools and springs of water in the deserts. This means that there are new rivers and sources of water in the desert when previously there were no sources of water in the desert. 

"In the haunt of jackals, where they lie down, the grass shall become reeds and rushes."- Psalm 35: 7

Righteous Christians Live During the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ

We learn that this tells us about how GOD Almighty can provide for a desert to become a rainforest. How is that possible? Only through King Jesus Christ. During the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ, those who get the Negeb from the exiles of Sepharad are able to get the desert that becomes a garden. The desert becomes a garden because there are only good things. Only righteous individuals will live during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We learn that there are going to be righteous individuals from all the nations who did not practice sin, did not practice idol worship, and did not take the technological modification on the right hand or the forehead

There are going to be righteous individuals from all over the nations. We know that there are remnants from all over the countries and all the nations that exist. They serve as a testimony to the steadfast filial love and grace of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty does not care about ethnicity, and He cares about us all. He wants us whether we are Jewish or Gentile to worship GOD Almighty above all. This is so that we obtain eternal salvation in King Jesus Christ. Add grace and filial love, add King Jesus Christ. This is beautiful because those that inhabit the Negeb desert are going to receive a rainforest. There is going to be much water, resources, and gardens. The land is going to be fruitful and multiply.

Accepting and Confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, Obeying the Commandments of Moses, and Repenting of Sin With Sincerity of Heart

"The ransomed of the LORD shall return to Zion with singing."-Isaiah 35: 10

We know that the ransomed of the LORD are individuals that accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. What do you mean paid for? Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to pay for our sins and give us eternal salvation when we accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. The blood of King Jesus Christ wipes us clean and make us new again. King Jesus Christ guards us, takes away our sins and gives us eternal life. This describes the ransomed of the LORD that obtain eternal salvation because they accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. The ransomed are the individuals that are saved from sin. We have our shackles of sin removed, and we decide to embrace the spiritual promises of GOD Almighty and go to the Spiritual Promised Land that is Spiritual Israel. The Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth and then we live for all eternity in New Jerusalem. This is where we are headed to. 

"The ransomed of the LORD shall return to Zion with singing."- Isaiah 35: 10

What is Zion? Zion is Jerusalem. Zion is Mount Zion, Jerusalem, the city of David, and we know the city has many names. This means that we all return to Jerusalem when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds and removes sin, death, and evil for all eternity. We know that King Jesus Christ is King of kings, LORD of lords, and GOD of gods. We know this, but when King Jesus Christ returns, everyone will know this. King Jesus Christ is the King of kings, LORD of lords, and GOD of gods for all eternity.

Shabbath Millennium Starts After the Return of King Jesus Christ From the Clouds and Removal of Sin, Death, and Evil For All Eternity

We know that everyone is going to see the return of King Jesus Christ from the clouds described in the Book of Revelation. The individuals that are considered worthy of King Jesus Christ are going to reign with King Jesus Christ for a Thousand Years in the Renovated New Earth. So this is one of the passages in Isaiah that gives context. Within Isaiah, there are a lot of verses that give context about the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We learn that there are passages in Isaiah that speak of King Jesus Christ being a suffering servant and then shift to describe King Jesus Christ being the Conquering King of kings who is going to reign for a Thousand Years into eternity. So there is the description of King Jesus Christ in Isaiah being the Eternal Messiah. There may not be a whole chapter but there could be specific verses that speak about King Jesus Christ being the Resurrected King of kings. They give context of Revelation Chapter 21 about the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. This is for individuals that do not practice sin, do not practice idol worship, and do not take the technological modification on the right hand or forehead. We do not live by the standards of the false belief system of the end times. 

We are going to reign with King Jesus Christ. We know that there may be the rapture for some that is described in the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation. There are some that are going to be persecuted. And there are individuals that are going to be with King Jesus Christ on Mount Zion that went through a specific time of the great tribulation, the 144,000 are sealed with the name of GOD Almighty on their foreheads and are able to persevere. King Jesus Christ is with them and gathers them. So there are different manners that we can obtain eternal salvation, but the most important part is to accept and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. King Jesus Christ is of greater iportance than the temporary things of the world. Only by having faith in King Jesus Christ do we get eternal salvation. How it happens, we do not need to know all the details, but we do have to trust in GOD Almighty who does know all the details for all time and for all eternity. GOD Almighty allows us to persevere through everything, so that we do not have to worry or be anxious for anything. GOD Almighty decides. When we accept King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, we have eternal salvation. We are the ransomed of the LORD. The ransomed of the LORD are the people that are saved.

All the Exiles From the Nations Return to Israel in the Times of Shabbath Millennium

We are going to go to Jerusalem in order to worship GOD Almighty during the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We are going to go to Jerusalem singing because King Jesus Christ is LORD of lords. We are going to go to Zion with singing. We are going to be singing because we have gladness of heart and true joy. We are going to be praising GOD Almighty. That is what we learn in Isaiah 35. 

"Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads."- Isaiah 35: 10

We learn that there is going to be a double portion and everlasting joy. That double portion describes being given blessings and favor by King Jesus Christ. King Jesus Christ is going to give land to individuals and apportion out the land. We learn about the land being apportioned in Obadiah. The righteous exiles of Sepharad are going to get the Negeb that is going to blossom and grow into a garden and rainforests. The Negeb is going to blossom and bring forth gardens. There are going to be vinedressers that are going to plant vineyards and there is going to be wine in abundance with the production of needed resources. This is stated in the last chapter of Amos. 

Shabbath Millennium Talks About Abundance on a Renovated New Earth

"The treader of wine is going to surpass those who sow."- Amos 9: 13

This describes the multiplication of resources in Shabbath Millennium. We know that a greater amount of resources are going to be produced than the amounts that are being sown. We have not seen this in previous times because this can only happen in the worship of GOD Almighty in Shabbath Millennium. We know that we have not seen wine flowing from the mountains. This can only happen in Shabbath Millennium. GOD Almighty allows for the multiplication of resources in the times of Shabbath Millennium. This is only through the worship of GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ. We learn that when we seek to worship GOD Almighty above everything, the basic necessities and everything else are added.

"Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, everything else is added."- Matthew 6: 33

This describes having the basic necessities, the wine, bread, oil, the grain, and the things that we need. We also receive the manner to improve so that we improve in virtues with spiritual growth in the worship of GOD Almighty. We keep improving during Shabbath Millennium in the worship of GOD Almighty. We get land, grain, oil, wine, and all the necessities that we need. We know that GOD Almighty is going to apportion the land to the righteous described in Ezekiel 47, 48, and Obadiah. We are priests of GOD Almighty and worship GOD Almighty. We are making sure that we pay attention to the worship of GOD Almighty, obeying the commandments of Moses, repenting of sin, and preaching King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. We know that GOD Almighty knows everything and is going to give recompense to those that are worthy of GOD Almighty. We know that there is recompense to the wicked in Revelation. We know that there is recompense for the righteous in Revelation. 

Persevering in the Worship of GOD Almighty

We learn that,

"Everlasting joy shall be upon their own heads."- Isaiah 35: 10

Why are we going to abound and be singing? GOD Almighty is the center of our existence since we began to change and believe in King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior over everything that exists in this life. That is why we have everything. If we have King Jesus Christ, and we worship GOD Almighty above everything, and we have the help of the Spirit of Truth, we have absolutely everything that we need. GOD Almighty is going to provide abundance during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. We are going to go to Jerusalem with singing. People are going to want to go to Jerusalem, worship King Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, and bring gifts from the abundance that their land produces. The righteous are going to inhabit different cities, but they are going to go to Jerusalem to give King Jesus Christ gifts and worship GOD Almighty. Jerusalem is going to be the most important city of the world. Jerusalem is going to be the capital of the world during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ. This describes the manner that GOD Almighty loves Jerusalem. The righteous are going to go to Zion with singing. This can only happen during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ and not the events prior to Revelation Chapter 21 that speaks about King Jesus Christ Reigning with the righteous Christians for a Thousand Years. We know that these times are not the times spoken in Chapter 21 because we know that there are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences.

In the times of Shabbath Millennium, we read that there is going to be, 

"Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads."- Isaiah 35: 10

This is because of GOD Almighty guarding, helping, and showing us the things we need to know. Everlasting joy only happens when we worship GOD Almighty. Only GOD Almighty can provide everlasting joy. 

"They shall attain gladness and joy."- Isaiah 35: 10

Why do we obtain gladness and joy. This is only through the worship of King Jesus Christ. These things are good, the land being apportioned, the grain, the oil, the wine, and there is growth in virtues with the worship of GOD Almighty. There is righteousness, justice, wisdom, power, sovereignty, zeal, and fidelity during the times of Shabbath Millennium. This is all interesting and motivating so that we persevere amidst these times. We know that GOD Almighty cares about the righteous. We know that there is gladness and true joy because of the presence of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is the reason everything blossoms and there is abundance. We learn that everyone grows. Everyone improves. Not just a few Christians, but everyone improves. All the righteous Christians that are deemed worthy by King Jesus Christ. There are the righteous that did not forsake GOD Almighty during the times of testing and kept confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. The faithful Christians who kept fidelity to GOD Almighty obtain these things. 

Keeping Fidelity to GOD Almighty

The faithful Christians go through everything and keep faith in GOD Almighty. The righteous Christians go through everything and confess King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. GOD Almighty gives righteous faithful Christians abundance in the times of Shabbath Millenium on New Earth. That is what we see during the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth. The Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ provokes a sense of awe and wonder. This speaks about the greatness of GOD Almighty. The Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ speaks about the authority, dominion, splendor, and majesty of GOD Almighty. This speaks about the dominion, authority, autonomy, power, strength, might, sovereignty, wisdom, valor, grace, mercy, magnificence, and glory of GOD Almighty. King Jesus Christ is the King of kings, LORD of lords, and GOD of gods.

"They shall obtain gladness and joy."- Isaiah 35: 10

So that is the gladness and joy that we are talking about. Even not having these things yet, we are able to have gladness and true joy because we are able to understand the Sacred Scriptures with the help of the Spirit of Truth. We are left in awe at how great GOD Almighty is. GOD Almighty is good for us. We learn that Adam and Eve were given Paradise with the gardens blossoming, rivers, and sources of water. GOD Almighty created creation and Adam and Eve where able to name the creation. We learn that Adam and Eve had authority over the creation. They are given so much goodness just because they were created. This talks about the grace of GOD Almighty. Now us that have been tested, we have gone through testing, and so many different things, and we still decide to persevere and trust in GOD Almighty and glorify King Jesus Christ above everything. How much more will GOD Almighty give us? That is the understanding of being a mature Christian that we have gone through so much and have understanding that only the worship of GOD Almighty allows us to persevere with favor and true joy. There is that wisdom.

Maturing With Wisdom in the Worship of GOD Almighty

When we are beginning Christians, there may be initial questions of why is this or why is that? When we mature in Christianity, we are able to understand specific complexities that we can only understand with the help of the Spirit of Truth. This is one of the complexities. GOD Almighty really loves us. GOD Almighty really wants to give us the best of the best. GOD Almighty does not want to give us things that we do not need or things that are trying to lead to the road of perdition in the practice of idol worship and sin. GOD Almighty helps us so that we can persevere with the things that we need while persisting in the path of eternal salvation worshiping GOD Almighty above everything. If there is something that we do not have, it is because we probably do not need it. If it is to lead to idol worship and vices, then we do not need those things. 

"And sorrow and sighing will flee away."- Isaiah 35: 10

We know this. We know that in this life there is sorrow and sighing. We know this when we are Christians because of that reality. Initially, we do not know, but we grow in our maturity when we are Christians. We grow in fervor and zeal and begin to see how things work. Even through difficulties, King Jesus Christ is with us. At times there is that sorrow and sighing. We know that in Shabbath Millennium, sorrow and sighing is going to flee away. The times of sorrow and sighing are gone. The times of the past are not going to matter anymore. We are not going to remember them. They are not going to come into mind. We are not going to think about them. They are the things of the past. Violence, envy, and coveting are not going to register in the times of Shabbath Millennium because they do not exist anymore. Those things are gone. Once King Jesus Christ says those things are gone, those things are gone. They shall flee away. What is going to remain? Gladness and everlasting joy. That is something that is interesting to understand. The things of the world of the past, speaks about the temporary joy from the things of the world and idolatry. The hedonistic treadmill describes how wanting temporary material items gives a momentary sensation of accomplishment or pleasure or tranquility. This is for a very, very limited time. Very small amount of time. Again, getting that new car or getting something new. It wears off in a week or two. That is what psychologists have tried to understand. This is because the temporary joy of material possessions is not rooted in Christ. It is not rooted in the eternal. It is temporary and is not rooted in the eternal. It is not rooted in King Jesus Christ. It is rooted in the temporary. We see cars, cars are temporary. We see that material possessions are temporary. The virtues of GOD Almighty describing wisdom, love, joy, understanding, might, dominion, power, autonomy, sovereignty, freedom, and fidelity are abstract, not material, and not temporary. They are greater than material things. The virtues of GOD Almighty are difficult to quantify, but once we know that they are from GOD Almighty, we give virtues greater importance than material temporary items. The virtues are difficult to quantify because they can be infinite. Being given by GOD Almighty, the virtues can take even greater meaning. We give virtues greater importance because they are from GOD Almighty. We learn that the virtues given by GOD Almighty are greater than the temporary things of the world. When we read about everlasting joy, that is the question we have. How is it that with GOD Almighty we have everlasting joy and with the world it is a temporary joy? The temporary joy lasts a few days or a few weeks and then it is back to coveting or wanting something new. Why is that? We learn that this is because the temporary joy from the world is not rooted in King Jesus Christ. It is not rooted in the Creator, Author of Life, and LORD of all, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty allows us to have everlasting joy. King Jesus Christ helps us have everlasting joy. This is because we worship the Everlasting King of kings, Everlasting High Priest, Everlasting Eternal Intercessor, and Everlasting joy. King Jesus Christ is everlasting joy. We can only understand everlasting joy that is lasting when we acknowledge our LORD and Savior. When we acknowledge GOD Almighty being the Creator and LORD of everything, that is when we abound. When we acknowledge the protagonist of history, King Jesus Christ, that is when we realize that everything that we will ever need is already fulfilled in King Jesus Christ. King Jesus Christ fulfills not only Jewish History, but then fulfills the necessity of having true everlasting joy in our hearts. What is going to provide the greatest amount of joy in our lives? It is the worship of GOD Almighty. There is nothing that can compare to worshiping GOD Almighty over everything in this life. The things of this life are temporary. The things of this life may provide joy, but it is a temporary joy. It is not everlasting joy, and it may be very limited joy. We know that we need everlasting joy. That is the joy that King Jesus Christ provides. We can acknowledge King Jesus Christ LORD and Savior, and we receive additional good things describing receiving the basic necessities, improving in virtues, having salvation, developing perseverance and integrity, persisting with health, protection from sin, envy, and evil, and authority to keep preaching

Choosing King Jesus Christ Above Everything

"Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and everything else is added."- Matthew 6: 33

Seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven means acknowledging King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior. Then everything else is added. What is everything else? The grain, wine, oil, the basic necessities, water, light, air, and protection from evil and envy. We know that protection is a basic necessity that we do not think about, but GOD Almighty provides that. GOD Almighty provides protection from the world and from being in the path of perdition practicing idol worship and sin. GOD Almighty provides protection from the world, protection from sin, and protection from the consequences of sin. We are protected from the difficulties of the world because of the consequences of sin. GOD Almighty provides protection from evil and sin. We also have growth of virtues. There is spiritual growth from the gifts that the Spirit of Truth gives so that we persevere worshiping GOD Almighty. We can keep growing in virtues in spite of everything. We see Paul with that example. Paul is an example that shows us how to persevere amidst tribulation, persecution, and times. We learn that Paul is strengthened in the worship of GOD Almighty preaching to the nations amidst afflictions, difficulties, and persecution. We learn that even with the envy of false prophets and false apostles, Christianity grows to the nations. Paul keeps abounding. There are false apostles and false Christians that try to belittle Paul, yet he goes to different churches and grows them. Paul sees what they are doing right and reprooves what they are doing wrong. Paul is able to offer reproof telling the need to not mix false beliefs with true Christianity. The false beliefs are not compatible with Christianity. The false beliefs that preach hate are not compatible with the filial love and genuine empathy of true Christianity. GOD Almighty tells us to practice genuine empathy, responsibility, and filial love that can not be practiced with folly, envy, and hate from false beliefs. King Jesus Christ teaches us to preach and practice filial love and genuine empathy. This describes loving GOD Almighty above everything and respecting humanity. We are supposed to avoid false prophets and false beliefs that are not compatible with true Christianity. We learn that Paul perseveres, abounds, and is able to grow churches in the nations. Paul is able to persevere amidst the afflictions and persecution. Paul's fervor describes the power of GOD Almighty. Paul is able to preach to the Gentiles when the Pharisees did not want him in Jerusalem. Paul preaches to Greece, Rome, Cyprus, and Asia Minor among the nations he preaches to. Paul is able to preach and individuals from the nations convert to Christianity renouncing idol worship and sin. 

Persevering Trusting in the LORD and Creator of Everything, GOD Almighty

Paul is able to persevere. GOD Almighty decides. This describes the everlasting joy of abounding amidst obstacles. When Paul writes his letters, he is able to give us hope. Paul tells us wisdom from GOD Almighty and gives us hope so that we can keep preaching King Jesus Christ so that we can have eternal salvation. Paul is able to give us an example of the love of GOD Almighty that GOD Almighty wants us to be saved like Paul is saved. That is the beauty of GOD Almighty being able to transform us and change us into new creations. Just as GOD Almighty is able to change individuals, He is able to change the earth. GOD Almighty is able to provide for the earth and is also able to destroy the earth if there is so much sin. GOD Almighty is able to rebuild the earth when there is so much righteousness in Shabbath Millennium. During the Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ on New Earth, there is going to be so much righteousness because GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are worshiped above everything. GOD Almighty is worshiped and keeps having infinite, eternal, absolute, and complete authority over the earth. King Jesus Christ reigns for a Thousand Years from Jerusalem

We learn that the ruined cities are rebuilt after the events that happen in Revelation. There is going to be building up and restoration of all the cities. The ruined cities that fall from the great earthquake are going to be rebuilt. The deserts are going to have rivers and streams of water. When we plant or garden, the amount that is produced and yielded is going to be greater than the amount in this earth. We know that there are certain limits that GOD Almighty has placed on this earth. In the New Earth when King Jesus Christ is ruling from Jerusalem, there is going to be so much abundance and so much produced from the land. We learn in the story of Cain that Cain is not able to produce from the land. The land negates Cain the ability to produce from the land. Cain can not produce from the land because of his sin. We learn that the righteous are able to produce from the land, and that is what we are able to see in the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus Christ where the righteous are able to produce from the land. Why is that? We learn from the Books of Moses that the practice of sin causes the land to not produce. We learn that there is judgment from GOD Almighty that allows us to know that GOD Almighty has complete and absolute dominion and sovereignty over the earth. GOD Almighty tells the sun what it can do and what it can not do. GOD Almighty tells the moon what it can do and what it can not do. They can provide light when the people are righteous, or they can stop providing light when the people are wicked. This tells us that GOD Almighty is in absolute, infinite, and eternal authority over everything. GOD Almighty allows us to know the things that we need to know. Just like the land can provide when there is righteousness, GOD Almighty can also decide when the earth does not produce due to judgment against wickedness. We learn that GOD Almighty has infinite, eternal, and absolute authority, dominion, and sovereignty over everything including the earth


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