Not Judging Others and Practicing Genuine Empathy

Not Judging Others and Practicing Genuine Empathy

Positive Christianity Series Episode #130

"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."- Luke 6: 37-38

King Jesus Christ describes the manner that there is the need to practice true justice, equity, and equality instead of hypocrisy and sin. We know that while evil wants individuals to think that they can practice injustice and iniquity, we know that GOD Almighty judges the wicked. We know that we are not to judge because we do not know all the details and instead only GOD Almighty knows all the details. We know that we are supposed to obey GOD Almighty so that we practice filial love and genuine empathy in obedience to the commandments of Moses instead of envy and anger. We know that when we have genuine empathy and sincerity of heart, there is no need to judge others. We can hate evil instead and this is considered wisdom. We learn that we do not have to hate others because evil wants individuals to hate without reason. Instead of listening to the temporary lies of evil, we listen and believe the truth in the Sacred Scriptures. We learn that we are created to live in perfect harmony with one another instead of being at odds for no reason.

We learn that evil wants individuals to quarrel and be in conflict with each other for no reason. We learn that we are supposed to persevere practicing filial love, genuine empathy, kindness, and serenity while being far apart from false prophets, false and negative information, and false and negative philosophies of sin. We are able to persevere getting rid of negative emotions and instead have gratitude to GOD Almighty. We do not need to cause conflict or quarreling because instead we seek unity and serenity with one another. This speaks about forsaking vices, anger, hate, and envy and instead persevering with virtues, serenity, filial love, and gratitude. GOD Almighty allows us to persevere developing virtues instead of practicing vices and sin. We learn that being Christians we are supposed to help one another worship GOD Almighty and encourage one another instead of practicing envy and coveting seen in idol worship.

"Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to GOD and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding."- Romans 14: 18-19

We learn that King Jesus Christ helps us know that we are supposed to live in harmony with one another instead of practicing anger and envy. We learn that righteous individuals were able to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty improving and developing virtues while forsaking sin and idol worship. We learn that Moses received the instruction of the commandments on Mount Sinai and helped his brothers and sisters to learn about the wisdom of GOD Almighty. We learn that the wisdom of GOD Almighty in practicing obedience to the commandments of Moses helps us persevere, develop virtues describing wisdom, power, authority, sovereignty, serenity, dominion, and the most important virtue of all, fidelity, to GOD Almighty. When we choose to worship GOD Almighty, we are able to live with serenity and harmony with others instead of practicing anger, quarreling, conflict, division, strife, and hostilities. We know that there are virtues that are needed so that we do not practice conflict describing the need to have meekness and humility to not believe the temporary lies of evil.

We learn that Moses was able to live with serenity guiding Israel in the desert so that they were able to reach the land of Canaan that became the land of Israel. We learn that the meekness of Moses prevented Moses from being quarrelsome, conflicting, and arrogant seen in the wicked of Korah's rebellion. We learn that Korah's rebellion attempted to rebel against Moses due to their arrogance, faithlessness, and rebellion against GOD Almighty. We learn that Korah's rebellion prefered the chains of idol worship and captivity wanting to return to Egypt instead of having gratitude because they were freed and autonomous because of GOD Almighty. We know that we are supposed to persevere with humility instead of arrogance and anger. We know that Moses was able to persevere while Korah's rebellion was destroyed. We learn that GOD Almighty judged Korah's rebellion, and guarded Moses from the temporary lies, rebellion, and envy of evil. We learn that we are supposed to persevere similar to Moses and Paul. We learn that Paul was also able to instruct his brothers and sisters in the worship of GOD Almighty, and they were able to persevere in the worship of GOD Almighty. We know that Paul was able to preach to the nations the importance of King Jesus Christ, and the nations converted to Christianity. Instead of causing conflict and division, Paul preached genuine empathy in King Jesus Christ and obedience to the commandments of Moses, and Christianity was accepted in the nations. We learn that when Paul preached along with the disciples and apostles, Christianity increased in the nations with individuals renouncing sin and idol worship. We learn that when Paul preached in Greece, Rome, Cyprus, and Asia Minor, there were individuals that repented of their sin and became disciples and apostles preaching truth. We learn that Christianity kept increasing and keeps on increasing consistent with how King Jesus Christ stated that Christianity would be preached to Israel and the nations

"And we know that for those that love GOD all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."- Romans 8: 28

October 2, 2024 Wednesday's Publication

King Jesus Christ, Everlasting King of kings

 Audio Works

If Spotify links do not work, the GreatnessWithinUs.Life site has older articles with audio. Not sure if Spotify links do not work based on envy or human error. Most likely envy due to the times prior to the great tribulation and speaking truth, filial love, logic,  and repentance of sin. I am going to keep preaching and having gratitude for not practicing idol worship, not being covid "vaccinated" (not even once), and not having to tell temporary lies. I am able to persevere with gratitude and true joy amidst living in not the best of times. Hallelu JAH!


Faith and Zeal in Times of Testing

Audio Works 

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, and Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

Audio Works 

    King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Eternal Life, New Sanctuary, and the Path of the Righteous

                                                Audio Works        

    Audio Works 

                                               Audio Works 

Audio Works 

King Jesus Christ, Maintaining Positive Emotions, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Fighting Idolatry)

Audio Works 

Resurrection Radio Podcast Season One Book 

Day of the LORD, Isaiah 34, and Prophecies

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ Speaks in Parables

Audio Works


Paul Describes Our Faith

Audio Works


GOD Almighty's Proteccion For Righteous Christians in Psalm 37

Audio Works


King Jesus Christ is Eternal Messiah and Healer

Audio Works


King Jesus Christ Heals a Leper

Audio Works


Judge Not Others

Audio Works


Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign

Blogger Article 

(If Spotify links do not work due to envy most likely)

Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 2

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 3

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 4

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 5

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 35, Jerusalem, and King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 6

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Praise, and Worship

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Praise, and Worship Part 2

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ, and Truth

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Millennial Reign of King Jesus Christ, and Truth

Parte 2

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Humility, and Repentance of Sin

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Humility, and Repentance of Sin Parte 2

Spotify Episode

The Book of Isaiah, King Jesus Christ's Thousand Year Reign, and Land 

Spotify Episode

Obadiah, Amos, Joel, and Isaiah Prophecy About King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign

Spotify Episode

Obadiah, Amos, Joel, and Isaiah Prophecy About King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign Part 2

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Millennial Reign, and King Jesus Christ

Spotify Episode

Isaiah, Millennial Reign, and King Jesus Christ Part 2

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 48, Repentance, and Prophecy

Spotify Episode

Isaiah 48, Prophecy, and Wisdom

Spotify Episode

The Beautitudes of King Jesus Christ on Mount Olivet

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 2

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 3

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 4

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 5

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 6

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 7

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 8

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Part 9

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 2

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 3

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Parte 4

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 5

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 6

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 7

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ in the Book of Luke Part 8

Spotify Episode

Episodes on the New Sanctuary in Shabbath Millennium

Youtube Episode

Study on Revelation

Revelation Chapter 1

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 1 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 1 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 1 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 2 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 2 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 2 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 3 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 3 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 3 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 3 Part 5

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 4 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 4 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 4 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 4 Part 5

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 5

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 5 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 5 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 5 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 6

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 6 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 6 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 6 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 7

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 7 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 7 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 7 Part 4

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Revelation Chapter 8

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 8 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 8 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 8 Part 4

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Revelation Chapter 9

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 9 Part 2

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Revelation Chapter 9 Part 3

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Revelation Chapter 9 Part 4

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Revelation Chapter 10

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 10 Part 2

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Revelation Chapter 10 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 10 Part 4

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Revelation Chapter 11

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 11 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 11 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 11 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 12

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 12 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 12 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 12 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 13

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 13 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 13 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 13 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 13 Part 5

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 14

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 14 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 14 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 15

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 15 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 15 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 15 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 16

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 16 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 16 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 17

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 17 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 17 Part 3

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Revelation Chapter 17 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 18

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 18 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 18 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 18 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 19

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 19 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 19 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 19 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 19 Part 5

 Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 20

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 20 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 20 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 20 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 21

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 21 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 21 Part 3

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 21 Part 4

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 22

Spotify Episode

Revelation Chapter 22 Part 2

Spotify Episode

Paul's Letters

Paul's Change 
Spotify Episode

Paul's Change Part 2
Spotify Episode

Paul's Change Part 3
Spotify Episode

Paul's Change Part 4
Spotify Episode

Paul's Second Letter to Corinth, Reproof, and Eternal Salvation

Spotify Episode

Paul's Second Letter to Corinth, Reproof, and Eternal Salvation Part 2

Spotify Episode

Paul's Second Letter to Corinth, Reproof, and Eternal Salvation Part 3

Spotify Episode

Paul's Second Letter to Corinth, Reproof, and Eternal Salvation Part 4

Spotify Episode

Paul's Second Letter to Corinth, Reproof, and Eternal Salvation Part 5

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 2

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 3

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 4

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 5

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 6

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 7

Spotify Episode

Paul's Teachings and Reproof Part 8

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Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace

Spotify Episode

Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace Part 2

Spotify Episode

Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace Part 3

Spotify Episode

Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace Part 4

Spotify Episode

Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace Part 5

Spotify Episode

Paul, Tribulation, and GOD's Grace Part 6

Spotify Episode

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Sin (Negative Emotions), and Preaching Repentance of Sin

Youtube Episode

King David's Fidelity

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor Part 2

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 3

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 4

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 5

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 6

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 7

Spotify Episode

King David, Israel's Increase, and GOD Almighty's Favor

Part 8

Spotify Episode

Psalm 105 and GOD Almighty's Promises to Israel

Spotify Episode

Psalm 105 and GOD Almighty's Promises to Israel Part 2

Spotify Episode

Psalm 105 and GOD Almighty's Promises to Israel Part 3

Spotify Episode

Psalm 105 and GOD Almighty's Promises Israel Part 4

Spotify Episode

Moses and Faith

The Ten Commandments, Deuteronomy, and Filial Love

Spotify Episode

The Ten Commandments, Deuteronomy, and Filial Love Part 2

Spotify Episode

Moses, the Promised Land, and Belief

Spotify Episode

Moses, the Promised Land, and Belief Part 2

Spotify Episode

Psalm 106 and Idolatry

Spotify Episode

Samuel and No Idolatry

Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant

Spotify Episode

Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant Part 2

Spotify Episode

Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant Part 3

Spotify Episode

Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant Part 4

Spotify Episode

Elijah's Zeal

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 2

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 3

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 4

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 5

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 6

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 7

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 8

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 9

Spotify Episode

Elijah, Truth, and GOD Almighty's Protection Part 10

Spotify Episode

Isaiah's Obedience

GOD Almighty's Grace, Hezekiah's Faith, and Isaiah's Obedience

Spotify Episode

Reproof and Correction

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Spotify Episode

Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign and Eternal Life

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ


Study on the Book of Revelation: 

Revelation Chapter 22 

Revelation Chapter 21 

Revelation Chapter 20 

Revelation Chapter 19 

Revelation Chapter 18 

Revelation Chapter 17 

Revelation Chapter 16 

Revelation Chapter 15 

Revelation Chapter 14 

Revelation Chapter 13 

Revelation Chapter 12 

Revelation Chapter 11 

Revelation Chapter 10 

Revelation Chapter 9 

Revelation Chapter 8 

Revelation Chapter 7 

Revelation Chapter 6 

Revelation Chapter 5 

Revelation Chapter 4 

Revelation Chapter 3 

Revelation Chapter 2 

Revelation Chapter 1 

The Book of Enosh Series

 The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know

The Book of Enosh, Righteous Remnant, and Eternal Salvation

Enosh, Noah, and Eternal Salvation 

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin

Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99

Persisting in the Path of the Righteous, Descriptions of Eternal Salvation in Shabbath Millennium, and Resisting Idolatry and Sin

Positive Christianity Series

The Importance of Confidence and Zeal in GOD Almighty Prevents Having Disbelief Seen in Socialism and Communism

Episode #72

The Importance of Confidence and Zeal in GOD Almighty Prevents Having Disbelief Seen in Atheism and Nihilism

Episode #71

Persevering With Fidelity to GOD Almighty Described in Psalm 91

Episode #70

Choosing Positive Sources of Information and Removing Negative and False Information

Episode #69

The Importance of Preaching Truth and Forsaking False Philosophies of Hate and Lust

Episode #68

Preaching Truth and Forsaking False Philosophies of Hate and Lust

Episode #67

 Preaching Truth and Forsaking False Philosophies of Hate and Lust

Episode #66

Persevering Reminding Ourselves of GOD Almighty’s Fidelity

Episode #65

Persevering With Zeal Amidst Discouragements, Temptations, or Persecution

Episode #64

Persevering With Zeal Amidst Discouragements, Temptation, or Persecution

Positive Christianity Series Episode #63

The Importance of Encouragement, Zeal, and Righteousness

Improving in the Worship of GOD Almighty, Removing Negative Emotions, and Doubting the Discouragements

Positive Christianity Series Episode #61 

Improving in the Worship of GOD Almighty, Removing Negative Emotions, and Doubting the Discouragements

                                         Episode #60 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity


 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of Eternal Salvation Practicing Righteousness

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception), and No Idolatry in the Time Prior to the Great Tribulation

King Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth Gives Discernment, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Negative Emotions), and Preaching Repentance of Sin

King Jesus Christ, Discernment in Times of Testing, and Maintaining Faith and Zeal

King Jesus Christ and the Parable of the Return of King Jesus Christ on the Clouds

King Jesus Christ, Righteousness, and Eternal Salvation


The Importance of Obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, Righteousness, and Strategies to Fight Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, the Commandments of Moses, and Strategies to Fight Sin

King Jesus Christ, Preaching, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin

Faith and Zeal in Times of Testing

 King Jesus Christ is Messiah

King Jesus Christ Calms a Storm

King Jesus Christ Fulfills Prophecies of Isaiah

King Jesus Christ Fulfills the Prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel

Reproof of False Philosophies of Sin, Phariseeism, Saduceeism, and Idolatry

 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception

You can also check out new episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast on Youtube. You can check previous episodes onSpotify. You can subscribe to receive updates on new videos and community updates on new blog posts. You can subscribe onQuora to receive new blog post updates also. 

The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in theBook of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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Persevering With Encouragement

  Persevering With Encouragement Positive Christianity Series Episode # 131 " And we know that for those who love GOD all things work t...