Resurrection Radio Podcast: Revelation Chapter 8

  Resurrection Radio Podcast

Episode: Revelation Chapter 8


Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. For this specific episode, we already talked about Revelation Chapter 7. Through Revelation we are able to see what GOD Almighty intended for humanity. GOD Almighty did not want for individuals to sin and to go through the difficulties of sin and the consequences of sin. This is what we read from the example of Adam and Eve. There are individuals that say that is just one example. We are able to see recurrent examples in the idolatry of Israel, in the wilderness, and the examples when the prophets are sent to preach repentance. We know that there are still individuals that decide not to repent of their sin.

They continue to believe that idolatry will be able to deliver them from their affliction and troubles when the time arrives, but only GOD Almighty can deliver from afflictions. There are no other gods. The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are together the True GOD Almighty. Only GOD Almighty can deliver. While we know that there was disobedience for eating of the forbidden fruit, there are two main paths in life. We either chose to honor and obey GOD Almighty by practicing obedience to His instructions like He tells Abraham to follow the words of GOD Almighty. There were no Ten Commandments at the time of Abraham. We learn that Abraham followed what GOD Almighty stated. GOD Almighty told Abraham to do a specific action, and Abraham followed the words of GOD Almighty. Isaac and Jacob were also able to obey the words of GOD Almighty.

This allows us to understand that while there are false beliefs, or false philosophies that try to get us to disobey GOD Almighty, we are not supposed to obey those false beliefs. Those are the paths of the wicked. We learn that there is knowledge of Scripture, and there is false "knowledge" of sin in false philosophies. I spoke about how MGTOW and feminism attempt to divide individuals into whether they are pro-men or pro-women. This causes individuals to choose and then hate the other gender. We were created to love humanity with a filial kind of love. GOD Almighty wants us to live in harmony. That is why GOD Almighty creates the Ten Commandments and teaches the Ten Commandments through Moses. We learn that when King Jesus Christ arrives to earth, He is sent to provide instruction of the Ten Commandments and to provide peace through repentance of sin despite the difficulties that had existed.

GOD Almighty only wants peace for the righteous. GOD Almighty only wants steadfast love. faith, grace, joy, understanding, wisdom, might, power, authority, dominion, and sovereignty for the righteous. GOD Almighty wants this for those that believe in GOD Almighty. This is not only something that GOD Almighty has because He is the Creator, but He wants to provide this for those that believe in King Jesus Christ and are righteous. GOD Almighty wants to share the good things with His creation. We learn that was the reason why Adam and Eve were given paradise without having to work for it. They were given paradise. That tells us so much about the steadfast love of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty did not test them or expect from them anything other than to obey that one commandment. That one instruction. They were given paradise without having to work for it. This allows us to understand that for righteous believers, GOD Almighty wants to provide paradise because we have been tested and refined through the persecution, trials, and tribulations of life. We know that this paradise is even greater than the previous paradise because it is going to be the New Earth and the New Heavens.

This is not going to be the old earth or the old heavens. That is going to pass away. King Jesus Christ says that. The old heavens and the old earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. King Jesus Christ being the Word of GOD Almighty. This is talking about the Scriptures, the promises of GOD Almighty. These are the promises that GOD Almighty promised to Abraham all the way to King Jesus Christ and even into Revelation are not going to pass away. Those promises from GOD Almighty are fixed. We learn that David is able to prophesy that King Jesus Christ was not going to pass away and that GOD Almighty would not abandon King Jesus Christ to death. We learn that King Jesus Christ resurrects on the third day. GOD Almighty was not going to allow for King Jesus Christ to perish but was going to allow King Jesus Christ to resurrect on the third day. That is what happens. King Jesus Christ is resurrected from the dead and that is our confidence in the Word of GOD Almighty.

That is the confidence that we have in the Word of GOD Almighty. That is why Christians have true joy regardless of the circumstances. Even if everything is great or everything is not great. We praise GOD Almighty, we worship GOD Almighty, and we give GOD Almighty the thanksgiving for everything. This is because we know that we are the creation of GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty is able to see everything. GOD Almighty knows the intentions of the heart and the mind. GOD Almighty knows the actions of individuals based on the intentions of the heart and the mind. GOD Almighty knows everything. GOD Almighty knows what we might do or what we might not do. What we might think or what we might not think. What we decide to choose or what we do not decide to choose. GOD Almighty knows the decisions based on what intentions or what belief individuals have.

GOD Almighty gives us the understanding that GOD Almighty created us because He knows us. GOD Almighty created us because He knows who we are. This is for each specific person. That is the beauty of Scripture. GOD Almighty allows us to choose what path we want to follow. We know that the temporary lies of the world are trying to tell us that GOD Almighty does not know us by name, or GOD Almighty not caring about an individual's life, or saying that GOD Almighty has not given what an individual wanted. All of these are temporary lies because GOD Almighty knows our names even before we are created. GOD Almighty knows what we are going to do and what purpose we are going to achieve. GOD Almighty knows if we are to obey King Jesus Christ or believe in King Jesus Christ having the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty knows all of this.

We know that GOD Almighty cares so much about our lives because He cared about David's life. GOD Almighty allowed David to become king. GOD Almighty cared about Elijah that He protected Elijah from evil. GOD Almighty cared about King Jesus Christ that He resurrected King Jesus Christ from the dead. GOD Almighty cared about Peter allowing Peter to preach in Israel and be a rock for the church. GOD Almighty cared for Paul providing for Paul to endure through all the difficulties that he spoke of. GOD Almighty cares about our lives. We know that GOD Almighty provides for our needs if we ask for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and the good of righteous Christians. GOD Almighty can provide what is needed to persevere. If it is not for good intentions or for the ego, we know that GOD Almighty is not going to provide that. We know that the things asked in ego are not good, so GOD Almighty is protecting us. GOD Almighty is providing for the righteous what is needed to persevere. GOD Almighty does everything for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the good of righteous Christians.

GOD Almighty knows better than individuals do. That is why we give our lives over to King Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Truth because they know what the truth is. GOD Almighty knows everything. We might not know everything. Yet, we place our trust in King Jesus Christ who does know everything for all of time and for all eternity.  Christians may know a lot of things based on Scripture, and having the Spirit of Truth guide us, and giving our lives to King Jesus Christ. We do not know everything. Who knows everything? GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty knows absolutely everything. So we trust GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth for knowing everything. When Christian believers need to know something, GOD Almighty will let us know. The temporary lies of evil are not truth. The lies to Adam and Eve were not true. The snake was not able to provide anything that it had stated to Adam and Eve.

GOD Almighty is able to provide everything that He states to Abraham. The eternal descendants of Abraham and Sarah persevere throughout history and into eternity. This is talking about the truth and that the Word of GOD Almighty is true. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are the True GOD Almighty. That was just an introduction because the last few chapters of the Seventh Chapter of Revelation describe that those that are faithful to GOD Almighty who are raptured, go through tribulation, or persecution are able to gain their eternal life. They are able to make it to heaven. They have white robes and those white robes symbolize the clothing that is worn in heaven. That means that they have the ability to live in heaven. If there is persecution, we know that they are given eternal life.

There is nothing that we can take out of this life except our eternal salvation. We know that the righteous are not going to be afflicted anymore and will live in paradise. It is also going to be a better paradise than Adam and Eve were given. We learn that King Jesus Christ is described being a Lamb that is able to rule from the throne. We learn that King Jesus Christ will be our shepherd. King Jesus Christ was able to go through similar difficulties and afflictions that the righteous Christians have gone through. King Jesus Christ is also a shepherd who leads us by example. There is no other individual who has done this, will do that, or can compare to what King Jesus Christ did to give us eternal salvation. Only King Jesus Christ gives us eternal salvation. We learn that King Jesus Christ is going to lead us to fountains of living water. King Jesus Christ states that He provides living water. We also know that GOD Almighty is going to wipe away every tear from our eyes. GOD Almighty did not want Adam and Eve to leave paradise. GOD Almighty wanted humanity to live in paradise. The practice of sin and disobedience leads to separation.

GOD Almighty wants to reconcile us. GOD Almighty sends the prophets and sends King Jesus Christ. We are reconciled to GOD Almighty through King Jesus Christ. GOD Almighty wants to wipe away every tear. This is telling us that there will no longer be pain. All of that will be forgotten, and we will not remember the past. The past life will be forgotten including sin and the consequences of sin.

“When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before GOD, and seven trumpets were given to them. And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before GOD from the hand of the angel. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.”- Revelation 8: 1-5

We learn that after the seventh seal is opened by King Jesus Christ, we learn that King Jesus Christ has absolute authority of everything that is happening on earth. King Jesus Christ is opening the seals, and when King Jesus Christ opens the seals we learn that events begin to happen. When King Jesus Christ opens the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. There is no noise. There is no sound. We learn that there is another set of judgments just like the seals. The trumpets are another set of judgments. We learn that the prayers of the saints are important. We know that the world and evil want to remind Christian believers that the prayers of the saints are not important. That is what evil fears the most out of a Christian that they are able to pray. We know that King Jesus Christ prayed for His disciples and whenever He could. King Jesus Christ prayed and tells us to pray to GOD Almighty. We know the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. We learn that when Elijah prays he tells GOD Almighty to help him and GOD Almighty helps him. Prayer is able to accomplish great things for Christians if we pay attention to the importance of prayer and give it the importance that it deserves.

We learn that the prayers of the saints seem to function as a weapon or are able to deliver them from difficulties. We read that there is an angel that has a golden censer and that angel takes the prayers of the saints and the angel “takes the censer and filled it with fire and threw it on the earth.” “There were peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.”There was smoke from the incense from the prayers of the saints, the angel fills the censer with fire and throws it on the earth. This is telling us that the prayers were listened to and that the prayers were important. The prayers are like incense. The prayers are mentioned and that they either rise and go to GOD Almighty or that the prayers are important not only for believers but for GOD Almighty to understand what believers are going through.

The angel filled the censer with fire and throws it on the earth. From that there are “peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.” We read that the descriptions of the “peals of thunder” and “flashes of lightning” is what is happening when we read about the vision in Chapter 4. We know that when the censer is filled with fire and thrown on the earth, there is “peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake” on the earth. We know that now on the earth there is an earthquake. We know that when the seventh seal is opened, there is an earthquake. King Jesus Christ told us that there were going to be earthquakes. There were going to be earthquakes in the times of difficulty. There is going to be famine. There is going to be pestilence. What is Revelation telling us? The same thing. This is consistent with the Spirit of Truth.

We are learning about what GOD Almighty has decided. The prayers of the saints are very important. We learn in Revelation about the importance of the prayers of the saints. There is no omitting about the importance of the prayers. We are reminded that the prayers are important. We learn that the angels are fulfilling the purpose of GOD Almighty and that the prayers are important. GOD Almighty knows what we need and is able to decide what is going to happen. There is an earthquake.

“Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them. The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and these were thrown upon the earth. And a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.”- Revelation 8: 6-7

This initiates the seven angels with seven trumpets that are being sounded. Each sound from each trumpet signifies that it is the start of a specific judgment. The seven seals are already completed. King Jesus Christ breaks the seals and opens the scroll. Only King Jesus Christ has the authority to accomplish this. When King Jesus Christ breaks the seal, then that is when a specific event happens. We know that with the trumpets, every time an angel sounds a trumpet, that initiates a specific event. This is the second set of judgments. There are three sets of seven judgments. The first one has been completed. The second set is about to start. What we learn is that this is judgment.

From the previous chapter in Chapter 7, there were individuals who were probably raptured and taken up to heaven without going through persecution, and there are others who are going to be persecuted but are going to receive eternal life. If there is persecution for the name of King Jesus Christ, we know that individuals obtain eternal salvation. Righteous individuals are able to go to heaven. That is what King Jesus Christ says. The individuals who endure to the end will be saved. After all these things happen, we know in Chapter 7 that everything is going to work out.

The Eight Chapter is the beginning of judgment. We do not know specifically when there will no longer be righteous believers on earth causing there to be judgment and wrath from GOD Almighty. We learn that the wicked are going to go through judgment because that is what Scripture says. We learn that the wicked go through the specific judgments. We learn that Christian believers do not go through all of the sets of judgment. Even if there is the rapture or persecution, things are not going to be as bad as for those that are left on earth when the wrath of GOD Almighty begins. While there is judgment, that is not considered the wrath of GOD Almighty. The faithful are not destined for the wrath.

From the beginning of the Seventh Chapter that tells us that there were Christian individuals that were persecuted, this can mean that there might not be Christian believers on earth or a few number of Christian believers on earth at the time of the second set of judgments. We learn that the second set of judgments are for the wicked that are left on earth. We read that the judgment from the sounding of the trumpets are even greater than the seals. We learn that this is for the wrath of GOD Almighty for wickedness. There is that understanding that this is because GOD Almighty does not forget about the wickedness that exists on the earth. GOD Almighty gives time to repent, but if they decide not to repent, then GOD Almighty provides for a specific time when there is judgment. If they continue working wickedness, there is going to be wrath when GOD Almighty decides the time.

The prayer of saints tells us that GOD Almighty listens to the prayers of the saints who have been persecuted or raptured. GOD Almighty is deciding to issue judgment on the earth. The prayers being important. The prayers rising up like the smoke of incense. We learn that the prayers of the saints are stored in golden bowls and are considered like incense. The prayers of the saints are important. We learn that GOD Almighty listens to the prayers of the saints. Even before the start of the sounding of the trumpets, we learn that there is a strong earthquake. An earthquake symbolizes judgment. Only GOD Almighty can make the earthquake. When there is an earthquake, that symbolizes judgment. Some of the earthquakes cause severe destruction because GOD Almighty decides. King Jesus Christ states that at the end of the ages there were going to be earthquakes, pestilence, and famines around the world.

We learn that the first angel sounds the trumpet and there is hail and fire. We learn that Sodom and Gomorrah go through judgment by fire. There was fire. We know for the time of Revelation there is “hail and fire mixed with blood and these were thrown upon the earth.” This is speaking about the blood of the innocent that was spilled. We learn that fire is a method of judgment from GOD Almighty. We learn that hail is also a method of judgment from GOD Almighty. We know that hail is also used as judgment in further chapters of Revelation. We know that the blood symbolizes the wickedness that has been committed on the earth. We know that this is a judgment that GOD Almighty throws upon the earth. We learn that “a third of the earth is burnt up.” We know that the earth also goes through difficulty because of the wickedness. We know that not only are individuals or society that is affected, but the earth is also affected because of sin. “A third of the trees were burned up” and we know that trees are important to create oxygen. Only two thirds of the trees are left and only two thirds of the earth is left. “And all green grass was burned up.” Not most, not half, not one third, but all green grass. This is speaking about how there is not going to be green on the earth. The earth is going to be scorched that is the first trumpet sounded. This is speaking about judgment. What is the afterlife described for the wicked? Fire and darkness. The fire symbolizes judgment. This is after the persecution of the righteous. We learn that after there is judgment from the first angel, there is a second angel.

“The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.”- Revelation 8: 8-9

Here we have something similar. There is judgment by fire. A mountain is thrown into the sea and the mountain is burning with fire. We learn that a third of the sea became blood. A third of the sea becomes blood because of the mountain burning with fire. We learn that the earth, sea, and creation is being devastated. That is what GOD Almighty has decided as judgment for the wicked. We learn that a third of the sea becomes blood. We know that a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. This tells us that there are difficulties because the third of the sea cannot be used for resources. While the sea is not used for drinkable water, we do know that it cannot be used for resources like food and the fishes because of the judgment that is given on the earth. A third of the ships were destroyed. This is judgment against the wicked. This is what we are seeing. The blood symbolizing the blood of the righteous. The harsher sins that lead to wickedness is why these individuals are being judged by GOD Almighty. We learn that the spilling of innocent blood and adultery and those types of sins are what GOD Almighty decides to judge at some point. That is what we are seeing. Then there is a third angel. These are only two judgments but already telling us of the judgments that are reserved for the bowls. This tells us that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are in control of the events in Revelation. While we are reminded of the difficulties of the saints, we know that GOD Almighty listens. These are methods of judgments of GOD Almighty against the wicked for persecuting the innocent. GOD Almighty protects the righteous whether they obtained their eternal life through rapture or persecution. Those that are wicked and are left on the earth are going to begin to experience judgment.

“The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.”- Revelation 8: 10-11

We learn that there is a third of the sea that is destroyed and now a third of the rivers and springs of water are affected through a star that falls from heaven. There are still other sources of water, the rivers and streams. But we know that when the third angel sounds the trumpet there is a star that falls on a third of the rivers and springs of water. Those are the sources of water to drink. The star that is being mentioned causes the water to become bitter. We learn that those sources are not going to be sources of drinkable water. This is speaking about the destruction of the resources that GOD Almighty has created. This is also speaking about what King Jesus Christ says that the old heavens and the old earth will pass away, but the word of GOD Almighty will not pass away. That is what we are seeing.

“The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night.”- Revelation 8: 12

The fourth angel sounds a trumpet and causes similar to the seals that after there is persecution of Christians, there is no lighting like before and is decreased. This symbolizes the darkness that was being experienced because there was the persecution of righteous individuals who are considered the light of the world. We learn that GOD Almighty is the Creator of light, and Christians begin to take the qualities, characteristics, and attributes of King Jesus Christ and are also described as light. We learn that the righteous are seen as a light like Peter and Paul. Once they are removed, we learn that there is judgment from GOD Almighty. There is darkness for the people of Israel. We read that there was the scattering. When King Jesus Christ is crucified, there is darkness that exists. There is a solar eclipse and that also tells us that King Jesus Christ is the light of the world. King Jesus Christ arrived to the earth to give light to the darkness that existed because for four hundred years there were no prophets telling the people to repent. The people only continue to believe in the false beliefs. When we read that there is the persecution of righteous individuals, then that means that there is no light in the world. We learn that when King Jesus Christ is crucified, there is a solar eclipse that exists at the moment that King Jesus Christ dies. Why is this? Because this mentions to us that King Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Then we know that when King Jesus Christ resurrects, King Jesus Christ is described as light. Those who are from GOD Almighty are light. When the righteous are persecuted, there is decreased lighting. When King Jesus Christ dies, there is the solar eclipse. We learn that when King Jesus Christ resurrects, He is seen as light. When the righteous individuals are persecuted, we learn that there is darkness for the individuals that are left on earth.

We learn that a third of the lighting that the sun gives is decreased. A third of the moon is not able to provide the lighting that it gave in the past. That is a decrease of a third of light at night. A third of the stars are not going to give their light by night. The amount of darkness at the time of the great tribulation is going to be increased after the fourth trumpet is sounded and the second set of judgments happen. The fourth trumpet sounding talks about the darkness that is going to increase on the earth. This speaks of GOD Almighty being able to control the elements and creation. GOD Almighty can control the sun, the moon, and the stars to provide light or to not provide light. This is similar to how GOD Almighty controls the raging of the waters when there is a storm or there is no storm.

“Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, 'Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!'”- Revelation 8: 13


Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast:

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign and Eternal Salvation


Study on the Book of Revelation: 

Revelation Chapter 22

Revelation Chapter 21

Revelation Chapter 20

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation Chapter 18

Revelation Chapter 17

Revelation Chapter 16

Revelation Chapter 15

Revelation Chapter 14

Revelation Chapter 13

Revelation Chapter 12

Revelation Chapter 11

Revelation Chapter 10

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation Chapter 7

Revelation Chapter 6

Revelation Chapter 5

Revelation Chapter 4

Revelation Chapter 3

Revelation Chapter 2

                                                    Revelation Chapter 1



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Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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  You can read the Resurrection Radio Episodes Season One in the following link.

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