Resurrection Radio Podcast: Revelation Chapter 3

  Revelation: Chapter 3

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Synopsis: In this episode of Resurrection Radio Podcast, we learn about the messages to the churches that King Jesus Christ tells John the Disciple to tell to the churches. We learn that this reminds us that King Jesus Christ wants believers to know what is going to happen in the end times. We are reminded that this shows the infinite love King Jesus Christ has for believers.

We are reminded to keep away from sin. We are reminded to be zealous for the faith because GOD Almighty hates lukewarm belief. We are to love GOD Almighty with all our heart, mind, soul, strength, and being.

We are told that those that continue to partake in sin are destined for destruction by King Jesus Christ. Although King Jesus Christ loves believers, He also wants us to be faithful and repent of sin. This tells us that those who repent of sin and have faith will be able to inherit eternal salvation through King Jesus Christ. 


Resurrection Radio Podcast

Revelation Chapter 3


Good afternoon! My name is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke about a few chapters of Revelation. We are reminded that there is no fear in Revelation. If we are believers, there is no fear in Revelation. We learn that King Jesus Christ tells John the disciple not to fear. We learn that King Jesus Christ tells us in the Gospel to not be anxious for anything. In the Books of the Prophets, GOD Almighty tells us to not be in dread.

“But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”- Isaiah 8: 13

When we are believers, we are supposed to know that GOD Almighty is able to protect believers through the time of Revelation. Even if there is persecution or tribulation, GOD Almighty is telling us what may happen for specific churches or individuals. We do not have to be afraid because GOD Almighty is letting us know the things that are happening. We learn that King Jesus Christ is reproving and rebuking because of the practice of sin. At the same time, King Jesus Christ tells us the qualities of the churches that He likes and that show that the churches are obeying the Word of King Jesus Christ.

The Messages to the Churches of Revelation

The manner that some of the churches are serving with filial love and patient endurance are the things that GOD Almighty likes that we have. We already talked about four churches and there are still a few other churches. Scripture tells us that whether the churches were during the time of the disciples and apostles or if they were concerning churches in the future, what we have to pay attention to is the message.

Scripture tells us that GOD Almighty does not want us to sin. This is a message that GOD Almighty has told us in the Book of the Prophets and in the Gospel. GOD Almighty is telling us this in Revelation that is considered the end of the ages. With every description of the church, we learn that there is a description of King Jesus Christ. There is a description of the eternal salvation that those that are able to persevere in the faith are able to get. This is given to those that do not deny their faith in King Jesus Christ. Although the description may not say eternal salvation, we learn that the descriptions represent gaining eternal salvation.

GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are the True GOD Almighty who give life. GOD Almighty gives eternal life. There are no other options. It is not a multiple choice test. Believing in King Jesus Christ is going to be the only answer that gives eternal salvation. We know that Revelation tells us of the truth of the end times. There may be difficulties and tribulation, but GOD Almighty gives peace and empathy because we obey the commandments, have faith in GOD Almighty, there is prayer, fasting, and praising GOD Almighty. We understand this through the help of the Spirit of Truth and because of having a meek spirit.

All of this is able to allow us to have peace and stability in whatever circumstance. We learn that there are specific difficulties that are existing because of false philosophies that are trying to be integrated into the belief of Christianity when we know that temporary lies and falsehoods are not consistent with Christianity. Faithful believers are not supposed to partake with those false philosophies. We are supposed to prioritize and pay attention to Scripture. We learn about characteristics and qualities of King Jesus Christ. King Jesus Christ is described in a similar manner to how the prophets describe King Jesus Christ in a vision. We read about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego about how they are in the fire, and an angel of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, or an angel of King Jesus Christ is with them protecting them and shining bright. There is brightness that is protecting Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and that is what we learn how King Jesus Christ is described in the Book of Revelation.

We learn that when Paul has a vision of King Jesus Christ, this is also how King Jesus Christ is described. Paul describes King Jesus Christ as unapproachable light. We learn that John describes King Jesus Christ being like the sun shining in full strength. John falls down to worship King Jesus Christ.

“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, 'Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one.'”-Revelation 1: 17-18

Repentance of Sin and Obeying the Word of GOD Almighty

This is telling us to pay attention to the worship of GOD Almighty and to repent. We learn that individuals need to repent to be considered believers and to be protected in those times. If individuals repent, they are protected by GOD Almighty. There is also salvation and eternal salvation. If individuals are able to persevere having faith even if there is persecution, we are reminded that individuals will obtain eternal life if they persevere with faith in King Jesus Christ. This is what we have to keep in my mind when we are reading about Revelation. We are not supposed to fear.

“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: 'The words of him who has the seven spirits of GOD and the seven stars.' 'I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my GOD. “- Revelation 3: 1-3

For this church in Sardis, we learn that King Jesus Christ is being described having the seven spirits of GOD and the seven stars. We read this before. We learn that King Jesus Christ is able to know the works of those in that church, and that while it appears that they are believing and having faith, they are not. King Jesus Christ rebukes the church saying, “Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my GOD.” We read that the church was not completing or accomplishing the purpose that GOD Almighty had told them to do.

“Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent.”- Revelation 3: 3

This is to make sure that they repent. This is so that they can keep salvation and repent.

“If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.”- Revelation 3: 3

We learn that Scripture is telling us that if they repent from whatever sin is happening, if they repent, they are able to accomplish the purpose of GOD Almighty. We learn that their works were not complete in the sight of GOD Almighty. They were not working completely to the purpose of GOD Almighty. They have to repent from that. If they do repent, they are able to obtain eternal life. If they do not repent, King Jesus Christ is returning when they do not know, and King Jesus Christ is going to war against them. King Jesus Christ will not consider them as faithful believers, but is going to consider them as enemies of King Jesus Christ.

That is why we need to repent. This is to repent from sin. King Jesus will consider those that repent being faithful believers. This is like when King Jesus Christ tells other churches:

“Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy.”-Revelation 3: 4

This is the church that King Jesus Christ states that there are still righteous individuals in the church. There are those that have “not soiled their garments” meaning that there is no sin. Soiling of garments means that there is sin and there is filthiness. There is a remnant because there are still a few names in the church of Sardis. We learn that the other individuals were not considered righteous like these individuals. Either those individuals were sinning or were not completing the works and the purpose that GOD Almighty had told them to accomplish. These individuals that are worthy will walk with King Jesus Christ in white meaning they are pure. They are worthy of GOD Almighty and are pure.

“The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life.”- Revelation 3: 5

Those individuals who are able to conquer through their belief and their testimony of King Jesus Christ being Eternal LORD and Savior. They speak about King Jesus Christ spilling His blood for us for our sins, and GOD Almighty providing for the Resurrection in three days. GOD Almighty gives eternal life to King Jesus Christ, and King Jesus Christ gives faithful believers eternal life. Through our belief and faith, when we conquer we are given white garments indicating the clothing that is worn in Heaven. This is indicating eternal salvation. Another important distinction is that King Jesus Christ would not blot out the names of the righteous out of the book of life. Where did we read about the book of life or the book of Remembrance?

The Book of Life of the Lamb

In Malachi, at the end of the book. We know that there is a distinction between the righteous and the wicked. Those who are righteous are going to be written in the book of Remembrance which could be the book of life that means eternal salvation. Only those that are written in the book of life are given eternal salvation. Later in Revelation, we know that it speaks greater in detail about the book of life. The book of life has the name of the individuals who are going to be given eternal salvation. Not everyone is going to be given eternal salvation. That is the reality. This is not based on works, obeying all of the commandments and statutes, or being self-righteous, it is based on believing in King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior together with GOD Almighty and the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are the True GOD Almighty, and we are supposed to obey the Ten Commandments, adding love and grace, having faith, studying Scripture, and having a meek spirit.

“I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.”-Revelation 3: 5

Not only are they going to be given the clothing to gain entrance into heaven, not only will their name not be blotted out of the book of life meaning they are going to have eternal life, King Jesus Christ is going to confess their name before GOD Almighty and before His angels. Confessing the name of the saved to GOD Almighty happens because those that are saved confessed King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior to the world. King Jesus Christ is Eternal LORD and Savior. That is a confession of faith. If we are not ashamed of King Jesus Christ, King Jesus Christ is going to confess our names to GOD Almighty and to His angels. This is telling us that there is another instance in Scripture that says that those that are ashamed of King Jesus Christ, GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ will also be ashamed of them. This is talking about when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds.

If we confess our belief in King Jesus Christ, King Jesus Christ is going to confess our names to GOD Almighty and the angels of GOD Almighty. We learn that there is going to be protection from GOD Almighty because we know that this is a time of wrath. If individuals are part of the Kingdom of Heaven and are righteous and confess the name of King Jesus Christ, then King Jesus Christ is going to confess the name of the righteous individuals to GOD Almighty and the angels of King Jesus Christ. That is the important distinction to have. Not the connections, but the connection. King Jesus Christ.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”- Revelation 3: 6

King Jesus Christ ends with the same kind of reminder that this is important and the need to listen to the Spirit of Truth. This is to tell us that we need to pay attention to what we are supposed to know. That is the fifth church and then there is the next church.

The Church of Philadelphia


“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: 'The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.”- Revelation 3: 7

King Jesus Christ is talking to the church of Philadelphia. We learn that the holy one and true one is King Jesus Christ. Who has the key of David? King Jesus Christ. The key of David was meant to symbolize that a certain individual was taking care of a place and had a large key. King Jesus Christ is saying that He has the keys of David. This key is allowed to open and no one else can shut. When King Jesus Christ shuts it, no one else can open it. This is talking about the power of GOD Almighty. When King Jesus Christ opens the door, no one can close it and when King Jesus Christ closes the door, no one else can open it.

That is speaking about authority. This is talking about the authority of King Jesus Christ.

“I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.”-Revelation 3: 8

King Jesus Christ knows the works that the individuals of that church are doing and what they are completing. King Jesus Christ has opened a door for those that are righteous in that church that no one is able to shut.

“I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”-Revelation 3: 8

We learn that even though there is little power from that church, the individuals persevere to confess the name of King Jesus Christ. They have not denied the Word of GOD Almighty or the name of King Jesus Christ. They have not denied the Scriptures. They persevere having faith. This is good. This is very good.

“Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.”- Revelation 3: 9

We learn that King Jesus Christ is even going to cause for the enemies of King Jesus Christ to bow down before the righteous of the church of Philadelphia. I do not know in what context or circumstance, but this is what King Jesus Christ is saying. Previously, we learn that the righteous are going to rule with King Jesus Christ with a rod of iron. That is a reality. We learn that this is another promise. We learn that there will be those that are going to "appear" to be righteous, but will not be righteous. They will only "appear" to be righteous. They are hypocrites and working for the enemy. We learn that they are going to bow down to the righteous of this church.

The Church of Philadelphia Does Not Go Through the Great Tribulation

“Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.”- Revelation 3: 10

We learn that there are those that have kept patient endurance like John and other disciples and apostles. This is through the help of the Spirit of Truth that King Jesus Christ gives. We learn that these righteous individuals keep the Word of GOD Almighty about patient endurance. King Jesus Christ is going to keep those individuals from the hour of trial. King Jesus Christ is not going to let them go through the great tribulation. They are not going to be on the earth during the great tribulation. This makes the case for the rapture. That time is going to be a time of trying for those that are left on the earth. That time of trying is to see if they obtain their salvation or not. King Jesus Christ is saying that He is arriving soon and to keep our faith.

“I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.- Revelation 3: 11

The reward is eternal salvation. We learn that those that are righteous will be saved by King Jesus Christ and that they will obtain eternal life. We also read that they will be considered like a structure in Heaven like a pillar being a supporting structure meaning they are important in the Kingdom of Heaven. The temple being GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ. The individuals that are righteous are always going to be with GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ. GOD Almighty and King Jesus Christ are going to supply everything that we need.

“The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my GOD. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my GOD, and the name of the city of my GOD, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my GOD out of heaven, and my own new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”-Revelation 3: 12-13

Those righteous individuals will have the name of GOD Almighty, the new name of King Jesus Christ, and the name of the new Jerusalem. This means that the righteous individuals are going to be of King Jesus Christ.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”- Revelation 3: 13

Those that have an ear to hear the truth of the Word of GOD Almighty. This is for the true believers to hear what the Spirit of Truth says.

The Church of Laodicea

“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of GOD's creation. 'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”- Revelation 3: 14-16

This is what I was saying by lukewarm worship. There is lukewarm worship or half and half worship in this church. This shows GOD Almighty's hatred for half and half worship. GOD Almighty does not want fifty percent Christianity and fifty percent diluted philosophies. That is not what GOD Almighty wants. GOD Almighty wants one hundred percent Scripture. We learn from the introduction of King Jesus Christ that King Jesus Christ witnessed about the word of GOD Almighty. Who is faithful and obeying GOD Almighty? King Jesus Christ. From before the beginning of creation, in the present, future, and for all eternity King Jesus Christ is with GOD Almighty and the Spirit of Truth the True GOD Almighty.

We learn that GOD Almighty is saying that the individuals within the Church of Laodicea are neither a Christian or into the false philosophies of idolatry. Neither here nor there. King Jesus Christ even says that it would be better to be one hundred percent into the belief in GOD Almighty or one hundred percent into false philosophies.

This means that there is displeasure from GOD Almighty about the belief of that church. Scripture is very descriptive. GOD Almighty does not like lukewarm believers. This is speaking to how the Pharisees were described as lukewarm. I do not know. There is nothing positive from that. This is similar to when GOD Almighty tells Israel that they could either worship GOD Almighty or their idols, but choose. Do not go half and half. Choose. If they were going to believe in GOD Almighty, they needed to believe in GOD Almighty. If they were going to serve idols, then they needed to serve their idols. GOD Almighty does not want half and half.

That is what King Jesus Christ is saying. King Jesus Christ states that those individuals are neither hot nor cold.

“For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.”- Revelation 3: 17

This is telling us of the displeasure of GOD Almighty that GOD Almighty does not like how those individuals are believing in lukewarm faith. GOD Almighty does not like that type of faith. GOD Almighty does not want them. GOD Almighty wants whole hearted full hearted devotion to King Jesus Christ. This is speaking about how the generation of Malachi was like. This is describing that same lukewarmness. These individuals say that they do not need anything because they are good without true belief. This is an unfaithful church. The previous descriptions spoke of there being structure and zealous faith. For this church, we learn that they are neither here nor there.

They believe that they have everything, but they need King Jesus Christ. The blindness is talking about individuals that were not understanding the worship of GOD Almighty. Even when there were the Pharisees that read Scripture, they did not recognize King Jesus Christ being the Messiah two thousand years ago. This is reminding us of the blindness of not seeing and that they could not understanding when listening. This is speaking about the Pharisees and Saducees that they could not recognize GOD Almighty in King Jesus Christ. They are not comprehending what is happening. Blinded by deceit, temporary lies, and things that are never true. This is what this could mean. Wretched by not being saved. They decided to believe in false beliefs and not choosing for Christianity.

Poor in the spiritual sense meaning they do not have faith. Naked because they are not clothed in righteousness. GOD Almighty is seeing what they are going through and their actions and decisions. GOD Almighty is seeing what they are doing. They think they are good but are not.

“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.”- Revelation 3: 18

They are told to receive a white garment meaning they need to be pure. This is so that they can clothe themselves in righteousness. We learn that they are neither here nor there. They are not choosing a specific philosophy or eternal salvation. They are trying to blend everything together, but it is not working out. They were not choosing to serve GOD Almighty. There is no manner of choosing to mix the true faith with false religions. White garments mean purity. This is so that the shame of their nakedness may not be seen. GOD Almighty knows that they are not obeying the Word of GOD Almighty. There is no hiding from GOD Almighty seeing everything. They are not loving GOD Almighty with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. The salve to anoint their eyes may mean the need to understand that they are not keeping the Word of GOD Almighty.

“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.”- Revelation 3: 19

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.”-Revelation 3: 20-21

There is the rebuke that they have to be pure and that they have to open their eyes so that they can understand. They have to be righteous and choose Scripture, and choose GOD Almighty. They have to obey the commandments and choose to forsake false beliefs. They need to choose to praise GOD Almighty and this allows for purity because there was no purity. This means that they were probably still partaking in sins.

We learn that King Jesus Christ is telling that church that if they repent and are zealous, King Jesus Christ will allow them to be a part of those that are saved. This is only through the zealous faith in King Jesus Christ. They are also told that they would sit on the throne of King Jesus Christ just like King Jesus Christ sat on the throne of GOD Almighty.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”- Revelation 3: 22


Youtube Episodes of Resurrection Radio Podcast:

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Christian Priest Kings, Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

 King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ, and Fighting the Lies of Sin 

Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Serenity, and Fighting the Lies of Sin

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, the Promises of GOD Almighty to David Accomplished in King Jesus Christ, and Serenity

 Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, New Sanctuary, and the Land

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Sovereignty, and Priest Kings of King Jesus Christ

King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign and Eternal Salvation


Study on the Book of Revelation: 

Revelation Chapter 22

Revelation Chapter 21

Revelation Chapter 20

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation Chapter 18

Revelation Chapter 17

Revelation Chapter 16

Revelation Chapter 15

Revelation Chapter 14

Revelation Chapter 13

Revelation Chapter 12

Revelation Chapter 11

Revelation Chapter 10

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation Chapter 7

Revelation Chapter 6

Revelation Chapter 5

Revelation Chapter 4

Revelation Chapter 3

Revelation Chapter 2

                                                    Revelation Chapter 1



New episodes from Resurrection Radio Podcast: 

The Book of Enosh Series

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The Book of Enosh and the Path of the Righteous in the End Times of What We Know Episode #2

The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin Episode #3

The Book of Enosh Chapter 50, Persisting in Christianity, and Denying Idolatry Episode #4

Persisting in the Path of the Righteous: "Book of Enosh Chapters 93, 94, and 99" Episode #5


Positive Christianity Series 

Persevering With Gratitude and Gladness of Heart and Choosing to Remove Unneeded Negative Emotions

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Obeying the Commandments of Moses Increases Wisdom, Guidance, Counsel, and Responsibility

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 Perseverance and Persisting With Gladness of Heart

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 The Importance of Righteousness, Fidelity, Humility, and Zeal

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 Reminding Ourselves of the Eternal Truth in Obeying the Commandments of Moses

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Favor, Blessings, Goodness, and Health in the Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

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Persevering in the Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth While Being Set Apart From False Philosophies of Idolatry and Post-Modernism

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Increasing in Virtues Prevents Vices, the Importance of Sabbath Rest, and Having an Objective Positive Perspective

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 Prioritizing the Worship of the Creator, GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth and Forsaking Idolatry

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The Importance of Growing, Improving, and Increasing in Virtues While Obeying the Commandments of Moses

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 Healing and Restoration in Accepting King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, Obeying the Commandments of Moses, and Repenting of Sin

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Repentance of Sin and Obeying the Commandments of Moses Provides Favor and Removal of Difficulties

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Persevering With Encouragement and Developing Discernment in Obedience to the Commandments of Moses 

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 Persevering in the Worship of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

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Encouragement in Scripture, Developing Serenity, and Forsaking False and Negative Information

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The Importance of Perseverance, Growth, and Fidelity to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

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King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Israel Series

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King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and Worshiping Episode #3

King Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, and the Commandments of Moses Episode #4

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Deliverance Episode #5

King Jesus Christ, Eternal Salvation, and Eternal Remnant Episode #6




 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of the Righteous Episode #1

 "Obeying the Commandments, The Story of David, and the Spirit of Truth Guard From False Information" Episode #2

"Positive Emotions, David, and Defense From Sin" Episode #3

Moses' Persistence, No Idolatry, and Thriving Amidst the Times Episode #4

Christian Zeal,Repentance of Sin, and Eternal Salvation Episode #5

“Eternal Salvation, Eternal Purpose, and Meaning” Episode #6


Fighting Against Sin, Idolatry, Negative Emotions, and Vices


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The Importance of Obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, Righteousness, and Strategies to Fight Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, The Spirit of Truth Gives Discernment, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Against Sin, and Repentance of Sin Causes Restoration

King Jesus Christ and the Separation of the Righteous and Wicked

King Jesus Christ, Maintaining Positive Emotions, and Strategies to Fight Sin

King Jesus Christ, Fighting (Negative Emotions),and Preaching Repentance of Sin

King Jesus Christ, Preaching, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, Repentance of Sin, and Preaching the Gospel

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Sin(Deception), and No Idolatry

 Reproof of Phariseeism, Saduceeism, and False Philosophies of Idolatry

Moses and King Jesus Christ Teach the Commandments of GOD Almighty and Reproof

 King Jesus Christ Preaches Reproof of Sin

King Jesus Christ Preaches Against False Philosophies of Sin, Healing, and Eternal Life

King Jesus Christ Reproofs Sin and Pronounces Woes Against Wicked Pharisees

King Jesus Christ and Reproof of Sadducees and Sin



 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception


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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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  You can read the Resurrection Radio Episodes Season One in the following link.

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