Elijah Reproves and Judges Ahab
Positive Christianity Series Episode #163
We learn that Elijah is sent by GOD Almighty to reprove Ahab and Jezebel's cowardice, lies, and wickedness. We learn that the practice of idol worship does not help Ahab and Jezebel. We learn that GOD Almighty is able to judge the wickedness of Ahab and Jezebel. GOD Almighty tells Elijah to judge the wickedness of Ahab and Jezebel and we learn that that is what happens. We learn that the practice of idol worship causes greater difficulties for Ahab and Jezebel while Elijah is able to persevere and keep worshiping GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty knows about the killing of Naboth and is able to issue judgment. We learn that GOD Almighty is able to judge when GOD Almighty decides.
"Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, 'Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who is in Samaria; behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone to take possession. And you shall say to him, 'Thus says the LORD, 'Have you killed and also taken possession?' And you shall say to him, 'Thus says the LORD: In the place where dogs licked up the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick up your blood.' Ahab said to Elijah, 'Have you found me, O my enemy?' He answered, 'I have found you, because you have sold yourself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD. Behold, I will bring disaster upon you. I will utterly burn you up, and will cut off from Ahab every male, bond or free, in Israel. And I will make your house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah, for the anger to which you have provoked me, and because you have made Israel to sin. And of Jezebel the LORD also said, 'The dogs shall eat Jezebel within the walls of Jezreel.' Anyone belonging to Ahab who dies in the city the dogs shall eat, and anyone of him who dies in the open country the birds of the heavens shall eat.'"- 1 Kings 21: 17-24
We learn that GOD Almighty sees everything and describes the specific grave sin that Ahab and Jezebel had done. We learn that Elijah has courage and tells Ahab the grave sin he had committed of killing Naboth for coveting his garden, and Ahab describes that he had been found out. We learn that GOD Almighty decides when to judge the wicked. We learn that sometimes the judgment is instantenous like with Cain and sometimes it takes time. We learn that Ahab and Jezebel are judged in the manner that Elijah describes. Ahab would be destroyed and also Jezebebel for having persecuted Naboth. We learn that that happens. Ahab is wounded by a random arrow in a battle against Syria and Jezebel is destroyed by Jehu. We learn that the practice of idol worship does not help Ahab and Jezebel and only leads to greater difficulties. We learn that idol worship can not be practiced because it leads to hostilities, envy, coveting, adultery, homosexuality, vices, and destruction. GOD Almighty is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent being able to see everything that is happening everywhere at all times and for all eternity. While Ahab and Jezebel thought that no one was going to know about their sin, GOD Almighty judges wickedness.
We learn that GOD Almighty also tells Elijah to tell Ahab that his offspring would be destroyed similar to Jeroboam who practiced wickedness and idol worship. Jeroboam introduced the false religion of polytheism to the northern ten tribes in the worship of golden calves. This grave sin caused Jeroboam to go through difficulties including the destruction of his offspring. Jeroboam's idol worship caused Jeroboam's destruction. We learn that Saul was also destroyed for practicing idol worship, persecuting righteous prophets that helped David, and consulting a medium. We learn that the practice of idol worship and sin leads to significant difficulties described in the writings of Moses.
We learn in the Sacred Scriptures about how Ahab is considered a wicked individual because he decided to practice idol worship and grave sin. We learn that Ahab was considered even more wicked than Jeroboam who instituted the false religion of the golden calves. Ahab is wicked because he destroyed his own children. We learn that similar to the Amorites who were judged by Joshua and Israel for destroying their own newborns, Ahab had killed his newborn and eldest child in the practice of idol worship. We also learn that Ahab is led by Jezebel although Ahab was the king of Israel. This describes the wickedness of Ahab of practicing grave sin and idol worship. We learn that there are times when Ahab appears to want to repent of sin, yet follows Jezebel's lead instead. We learn that GOD Almighty had given grace to Ahab, yet he decided to follow Jezebel instead of repenting with sincerity of heart. We learn that after hearing the judgment of Elijah against Ahab, he puts on sackcloth and fasts. We learn that later he would return to practice wickedness asking for help to Jehoshaphat to help him fight Syria. We learn that Ahab does not tell Jehoshaphat that the real reason he was sending Jehoshaphat to fight with him was so that he could disguise himself and hide from battle and have the Syrians think that Jehoshaphat was Ahab. Ahab told Jehoshaphat that they were going to fight the Syrians to retake a specific land from the Syrians when in reality Ahab was looking to send Jehoshaphat to fight his war for having persecuted Elijah. Either manner, Jehoshaphat is spared and Ahab is killed in battle.
"(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited. He acted very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD had cast out before the people of Israel.)"- 1 Kings 21: 25-26
December 18, 2024 Wednesday's Publication
King Jesus Christ, Everlasting King of kings
Audio Works
If Spotify links do not work, the GreatnessWithinUs.Life site has older articles with audio. Not sure if Spotify links do not work based on envy or human error. Most likely envy due to the times prior to the great tribulation and speaking truth, filial love, logic, and repentance of sin. I am going to keep preaching and having gratitude for not practicing idol worship, not being covid "vaccinated" (not even once), and not having to tell temporary lies. I am able to persevere with gratitude and true joy amidst living in not the best of times. Hallelu JAH!
I keep persevering and having gratitude amidst the times that we are living in that are not the best of times. While the false prophets have attempted to prevent the Spotify audio links from working among so many other attempts to discourage including freezing or preventing my debit card from working since about the time the covid “vaccines” started being implemented, preventing me from cashing in cashier checks at the local store, being unable to withdraw funds from 401k (no answer from phone line workers), false prophets making random noises during the day including yelling non-sense, getting on the apartment roof to scratch the roof, and knock at random intervals, preventing the ability to work, preventing the ability to return back to school to get a Master's degree and keep on receiving an education, preventing access to Wordpress, creating app pop-up messages to prevent me from writing, closing apps multiple times, cyber attacking a laptop and preventing me from logging in, changing the voltage of the electricity to cause a desktop computer to malfunction, and overall attempting to intimidate, cause envy, and anger, I am able to persevere knowing that we await the return of King Jesus Christ. Even amidst all this, I am going to keep preaching knowing that there is encouragement amidst the times that we live in.These are definitely not the best of times knowing that there is envy and cowardice from the false prophets who definitely do not like individuals to prosper and improve in the worship of GOD Almighty consistent with Scripture. Even amidst the attempts to discourage, I have gratitude that I am not covid “vaccinated” (not even once), am able to exercise everyday minimum thirty minutes a day trusting in my immune system that GOD Almighty created and in GOD Almighty, and can keep preaching and writing amidst the not so good times that we live in. I have gratitude to GOD Almighty for allowing me to persevere even amidst attempts by envy to discourage and demotivate knowing that I do not place my worth in temporary material resources and false “relationships”.Instead I choose to worship King Jesus Christ, the Eternal King of Kings. I am going to keep preaching and keep writing for the worship of GOD Almighty knowing that there are books being written in heaven concerning the good and bad that each individual has done. We must persevere obeying the commandments and trusting in GOD Almighty.
"If GOD is for us who can be against us."
New episodes of Figures of History and Individualism
King Jesus Christ's Millennial Reign, Fighting Lies of Sin, and Choosing King Jesus Christ
Audio Works
“Thus says the LORD GOD, when I gather the house of Israel from where they are scattered and manifest my righteousness among them in the sight of the nations. Then they shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob.”- Ezekiel 28: 25
King Jesus Christ and Eternal Life
"And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by GOD: 'I am the GOD of Abraham, and the GOD of Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob? He is not GOD of the dead, but of the living. And when the crowd heart it, they were astonished at his teaching.”- Matthew 22: 23-33
King Jesus Christ Preaches Reproof of Sin
"Then the disciples came and said to him, 'Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying' He answered, 'Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."- Matthew 15: 11-12
Audio Works
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot- they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all- so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.”- Luke 17: 27-30