Persevering With Wisdom, Instruction, and Correction

Persevering With Wisdom, Instruction, and Correction

Positive Christianity Series Episode #100

We learn in the Sacred Scriptures about the manner that GOD Almighty instructed Moses on Mount Sinai about the importance of obeying the commandments Exodus 20: 1-17. We learn that Moses is able to instruct wisdom and correction with the obedience to the commandments. We learn that the intention of the heart and the mind must be to love GOD Almighty with all our heart, mind, being, strength, and everything that we are. We learn that this wisdom is able to allow us to obey all the commandments given to Moses on two tablets of stone. We learn that obeying the commandments of Moses allows us to receive instruction and correction. This describes the importance of developing humility and responsibility so that we persevere in the path of eternal salvation obeying GOD Almighty. We learn that this is described being wisdom and allows us to persevere having fidelity to the GOD of gods, GOD Almighty.

We learn that in the times of Solomon, Israel increases and abounds because of their obedience to the commandments of Moses after seeing the positive example of David and being guided by a righteous Solomon that initially did not practice idolatry. We learn that Solomon learned about the importance of obeying the commandments from David and also from the writings of Moses. We learn that Solomon describes the importance of obeying the commandments of Moses in the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Solomon describes the manner that obeying the commandments allows individuals to grow in virtues describing wisdom, righteousness, justice, and equality. We learn that these positive virtues are given by GOD Almighty to individuals that decide to have fidelity to GOD Almighty and receive instruction and accept correction. This describes the manner that GOD Almighty wants us to improve each day and not stagnate in vices.

"The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel; To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice and equity."- Proverbs 1: 1-3

We learn that initially, in the story of Solomon, Solomon asks GOD Almighty for wisdom. GOD Almighty asked Solomon what he would desire to have? We learn that Solomon does not choose other things that are typically asked for describing wealth and such things. We learn that Solomon asked for wisdom to be able to distinguish good from evil and be able to lead Israel with righteousness and avoid evil. We learn that GOD Almighty sees the intention of Solomon and blesses Solomon with wisdom. We learn that Solomon writes the Proverbs to instruct the importance of obeying the commandments of Moses and instructs wisdom to Israel. We learn that this allows us to see the genuine empathy that existed initially when Solomon was not practicing idol worship.

"To give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth- Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles."- Proverbs 1: 4-6

We learn that with the worship of GOD Almighty, we begin to grow in wisdom. We learn that we develop prudence and humility to know that we can not practice idol worship because it only leads to difficulties, stagnation, and destruction. We learn that we are able to develop virtues instead of vices that allow us to prosper and  persevere in the path of eternal salvation worshiping GOD Almighty, confessing King Jesus Christ Eternal LORD and Savior, and repenting of sin. We learn that while we keep growing in virtues describing wisdom, we are supposed to practice humility so that there is no arrogance that tries to lead to idol worship, negative emotions, envy, and vices. We learn that humility allows us to accept correction and reproof so that we do not believe the temporary lies of evil that want to say that, "the increase of virtues is because of yourself." We are able to distinguish truth from lies. We are able to acknowledge the importance of correction and reproof so that we develop humility. This is similar to the humility of David who repents of sin and perseveres without idol worship and arrogance. We learn that we can not allow the increase of virtues lead to the practice of sin because we know that evil hates when individuals are growing in virtues and prospering similar to Job. This describes being able to distinguish that the growth in virtues are for the worship of GOD Almighty and not for self-worship or idol worship. We learn that when there are increase of virtues, there is still the need to accept constructive criticism describing correction and reproof so that we can keep in the path of eternal salvation worshiping GOD AlmightyWe learn that marriages are so that families can instruct children and the youth on the obedience to the commandments so that they do not depart from the faith and develop virtues instead of vices.We learn that evil attempts to say temporary lies so that individuals think that they do not need correction and reproof after a certain age being that Moses received the instruction of the commandments when he was older than eighty years of age, and Abraham and Sarah obeyed GOD Almighty at ninety nine years of age. This describes the importance of humility that prevents the practice of arrogance.

July 22, 2024 Monday's Publishing

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The Book of Enosh Chapter 49, Eternal Salvation, and Repentance of Sin

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Positive Christianity Series

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Episode #68

Preaching Truth and Forsaking False Philosophies of Hate and Lust

Episode #67

 Preaching Truth and Forsaking False Philosophies of Hate and Lust

Episode #66

Persevering Reminding Ourselves of GOD Almighty’s Fidelity

Episode #65

Persevering With Zeal Amidst Discouragements, Temptations, or Persecution

Episode #64

Persevering With Zeal Amidst Discouragements, Temptation, or Persecution

Positive Christianity Series Episode #63

The Importance of Encouragement, Zeal, and Righteousness

Improving in the Worship of GOD Almighty, Removing Negative Emotions, and Doubting the Discouragements

Positive Christianity Series Episode #61 

Improving in the Worship of GOD Almighty, Removing Negative Emotions, and Doubting the Discouragements

                                         Episode #60 

Confidence, Trust, and Positivity


 Persisting in Christianity 

Persistence in the Path of Eternal Salvation Practicing Righteousness

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception), and No Idolatry in the Time Prior to the Great Tribulation

King Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth Gives Discernment, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, Strategies to Fight Against Sin (Negative Emotions), and Preaching Repentance of Sin

King Jesus Christ, Discernment in Times of Testing, and Maintaining Faith and Zeal

King Jesus Christ and the Parable of the Return of King Jesus Christ on the Clouds

King Jesus Christ, Righteousness, and Eternal Salvation


The Importance of Obedience to GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, Righteousness, and Strategies to Fight Sin (Deception)

King Jesus Christ, the Commandments of Moses, and Strategies to Fight Sin

King Jesus Christ, Preaching, and Strategies to Fight Against Sin

Faith and Zeal in Times of Testing

 King Jesus Christ is Messiah

King Jesus Christ Calms a Storm

King Jesus Christ Fulfills Prophecies of Isaiah

King Jesus Christ Fulfills the Prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel

Reproof of False Philosophies of Sin, Phariseeism, Saduceeism, and Idolatry

 Fighting False Signs and Wonders Series

Persisting in Christianity Amidst the End Times Deception

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The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in theBook of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.


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Persevering With Instruction and Correction From the Sacred Scriptures Avoiding Hate and Lust

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